15.215 news on WWW: CIT Infobits, reports

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Sat Sep 01 2001 - 01:35:07 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "15.216 runcibles from love's cupboard"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 215.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: Carolyn Kotlas <kotlas@email.unc.edu> (22)
             Subject: CIT INFOBITS -- August 2001

       [2] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org> (53)
             Subject: DISCUSSION DOCUMENT: RLG-OCLC Preservation Report:
                     "Attributes of a Trusted Digital Repository: Meeting
                     the Needs of

       [3] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org> (18)
             Subject: "First Sale" Report Published by Copyright Office

       [4] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org> (37)
             Subject: Early press reports on latest DMCA study

             Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2001 06:20:43 +0100
             From: Carolyn Kotlas <kotlas@email.unc.edu>
             Subject: CIT INFOBITS -- August 2001

    CIT INFOBITS August 2001 No. 38 ISSN 1521-9275

    About INFOBITS

    INFOBITS is an electronic service of The University of North Carolina
    at Chapel Hill's Center for Instructional Technology. Each month the
    CIT's Information Resources Consultant monitors and selects from a
    number of information and instructional technology sources that come to
    her attention and provides brief notes for electronic dissemination to


    Online Teaching Survival Tips
    Education Statistics Resources:
            Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators
            Projections of Education Statistics To 2011
            The Changing Faces of Virtual Education
    Thinking about Assessment
    Digital Deterioration
    Recommended Reading


    [material deleted]

    INFOBITS is also available online on the World Wide Web at
    http://www.unc.edu/cit/infobits/ (HTML format) and at
    http://www.unc.edu/cit/infobits/text/index.html (plain text format).

             Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2001 06:28:20 +0100
             From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
             Subject: DISCUSSION DOCUMENT: RLG-OCLC Preservation Report:
    "Attributes of a Trusted Digital Repository: Meeting the Needs of

    News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
    from across the Community
    August 31, 2001

                    "Attributes of a Trusted Digital Repository:
                      Meeting the Needs of Research Resources"

          Comments to <mailto:robin.dale@notes.rlg.org> by October 12, 2001

    >>To: padg@ala.org, consdist@lindy.stanford.edu, padiforum-l@nla.gov.au,
    >From: Robin Dale <Robin_Dale@NOTES.RLG.ORG>
    >Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 17:20:40 -0700
    >Reply-To: padiforum-l@nla.gov.au

    The second RLG-OCLC report intended to advance long-term retention of
    digital research materials is now available for review and comment. You can
    find "Attributes of a Trusted Digital Repository: Meeting the Needs of
    Research Resources" at http://www.rlg.org/longterm/attributes01.pdf. It
    is, or will be very shortly, linked to from
    http://www.oclc.org/digitalpreservation and http://www.oclc.org/presres.
    On the morning of August 31, both organizations will be announcing the
    report in news releases at our web sites.

    This 52-page PDF document is intended to prompt consideration and
    discussion worldwide. To help achieve an international consensus and shape
    next steps, we need dialog on the standards, criteria, and mechanisms for
    certifying digital information repositories. We encourage your input --
    please comment to robin.dale@notes.rlg.org by October 12, 2001.

    While intended primarily for research institutions and specifically for
    libraries and archives, this report contains guidance and recommendations
    applicable to any organization interested in long-term maintenance of and
    continuing access to digital materials. It highlights some key strategic
    issues as it focuses on practical assistance to administrators and
    implementers of digital archiving services.

    Robin L. Dale
    RLG Member Programs & Initiatives
    1200 Villa Street
    Mountain View, CA 94041-1100

    Ph: (650) 691-2238
    Fax: 650.964.0943
    Email: Robin.Dale@notes.rlg.org


    ============================================================== NINCH-Announce is an announcement listserv, produced by the National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). The subjects of announcements are not the projects of NINCH, unless otherwise noted; neither does NINCH necessarily endorse the subjects of announcements. We attempt to credit all re-distributed news and announcements and appreciate reciprocal credit.

    For questions, comments or requests to un-subscribe, contact the editor: <mailto:david@ninch.org> ============================================================== See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at <http://www.cni.org/Hforums/ninch-announce/>. ==============================================================

    --[3]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2001 06:28:57 +0100 From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org> Subject: "First Sale" Report Published by Copyright Office

    NINCH ANNOUNCEMENT News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources from across the Community August 31, 2001

    "FIRST SALE" REPORT PUBLISHED BY COPYRIGHT OFFICE http://www.loc.gov/copyright/reports/studies/dmca/dmca_study.html

    The Copyright Office has just released its report on "the impact of the DMCA and Electronic Commerce & Associated technologies on Sections 109 and 117 of the Copyright Act."

    Look for commentaries from many sources over the next week or two, but the upshot is that the Register of Copyrights recommends no change in the law, especially with respect to extending the first sale doctrine into the digital age.

    Interestingly, the Register does assert at the opening of the Executive Summary that "The enactment of the DMCA was only the beginning of an ongoing evaluation by Congress on the relationship between technological change and U.S. copyright law." So we know there's a long road ahead of us.

    David Green [material deleted]

    --[4]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2001 06:29:31 +0100 From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org> Subject: Early press reports on latest DMCA study

    NINCH ANNOUNCEMENT News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources from across the Community

    Copywrong? By Damien Cave in Salon http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/2001/08/31/dmca_report/print.html

    No Need to Alter DMCA -- Yet (Reuters) http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,46440,00.html

    Two early press reports on the latest Copyright Office Study on the DMCA. The first, in Salon, includes interesting responses from:

    * Siva Vaidhyanathan, University of Wisconsin (author of Copyrights & Copywrongs) * Mark Lemley, UC, Berkeley law professor who specializes in copyright law * Eben Moglen, Columbia University law professor, Free Software Foundation * Cary Sherman, Recording Industry Association of America. * Rich Taylor,Motion Picture Association of America * Frederick Weingarten, American Library Association * Fred von Lohmann, senior intellectual property attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation

    Thanks to:

    >Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 08:51:27 -0700 >From: Phil Agre <pagre@alpha.oac.ucla.edu> >To: "Red Rock Eater News Service" <rre@lists.gseis.ucla.edu> >>>List-Subscribe: <mailto:rre-on@lists.gseis.ucla.edu> >List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:rre-off@lists.gseis.ucla.edu>


    ============================================================== NINCH-Announce is an announcement listserv, produced by the National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). The subjects of announcements are not the projects of NINCH, unless otherwise noted; neither does NINCH necessarily endorse the subjects of announcements. We attempt to credit all re-distributed news and announcements and appreciate reciprocal credit.

    For questions, comments or requests to un-subscribe, contact the editor: <mailto:david@ninch.org> ============================================================== See and search back issues of NINCH-ANNOUNCE at <http://www.cni.org/Hforums/ninch-announce/>. ==============================================================

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