15.362 Ihde on embodiment

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 02:26:30 EST

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "15.363 Great Books and their origins"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 362.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 07:24:28 +0000
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi
             Subject: Don Ihde and the Concept of Embodiment--a new approach
    for humanists

    Dear Dr. Willard McCarty,

    Don Ihde, the distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the State
    University of New York at Stony Brook. He has authored twelve books to
    date, the most recent of which have been Expanding Hermeneutics: Visualism
    in Science (1998), and Postphenomenology (1993). His very latest book,
    "Bodies in Technology" is published by University of Minnesota Press.
    "Bodies of Technology" spells out the original exploration of the ways
    cyberspace affects the human experience. The book is useful to those
    research scholars who are exploring the role of bodies in the virtual
    reality. The book is the study of embodiment in cyberspace. An ideal book
    also related to human-computer interaction. In this book, Don Ihde
    explores the meaning of bodies in technology, that how the sense of our
    bodies and our orientation in the world is affected by various form of
    information technologies. The research of Don Ihde is important to the
    humanist scholars because it provokes a new approach to study how to use
    and integrate computers and technologies for the humanity.

    An important work by Don Ihde on "Was Heidegger prescient concerning

    Abstract of the Essay:
    In his very last written communication, a letter to the American Heidegger
    Conference two weeks before his death, Heidegger reaffirmed the importance
    of the question of the relationship between science and technology. This
    paper re-examines Heidegger's 'philosophy of science' with a reappraisal
    of what was innovative, and what remained archaic. Heidegger then is read
    against the background of the 'new' approaches to science in science
    studies, and against the background of the scientific revolutions which
    have occured since the mid-20th century.

    In the article "Embodied Systems: Introducing General-purpose Wearable
    Computers" Dr. Daniel Faellman presents the notion of computing named
    Embodied Systems. In this article, author suggests that this concept will
    move the computer devices from the desks to the users' bodies. The author
    addresses the notion of computing by the term "Embodied Systems", drawing
    on the concept of embodiment as seen and understood by phenomenologist
    philosopher Don Ihde. The author Dr. Faellman in the article, extensively
    discusses the favorite book of Don Ihde, "Technology and the Lifeworld,
    from Garden to Earth." [Highly Recommended Book]

    Complete essay (important and recommended) is at


    Comments and criticisms are appreciated!

    Thank you.
    With best regards,
    Arun Tripathi

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