Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 144.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
[1] From: Carolyn Kotlas <> (17)
Subject: CIT INFOBITS -- July 2001
[2] From: Marian Dworaczek <Marian.Dworaczek@USASK.CA> (22)
Subject: Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of
[3] From: Patrick Rourke <ptrourke@MEDIAONE.NET> (146)
Subject: [STOA] Suda Classics 2.3 [ou)den pro\s to\n
*dio/nuson] (July 2001: Long)
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 07:29:18 +0100
From: Carolyn Kotlas <>
Subject: CIT INFOBITS -- July 2001
CIT INFOBITS July 2001 No. 37 ISSN 1521-9275
INFOBITS is an electronic service of The University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill's Center for Instructional Technology. Each month the
CIT's Information Resources Consultant monitors and selects from a
number of information technology and instructional technology sources
that come to her attention and provides brief notes for electronic
dissemination to educators.
Campus Information Technology Practices and Solutions Database
Preparation for Implementing Web-Based Curricula
Visible Knowledge Project
New Journal on Electronic Publishing in Academe
New Journal on Information and Computer Sciences Teaching and Learning
Internet2 Update
Recommended Reading
[for contents see <>]
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 07:30:58 +0100
From: Marian Dworaczek <Marian.Dworaczek@USASK.CA>
Subject: Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of
The July 1, 2001 edition of the "Subject Index to Literature on Electronic
Sources of Information" is available at:
The page-specific "Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of
Information" and the accompanying "Electronic Sources of Information: A
Bibliography" (listing all indexed items) deal with all aspects of
electronic publishing and include print and non-print materials,
periodical articles, monographs and individual chapters in collected
works. This edition includes approx. 1,400 titles. Both the Index and the
Bibliography are continuously updated.
Introduction, which includes sample search and instructions how to use the
Subject Index and the Bibliography, is located at:
This message has been crossposted to several mailing lists. Please excuse
any duplication.
*Marian Dworaczek
*Head, Acquisitions Department
*University of Saskatchewan Libraries
*Phone: (306) 966-6016
*Fax: (306) 966-5919
*Home Page:
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 07:31:20 +0100
From: Patrick Rourke <ptrourke@MEDIAONE.NET>
Subject: [STOA] Suda Classics 2.3 [ou)den pro\s to\n *dio/nuson]
(July 2001: Long)
(Apologies for Cross Posting)
Welcome to this month's entry in Suda Classics, a monthly (theoretically,
anyway) message featuring some of the most interesting entries from the
Suda as translated by the Suda On Line's volunteer translators.
This month, we're featuring the entry on the old saying "Nothing to Do with
Dionysos," omicron 806, as translated by Tony Natoli. Tony has provided a
very extensive set of annotations, as you will see below.
As of this morning, 8,108 of the Suda's ~32,000 entries have been assigned
to volunteer translators; 6,968 of these have been translated, and 3,489 of
those have been vetted at least once by a volunteer editor. Things are
definitely coming along: but we've love to have new translators and editors
volunteer to help and accelerate the pace.
As you plan your graduate courses for next year, we would like to ask you
to consider incorporating the Suda On Line into your course work.
Just have your students volunteer as translators and request assignments;
you can then grade their work by looking up their drafts in the SOL
database. If you're interested, please contact Elizabeth Vandiver at, Bill Hutton at, Ross Scaife at, or the SOL Managing Committee as a whole at .
Our future classics feature will return next month.
If you'd like to volunteer, please go to the SOL website at
Without further ado, here's Suda Omicron 806 (Adler), *ou)den pro\s to\n
*dio/nuson, translated by Tony Natoli. Note that this is a DRAFT
entry. If you notice any problems, please notify the translator or
volunteer as an editor and vet it yourself! If you'd like to see it *in
situ*, go to the SOL website and search the Headword for Nothing to do with
Dionysus or search the Adler number for omicron,806. The hyperlinks at the
bottom will wrap and so will not work if you click them; they are included
only for completeness's sake. This entry will appear from the "Classics"
link at the SOL beginning some time in the next few days.
Headword: *ou)de\n pro\s to\n *dio/nuson
Adler number: omicron,806
Translated headword: Nothing to do with Dionysus
Vetting Status: draft
Certain people exclaimed this after Epigenes of Sicyon[1] had composed a
tragedy in honour of Dionysus; hence the saying. But the following [is]
better. Formerly, when writing in honour of Dionysus they competed with
these [compositions], which also used to be called satyrika.[2] But later
on, having progressed to writing tragedies, they turned gradually to myths
and historical subjects, no longer with Dionysus in mind.[3] Hence they
also exclaimed this. And Chamaileon[4] in On Thespis relates similar
things. Theaitetos,[5] however, in On Sayings says that the painter
Parrhasius[6] when competing at Corinth painted the most beautiful
Dionysus. Those who viewed both the works of his competitors, which he left
far behind, and the Dionysus of Parrhasius exclaimed: What have they to do
with Dionysus? [It is an adage] applied to those who speak foolishly, not
saying what is appropriate in the circumstances.[7]
And again: he said Koroibos[8] was a clever Odysseus[9], even though he
provides no instance to substantiate this.[10] You are leading the dog to
the manger and to Dionysus you bring nothing.[11]
[1] R.A.S.Seaford, Epigenes in OCD 3rd ed. pp. 534-535. For Epigenes as the
first writer of tragedies see Suda theta 282, s.v. Thespis. Herodotus
[5.67.5] mentioned choruses performed at Sicyon in honour of Dionysus,
which were instituted by the tyrant Cleisthenes. See web address 1 below.
