15.402 new European preservation consortium

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 01:33:22 EST

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "15.403 TEI Guidelines (P4): final call for comments"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 402.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 06:19:07 +0000
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: ERPANET (Electronic Resource Preservation and Access NETwork)

    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    December 4, 2001

               ERPANET (Electronic Resource Preservation and Access NETwork)

               European Consortium Formed to Further Digital Preservation
                        of Cultural Heritage & Scientific Material

    The Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) of
    Glasgow University has just announced a bold new digital preservation
    initiative: ERPANET (Electronic Resource Preservation and Access NETwork).

    This consortial initiative has been launched by four partners to share
    information on key issues, best practice and skills development in the
    digital preservation of cultural and scientific materials as well as to
    stimulate new research and the incorporation of preservation lessons into
    new generations of software.

    David Green

    >What is ERPANET?
    >The ERPANET Project (an EU funded collaboration between HATII at the
    >University of Glasgow, Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv (Switzerland),
    >Rijksarchiefdienst (Netherlands), and the University of Urbino (Italy))
    >will make viable and visible information, best practice, and skills
    >development in the area of digital preservation of cultural heritage and
    >scientific objects.
    >ERPANET will bring together memory organisations (museums, libraries and
    >archives), ICT and software industry, research institutions, government
    >organisations (including local ones), entertainment and creative
    >industries, and commercial sectors (including for example pharmaceuticals,
    >petro-chemical, and financial) to address the challenges posed by the
    >widespread use of digital technologies including lack of
    >awareness,fragmentation of knowledge and skills amongst the stakeholder
    >communities about how to handle existing preservation problems, and how to
    >plan effectively for the future and the need to identify and focus on core
    >research/problem areas.
    >The dominant feature of the ERPANET will be the provision of a virtual
    >clearinghouse and knowledge-base on state-of-the-art developments in
    >digital preservation, the transfer of that expertise among individuals and
    >institutions, and the development of an online and physical community
    >focused on preservation.
    >ERPANET will run, initially, for 36 months from the 1st of November. The
    >website, www.erpanet.org, is now available. 900,000 EUROS of this 1.2
    >million EURO project comes form the European Commission.
    > +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
    >ERPANET has the following specific objectives:
    >1. To identify and raise awareness of sources of information about the
    >preservation of digital objects across the broad spectrum of national and
    >regional cultural and scientific heritage activity in Europe.
    >2. To appraise and evaluate information sources and documented
    >developments in digital preservation on behalf of the ERPANET user
    >community; and to make available results of research, projects, and best
    >3. To provide an enquiry and advisory service on digital preservation
    >issues, practice, technology and developments.
    >4. To implement a suite of six thematic workshops to bring together
    >experts from a range of disciplines to address key preservation issues
    >(e.g.integrity and audit requirements, emulation and migration) and to
    >initiated associated thematic discussion.
    >5. To build during the EU-sponsored phase a suite of eight training
    >seminars based on best practice, and to identify where and what further
    >practitioner training and staff development is required.
    >6. To develop a suite of tools, guidelines, templates for prototype
    >instruments and best practice testbeds and case studies.
    >7. To stimulate further research on digital preservation in key areas
    >and encourage the development of standards where gaps and opportunities
    >have been identified.
    >8. To build ERPANET step-by-step into a self-sustaining initiative
    >supported by those individuals and organisations which require access to
    >digital preservation resources and information.
    >9. To stimulate ICT companies and software developers to incorporate
    >some of the preservation lessons into new generations of software.


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