Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 83.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 09:18:35 +0100
From: Adrian Miles <>
Subject: Re: 15.062 good list-serving software?
At 7:17 +0100 30/5/2001, Humanist Discussion Group wrote:
>Listserv, listproc, majordomo: each has significant weaknesses. Is there
>anything good out there, freeware or commercial, that lets you manage a
>large interactive list like Humanist? Features would have to include
>open subscription/unsubscription, option for completely open list,
>moderated list, or owner-only-posts list. Am I alone in feeling that
>we're still living with 80s technology here?
i use letterrip pro (macintosh only) and i currently run 80 or so lists, 10
of these for state or national cultural organisations. one crash in nearly
5 years. fast but probably only scalable to lists of up to 4 or 5,000 members.
takes me on average 3 minutes to set up a list and has all the above
features. but the product appears to have had little development the last 2
years so i suspect is one of those wonderful things that work but has
become superseded by silly proprietary systems that corporations use. is the url. very elegant.
adrian miles
--lecturer in new media and cinema studies + media studies. rmit [] + institutt for medievitenskap. university of bergen []
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