15.263 books and papers in cognitive science & related fields

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Sat Sep 29 2001 - 05:53:32 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "15.264 conferences & lectures"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 263.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi (44)
             Subject: Understanding Intelligence

       [2] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi (17)
             Subject: Cognitive Modeling

       [3] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi (38)
             Subject: A Critique of Cognitivism -with Review

       [4] From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi (50)
             Subject: Important papers of Terry Winograd

             Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 10:25:43 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi
             Subject: Understanding Intelligence

    Dear humanist researchers,

      From Bradford Books
    Understanding Intelligence by Rolf Pfeifer and Christian Scheier
    (September 2001, ISBN 0-262-66125-X, MIT Press)

    "People trained in classical AI will find this book an articulate and
    thought-provoking challenge to much that they have taken for granted.
    People new to cognitive science will find it a stimulating introduction to
    one of the field's most productive controversies. Pfeifer and Scheier
    deserve our thanks for a thorough, assessible, and courteous contribution
    in the best tradition of scholarly debate." -- H. Van Dyke, Computing

    By the mid-1980s researchers from artificial intelligence, computer
    science, brain and cognitive science, and psychology realized that the
    idea of computers as intelligent machines was inappropriate. The brain
    does not run "programs"; it does something entirely different. But what?
    Evolutionary theory says that the brain has evolved not to do mathematical
    proofs but to control our behavior, to ensure our survival. Researchers
    now agree that intelligence always manifests itself in behavior--thus it
    is behavior that we must understand. An exciting new field has grown
    around the study of behavior-based intelligence, also known as embodied
    cognitive science, "new AI," and "behavior-based AI."

    This book provides a systematic introduction to this new way of thinking.
    After discussing concepts and approaches such as subsumption architecture,
    Braitenberg vehicles, evolutionary robotics, artificial life,
    self-organization, and learning, the authors derive a set of principles
    and a coherent framework for the study of naturally and artificially
    intelligent systems, or autonomous agents. This framework is based on a
    synthetic methodology whose goal is understanding by designing and

    The book includes all the background material required to understand the
    principles underlying intelligence, as well as enough detailed information
    on intelligent robotics and simulated agents so readers can begin
    experiments and projects on their own. The reader is guided through a
    series of case studies that illustrate the design principles of embodied
    cognitive science.

    More endorsements:
    "Understanding Intelligence is a comprehensive and highly readable
    introduction to embodied cognitive science. It will be particularly
    helpful for people interested in getting involved in the construction of
    intelligent agents." -- Arthur B. Markman, Science

    Details about the book is at

    Thanks again.

    Sincerely yours
    Arun Tripathi

             Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 10:26:17 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi
             Subject: Cognitive Modeling

    Dear humanists,

      From Bradford Books: Cognitive Modeling Edited by Thad A. Polk and Colleen
    M. Seifert (November 2001, ISBN 0-262-66116-0, MIT Press)

    Computational modeling plays a central role in cognitive science. This
    book provides a comprehensive introduction to computational models of
    human cognition. It covers major approaches and architectures, both neural
    network and symbolic; major theoretical issues; and specific computational
    models of a variety of cognitive processes, ranging from low-level (e.g.,
    attention and memory) to higher-level (e.g., language and reasoning). The
    articles included in the book provide original descriptions of
    developments in the field. The emphasis is on implemented computational
    models rather than on mathematical or nonformal approaches, and on
    modeling empirical data from human subjects.

    Details about the book can be found here


    Thank you.
    Best Regards
    Arun Tripathi

             Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 10:26:53 +0100
             From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi
             Subject: A Critique of Cognitivism -with Review

    Dear humanists,

    I thought, this might interest you..

    The Mind's Provisions: A Critique of
    Cognitivism by Vincent Descombes Translated by Stephen Adam Schwartz
    (Princeton University Press) <December 2001>

    Vincent Descombes brings together an astonishingly large body of
    philosophical and anthropological thought to present a thoroughgoing
    critique of contemporary cognitivism and to develop a powerful new
    philosophy of the mind.

    Beginning with a critical examination of American cognitivism and French
    structuralism, Descombes launches a more general critique of all
    philosophies that view the mind in strictly causal terms and suppose that
    the brain--and not the person--thinks. Providing a broad historical
    perspective, Descombes draws surprising links between cognitivism and
    earlier anthropological projects, such as Lvi-Strauss's work on the
    symbolic status of myths. He identifies as incoherent both the belief that
    mental states are detached from the world and the idea that states of mind
    are brain states; these assumptions beg the question of the relation
    between mind and brain.

    In place of cognitivism, Descombes offers an anthropologically based
    theory of mind that emphasizes the mind's collective nature. Drawing on
    Wittgenstein, he maintains that mental acts are properly attributed to the
    person, not the brain, and that states of mind, far from being detached
    from the world, require a historical and cultural context for their very

    Available in English for the first time, this is the most outstanding work
    of one of France's finest contemporary philosophers. It provides a
    much-needed link between the continental and Anglo-American traditions,
    and its impact will extend beyond philosophy to anthropology, psychology,
    critical theory, and French studies.

    Vincent Descombes is the author of Modern French Philosophy, Objects of
    All Sorts: A Philosophical Grammar, Proust: Philosophy of the Novel, and
    The Barometer of Modern Reason: On the Philosophies of Current Events.
    Stephen Adam Schwartz, who teaches in the Department of French, University
    College Dublin, translated Descombe's The Barometer of Modern Reason.

    Thank you..
    Best Regards
    Arun Tripathi

    --[4]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 10:30:55 +0100 From: Arun-Kumar Tripathi <tripathi@amadeus.statistik.uni-dortmund.de> Subject: Important papers of Terry Winograd

    Dear Prof. Willard McCarty,

    Below are some interesting papers written by Prof. Terry Winograd --who has also authored books, "Understanding Natural Language, Academic Press, 1972.", "Language as a Cognitive Process: Syntax, Addison-Wesley, 1983." and with 'Dr. Fernando Flores, "Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design Addison-Wesley, 1987"

    a) Interaction Spaces for 21st Century Computing Terry Winograd, Stanford University, A further edited version of this will appear in John Carroll, Ed., HCI in the New Millennium, Addison Wesley, in press. Version of August, 2000


    b> From Computing Machinery to Interaction Design Terry Winograd Stanford University Published online by permission from Peter Denning and Robert Metcalfe (eds.), Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 149-162.


    c> Perspectives on Interfaces for Digital Libraries Terry Winograd, Andreas Paepcke, and Steve Cousins Stanford University Version of January 27 DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION, DO NOT CITE OR DISTRIBUTE


    d) Understanding, Orientations, and Objectivity Tery Winograd, Stanford University

    Pre-final DRAFT of a chapter to appear in a volume on John Searle's Chinese Room argument, edited by John Preston and Mark Bishop, to be published by Oxford University Press


    e) Thinking machines: Can there be? Are we? Terry Winograd published in James Sheehan and Morton Sosna, eds., The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, Machines, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991 pp. 198-223.

    Reprinted in D. Partridge and Y. Wilks, The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990, pp. 167-189.


    I hope, above papers may help many researchers in their academic studies. Thank you..

    With best regards, Arun Tripathi Research Assistant Technical University of Darmstadt Germany

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