15.316 studentships at Amsterdam

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 05:12:32 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "15.317 language, habit and computation"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 316.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 09:59:09 +0100
             From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@parallel.park.uga.edu>
             Subject: Two PhD positions at ILLC

    >> From: Ingrid van Loon <ingrid@science.uva.nl>

    The institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of
    Amsterdam, invites applications for two 4-year Ph.D. positions.

    Vacancy number: 15146

    Within the section Logic and Computer Science (ILLC) of the Institute
    for Logic, Language and Computation of the Universiteit van Amsterdam
    two 4-year Ph.D. research positions are available in a project on
    imperfect information games recently granted by the Dutch National
    Science foundation NWO.

    Project description

    The project aims at the design of a coherent semantic and computational
    theory for the treatment of games of imperfect information. For games of
    perfect information there exist well understood representations,
    analysis methods and complexity analyses for various tasks like
    determining winners and deriving optimal strategies, but these
    techniques break down for games of imperfect information. This area
    represents, aside from a few scattered results, a largely unexplored
    area in logic and computation theory. At the same time the recent
    interest in games within computer science and logic to a large extent
    involves games of imperfect information, as exemplified by agency
    theory, e-commerce and artificial intelligence.

    The two Ph.D. researchers should work in tandem on the various problem
    areas involved in the design of a coherent theory for imperfect
    information games. One student will concentrate on logic and semantic
    aspects: modelling target applications, characteristic properties,
    structural operations and logical languages. The second student will
    focus on computational and complexity aspects like structure and
    compositionality, relative succinctness between description formats,
    process theory and complexity analysis of various decision problems.

    The project is supervised by dr. Peter van Emde Boas and prof. dr. Johan
    van Benthem.

    Candidates will be asked to assist with courses related to their
    areas. The salary will range from 3159 Guilders (during the first year)
    to 4511 Guilders (during the fourth year), gross per month. Knowledge of
    Dutch is not a prerequisite, and candidates can be of any nationality.


    ILLC is an interdisciplinary institute between the Faculties of
    Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, focussing on the study of
    Information in Logic, Computer Science, and Language.

    For further information, see the homepage http://www.illc.uva.nl


    We are looking for applicants with a Master=92s degree (preferrably in
    mathematics, computer science or artificial intelligence) and a strong
    background in logic or theoretical computer science. Applicants have
    skills in semantic and/or algorithmic analysis, and are willing to learn
    the additional skills needed in a project like this, including a deeper
    acquaintance with game theory.


    For information and applications please contact Peter van Emde Boas at
    peter@science.uva.nl, or telephone +31 20 525 6065 between October 21
    and October 30 2001. A more detailed project description is available
    upon request.


    Applicants should submit a full resume including a statement of research
    interests, and the names and email addresses of at least three

    Applications, including the vacancy number, should be sent by ordinary
    before November 5th to:

    Mrs A. Craje
    Personnel Office =96 Faculty of Science
    Valckenierstraat 65
    1018 XE Amsterdam

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