15.602 seeking advice for an online edn

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty (w.mccarty@btinternet.com)
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 01:51:17 EDT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty : "15.601 Language Resources and Evaluation conference"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 602.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 06:43:06 +0100
             From: Robert.Knapp@directory.reed.edu (Robert Knapp)
             Subject: Seeking Advice for an Online Edition

    This summer, funded by a grant promoting undergraduate research, I'm going
    to work with a student to mount a partially annotated on line edition of
    Jones's 1594 translation of Lipsius's Sixe Bookes of Politics. This will
    be no doubt be good training for both of us, and for me a useful prelude to
    getting back to a larger scholarly project; it should also have some modest
    utility for students--especially undergraduate students--of the English

    But as a novice at electronic editing, I could use advice from fellow
    Humanists. Of course I've looked at some of the most widely cited
    sources: the TEI Guidelines and the MLA guidelines, as well as those
    that Michael Best has developed for the Internet Shakespeare, and I've been
    consulting Charles Bailey's Scholarly Electronic Publishing
    Bibliography. At present, I intend to develop a scheme for gradual
    tagging, with full realization modeled on Ian Lancashire's RET series.

    But I'm concerned about several issues: 1) after initial data entry (using
    a standard word processor) and proofreading, what's the best software for
    SGML/XML tagging (using a Mac platform)? Adobe Framemaker + SGML looks
    promising; others recommend Dreamweaver. Advice eagerly solicited. 2)
    Lancashire's SGML guidelines predate the development of XML, and the
    associated modification of SGML declarations. Does anyone have experience
    modifying such older SGML guidelines in order to make sure that the work
    we produce is in TEI-conformant XML? 3) I'm planning to devise a gradual
    tagging process that will allow moving in some systematic way toward
    appropriately fine detail: can anyone advise whether Lancashire's RET
    guidelines tend toward unncessarily fine detail? 4) what issues should I be
    concerned about that I'm probably ignorant of?

    Any advice or hyperlinks that come to mind would be much appreciated.

    Robert Knapp
    Reed College

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