[2] ta\ satyrika/ [dra/mata]. Compare ta\ falika/ at Aristotle, Poetics
1449a. See web address 2 below.
[3] The distinction, albeit somewhat blurred, is between plots involving
mythical or legendary subjects and those based on historical subjects such
as Aeschylus Persians. Plutarch [Moralia 615a] attributed the introduction
of such themes to Phrynichus and Aeschylus, and in this context quoted the
present saying. See also Zenobius 5.40.
[4] From Heraclea Pontica (b. c.350). He was a pupil of Aristotle. See
C.B.R. Pelling, Chamaeleon in OCD 3rd ed. pp. 317.
[5] Not known.
[6] Parrhasius of Ephesus. A well-known painter of the fifth century BCE,
who also wrote works on painting. See G. Lippold, Parrasios(3), in RE 18.4,
cols.1874-1880. Parrhasius painting of Dionysus is discussed in col.1874.
See also T.B.L.Webster, Parrhasius, in OCD 3rd ed. p.1116. Xenophon
[Memorabilia3.10.1-5] introduced Parrhasius in conversation with Socrates.
See web address 3 below. Strabo [8.6.2, quoting Polybius 39.2 Paton]
attributed this famous painting to Aristides of Thebes, who was active
c.360 BCE.
[7] Up to this point the text of the Suda reflects largely what is found in
Photius s.v. ou)de\n pro\s to\n Dio/nuson; cf. Zenobius 5.40 and Apostolius
s.v. ou)de\n pro\s to\n Dio/nuson.
[8] Koroibos was a Phrygian, the son of Mygdon and Anaximene. He arrived at
Troy the day before the city fell, intending to marry Cassandra. He boasted
that he would repulse the Achaeans but was himself killed by Neoptolemos or
Diomedes when the city fell. See Quintus of Smyrna [The fall of
Troy13.168-177, who calls him nh/pios; Pausanias 10.27.1. He had a
reputation for stupidity and it was said of him that he would count the
waves of the sea, hence the proverbial expression "more stupid than
Koroibos". See Zenobius 4.58; Diogenian 5.56; Eitrem; Marcovich p.50.
[9] This appears to be a quotation; the Suda often introduces them with the
formula kai\ au)=qis. There is a contrast between Koroibos, who has a
reputation for stupidity, and Odysseus, who is described as clever
polu/tropos. Perhaps in English we would say, Oh yes, and Koroibos was a
clever Odysseus!. This would signify that a person was talking nonsense,
which is what the saying "nothing to do with Dionysus" had come to mean.
[10] Literally: and yet in respect of this he does not provide an example.
After polu/tropos I have punctuated with a comma rather than, as in Adler,
a period.
[11] The saying derives from the fable attributed to Aesop of the dog in
the manger (Suda eta 187, kappa 2729). For the proverb [no. 74] see B.E.
Perry, [Aesopica Urbana: U.Illinois P., 1952, pp.276, 702. See web address
4 below. For other uses of this saying see Lucian Timon 14; Palatine
Anthology 12.236. There seem to me to be two separate sayings quoted here,
although it is possible that they constitute a single saying. If the
latter, the saying would refer to perverse behaviour, and there would be a
pun on a)/gw. However, Greek would not normally use the simple conjunction
kai/ to make the contrast
Eitrem, S. Koroibos(3) in RE 11,2 col.1421.
Marcovich, M. Aelian, Varia Historia 13.15, Ziva Antika 26(1976), 49-51.
Nothing to do with Dionysus? : Athenian drama in its social context. J.
Winkler and F. Zeitlin (eds.), Princeton U.P., 1990.
Pickard-Cambridge, A.W. Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy, 2nd ed. rev.
T.B.L.Webster. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962, pp. 85, 124-126.
Pohlenz, M. Das Satyrspiel und Pratinas von Phleius in Kleine Schriften
Hildesheim: Olms, 1965, Bd. II, pp.473-496 [=Nachrichten der Gesellschaft
der Wissenschaften zu Goettingen, philologisch-historische Klasse, 1927,
Associated internet addresses:
Keywords: aetiology; art history; biography; comedy; definition; epic;
mythology; poetry; proverbs; tragedy
Translated by: Tony Natoli (tony) on 24 July 2001@18:12:26.
Patrick Rourke
on behalf of the Suda On Line Managing Committee
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