15.137 paper & colloquium

From: Humanist Discussion Group (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 15:32:29 EDT

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                  Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 137.
          Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

      [1] From: Francois Lachance <lachance@chass.utoronto.ca> (24)
            Subject: Publishing and Institutional Connections

      [2] From: Kurt Gaertner <gaertner@uni-trier.de> (81)
            Subject: Announcement of Colloquium at Trier/Germany

            Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 15:23:00 -0500 (EST)
            From: Francois Lachance <lachance@chass.utoronto.ca>
            Subject: Publishing and Institutional Connections

    Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 10:35:47 -0400 (EDT)
    From: Francois Lachance <lachance@chass.utoronto.ca>

    An interesting paper by Steven Totosy de Zepetnek, "The New Knowledge
    Management: Online Research and Publishing in the Humanities" (2001)
    details his experience with online publishing


    The paper offers much to consider for those in voleved in publishing and
    for those benefitting from the fuits of others publishing efforts. In
    particular, marketing:

    "the strategy to advertise the use of the journal by sening e-mail
    notices to univesity libraires -- so that the library lists the journal in
    its web stie for journals and data bases available online -- has been more
    successful [than hard copy advertisements to departments]"

    and the question of funding for electronic publishing.

    Any other reports from people engaged in
    1) publicizing publishing enterprises
    2) funding bodies and support to non-profit publishing enterprises whihc
    are not directly linked to an institution (the ancient extra-muros


    Francois Lachance, Scholar-at-large
    20th : Machine Age :: 21st : Era of Reparation

    --[2]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 15:28:34 -0500 (EST) From: Kurt Gaertner <gaertner@uni-trier.de> Subject: Announcement of Colloquium at Trier/Germany

    Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 10:43:11 +0200 From: Kurt Gaertner <gaertner@uni-trier.de>

    >From the 8th to the 9th of October 2001, an international colloquium on

    "Standards and Methods of Fulltext Digitization"

    will be taking place at the University of Trier/Germany.

    In sixteen papers, internationally renowned experts will be discussing various aspects of dealing with digital texts, focussing especially on the application of standards such as SGML/XML. In order to highlight the topic from as many different points of view as possible, lexicographers, linguists, and information scientists as well as archivists, librarians, and publishers will be delivering talks on these issues; conference languages will be German and English.

    Guenter Hotz (Saarbruecken): Grundlagen der Informationskodierung

    Gregory Crane (Medford/Massachusetts): The Perseus Project

    Susan Hockey (London): Digital Resources in the Humanities: Past, Present, and Future

    Edward Vanhoutte (Gent): Display or Argument: Markup and Digitization for Scholarly Editions

    David Seaman (Charlottesville): An Electronic Text Archive Based on Standards

    Anne McDermott, Oliver Mason (Birmingham): Encoding Johnson's Dictionary: Theoretical Issues and Technical Solutions

    Daniel Pitti (Charlottesville): The George Washington and Thomas Jefferson Papers

    Angelika Menne-Haritz (Marburg): Eine XML/EAD-Schnittstelle fuer MIDOSA

    C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen (W3C): Geisteswissenschaften und Informatik: Zur aktuellen Situation und zu kuenftigen Aufgaben (OEffentlicher Abendvortrag)

    Joerg Asmussen (Kopenhagen): Zur geplanten Retrodigitalisierung des Ordbog over det danske Sprog - Konzeption, Vorgehensweise, Perspektiven

    Eveline Vogt (Wien): Digitale Volltexte als Arbeitsbehelf fuer die Dialektlexikographie am Beispiel des "Woerterbuchs der bairischen Mundarten in Oesterreich" (WBOe)

    Wolfgang Schibel, Heinz Kredel (Mannheim): Kodierung und Praesentation neulateinischer Dichtung im Text-Bild-Corpus CAMENA auf der Basis von TEI-XML

    Markus Brantl, Karl Maerker (Muenchen): SGML/XML-Kodierung von Volltexten aus der Konversion von Katalogen und Nachweisinstrumenten

    Markus Enders (Goettingen): Erstellung und Verarbeitung von Volltext im Goettinger Digitalisierungszentrum

    Markus Welsch (Saarbruecken): Die synoptische Publikation der Amtsblaetter der Europaeischen Union auf SGML-Basis

    Ingrid Schmidt, Carolin Mueller (Heidelberg): Die Grosse Kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe der Werke Thomas Manns. Ein innovatives verlegerisches Konzept

    A preliminary program is available on-line at http://www.kompetenzzentrum.uni-trier.de/.

    The conference is being organized by the "Center of Excellence for Electronic Information Retrieval and Publishing in the Humanities" in cooperation with the University Library Trier, the University Computing Unit Trier, the Center for Scientific Electronic Publication at the University of Trier/Germany, the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz/Germany, and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences.

    It is expected that the conference fee will be on the order of 20 DM per person. Students are not charged. For your accommodation, rooms have been reserved at a special rate at

    Mercure Hotel Trier An den Kaiserthermen Metzer Allee 6

    Tel: +49 0651 9377-0 Fax: +49 0651 9377-333

    Within the next few days, an on-line application form will be provided. Applications via e-mail will also be welcome; please write to

    burch@uni-trier.de fournier@uni-trier.de rappand@uni-trier.de

    The papers given at the conference shall be published as soon as possible. It is intended that conference attendants may acquire the proceedings at a special rate.

    --------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof.Dr. Kurt Gaertner <gaertner@uni-trier.de> FB II Sprach- und Literaturwiss. office: Tel. 0651-201-2323 Germanistik Fax 0651-201-3909 Universitaet Trier secretary: Tel. 0651-201-2321 D-54286 Trier private: Tel. 06421-35356, Fax 06421-35415

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