15.359 colloquium, conference, symposium

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 13:05:47 EST

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "15.361 Western Canon? ideas on a draft?"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 359.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: Dirk Kottke <dirk.kottke@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de> (38)
             Subject: Einladung zum 83. Kolloquium

       [2] From: "J. Trant" <jtrant@archimuse.com> (50)
             Subject: Museums and the Web 2002: Call for Papers

       [3] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi (20)
             Subject: International Symposium: NOKIA SINGAPORE ART 2001

             Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 17:57:25 +0000
             From: Dirk Kottke <dirk.kottke@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>
             Subject: Einladung zum 83. Kolloquium

                U N I V E R S I T A E T T U E B I N G E N

        Z E N T R U M F U E R D A T E N V E R A R B E I T U N G

        Abteilung Literarische und Dokumentarische Datenverarbeitung


                             E I N L A D U N G

                             zum 83. Kolloquium

    ueber die Anwendung der Elektronischen Datenverarbeitung
    in den Geisteswissenschaften an der Universitaet Tuebingen

    Diese Kolloquien sollen einerseits dem Erfahrungs- und Meinungs-
    austausch dienen, andererseits einfuehrende Information
    darueber geben, welche Hilfestellung die EDV dem Geistes-
    wissenschaftler bieten kann. Jede(r) Interessierte ist willkommen.

                                T H E M E N

        Der TITUS-Server: Grundlagen
        eines multilingualen Online-Retrieval-Systems

        Referent: Prof. Dr. Jost Gippert
                  Institut fr Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft,
                  Universitt Frankfurt/Main

        Bild und Text als Informationsquellen:
        Erfassung und Analyse altgyptischer Daten

        Referent: Prof. Dr. Horst Beinlich
                  Institut fr gyptologie, Universitt Wrzburg

    Zeit: Samstag, 17. November 2001, 9.15 bis ca. 12.30 Uhr

    Ort: Seminarraum des ZDV, Waechterstr. 76 (EG)

                                                gez. Prof. Dr. W. Ott


    Das Protokoll des 82. Kolloquiums finden Sie im WWW unter:


    Falls Sie keinen oder keinen bequemen Zugriff auf das Protokoll
    im WWW haben, schicken wir Ihnen die Protokolle auch
    weiterhin gerne mit der Post zu, wenn Sie uns dies mitteilen.

    Dirk Kottke |
    Universitt Tbingen | Tel. 07071/29-70309
    Zentrum fr Datenverarbeitung | FAX: 07071/29-5912
    Wchterstrasse 76 | e-mail: kottke@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
    D-72074 Tbingen |

             Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 17:58:26 +0000
             From: "J. Trant" <jtrant@archimuse.com>
             Subject: Museums and the Web 2002: Call for Papers

    Apologies for any duplication; please forward widely as appropriate.


            Museums and the Web 2002
            April 17 -20, 2002
            Boston, Massachusetts, USA

    Deadline: November 30, 2001.

    Thousands of cultural heritage institutions are now on-line, presenting
    programs, creating communities and delivering information using the world
    wide web. But museums, libraries, archives and others involved in creating
    digital heritage have much to learn about what makes web sites successful.
    To facilitate this exchange of information, Archives & Museum Informatics
    organizes an annual international conference devoted exclusively to Museums
    and the Web. Since the first Museums and the Web in 1997, the conference
    has grown steadily to become the largest gathering of cultural heritage
    technologists world-wide.

    You are invited to play a role at Museums and the Web 2002. Deliver a
    paper, demonstrate your site, host an on-line activity, orchestrate an
    event or present a workshop the program is made up from suggestions by
    professionals like you!

    Full details and on-line proposal submission are available at

    The MW2002 program addresses Web-related issues for museums, archives,
    libraries and other cultural institutions. Participants are selected by the
    Program Committee, based on the quality of their proposal and their
    previous work. The Deadline for Proposals is November 30, 2001. Watch for
    the Preliminary Program on-line in January, 2002.

    Accepted speakers must write full papers for the MW2002 Proceedings,
    available to all registrants at the conference, and published
    pre-conference on the Web. Others may write papers if they wish. All papers
    are due February 15, 2002.

    Conference Papers are on-line for all previous Museums and the Web
    conferences. See http://www.archimuse.com/mw.html for links. Printed
    proceedings (with an accompanying CD-ROM) are also available.

    Email mw2002@archimuse.com with any questions about Museums and the Web. If
    you would like to receive the Preliminary Program, please join our mailing
    list at http://www.archimuse.com/mailinglist.html

    See you in Boston!

    jennifer and David

    Jennifer Trant and David Bearman,
    MW2002 Program co-chairs.

    J. Trant and D. Bearman			mw2002@archimuse.com
    Co-Chairs, Museums and the Web		Boston, Massachusetts
    Archives & Museum Informatics		April 17-20, 2002
    2008 Murray Ave, Suite D 	http://www.archimuse.com/mw2002/
    Pittsburgh, PA 15217			phone +1 412 422 8530
    USA					fax +1 412 422 8594

    --[3]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2001 18:02:33 +0000 From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@amadeus.statistik.uni-dortmund.de> Subject: International Symposium: NOKIA SINGAPORE ART 2001

    Dear Dr. Willard McCarty,

    Hi, an International Symposium on "International Art Practices" -thought might interest to Humanist Scholars, will be held on 7-9 December 2001, Singapore Art Musuem. In this symposium, famous cyber artists, cultural artists and historians, such as Irina Aristarkhova, Gunalan Nadarajan, Machiko Kusahara and others will be presenting their works. Nokia Singapore Art (NSA) is a biennial visual arts festival at displaying the latest contemporary art developments in Singapore....

    Complete details are available (in PDF format) at:


    Thank you! Spasiba!

    Dasvidaniya! Sincerely yours Arun Tripathi ============================================================================= Der Leib ist die Natur; die wir selbst sind. Wir duerfen uns deshalb fuer die Frage, was natur ist, nicht auf die Aussagen der Naturwissenschaft beschraenken, sondern muessen einbeziehen, was wir als Natur an uns selbst erfahren. [-Gernot Boehme, Beruehmte Darmstaedter Philosoph-] =============================================================================

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