Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 239.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
[1] From: "David L. Gants" <> (35)
Subject: Special Issue of Machine Translation-Call for Papers
[2] From: "David L. Gants" <> (54)
Subject: Call for Bids to Host ACL 2004
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 06:23:06 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: Special Issue of Machine Translation-Call for Papers
>> From: Priscilla Rasmussen <>
Special Issue of Machine Translation Journal on
Embedded Machine Translation Systems
Deadline: 19 October 2001
Embedded MT Systems: Leveraging for Real World Applications
Carol Van Ess-Dykema, U.S.Department of Defense,
Clare R. Voss, Army Research Laboratory,
An "embedded machine translation (MT) system" is a computational
system with one or more MT engines embedded among its components. These
systems accept various well-formed and degraded types of multilingual
and multi-modal input, including
* hard-copy pages (original and OCR-ed image),
* online files (web pages, word processing files, email),
* video (image and text),
* speech (natural signal and transcribed).
>From this range of input, such systems enable users to access the
original, foreign language information in their own language.
Traditionally, the term "MT" has been associated with the task of
single document translation. More recently, MT engines within embedded
larger systems have been used to facilitate tasks that require processing
multilingual information both within and across documents. Several
real-world applications have led to the widespread use of embedded MT
systems for cross-language tasks, such as:
* content extraction * document filtering
* information retrieval * question-answering
* summarization
[material deleted]
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 06:23:37 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: Call for Bids to Host ACL 2004
>> From: Priscilla Rasmussen <>
Basic Information
In conjunction with its European chapter, the Association
for Computational Linguistics invites proposals to host the 41st
Annual Meeting of the ACL (ACL '04). The ACL conferences are usually
held during the early summer (June or July). The location of
ACL conferences rotates on a three year cycle: in 2004 the ACL conference
will be cosponsored with the European chapter of the ACL, and located in
Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. Proposals coming from any
European country, the Middle East and North Africa are eligible. The conference
format will consist of a main conference and up to 10 workshops and tutorials
organized just before or after the conference.
The proposal submission process is in two stages. First, draft proposals
are sought from prospective proposers. Based on the evaluation of the draft
proposals, selected proposers will be invited to submit full proposals.
Draft proposals are due on the 1st December 2001, and will be evaluated
by a joint ACL/EACL committee. Selected proposers will be informed at the
end of February 2002. Full proposals are due on 15 April 2002.
Draft proposals should include:
Location (accessibility, conference venue, hotels, student dorms)
Local CL Community
Proposed Date
Meeting space (space for plenary sessions, tutorials, workshops, posters,
exhibits, demos and small meetings)
A/V equipment
Local Arrangements (chairs, committee, volunteer labour, registration
Budget estimates
Suggestions for a general chair may optionally be included, but the final
decision rests with the ACL conference organizing committee.
Proposals will be evaluated in relation to a number of site selection criteria
Experience of Local Arrangement team.
Local CL community support.
Local government and industry support.
Accessibility and attractiveness of proposed site.
Appropriateness of proposed dates.
Adequacy of conference and exhibit facilities for the anticipated number
of registrants
Adequacy of residence accommodations and food services in a range of price
categories and close to the conference facilities.
Adequacy of budget projections and expected surplus.
Balance with regard to the geographical distribution of previous conferences.
Draft proposals should be sent electronically to the ACL vice-president
elect, Mark Johnson, at
Submission Dates:
Draft proposals are due on 1 December 2001;
Full proposals are due on 15 April 2002.
Useful resources:
Submitters are encouraged to view recent previous successful bids, which
are archived on, the ACL archive
web site.
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