Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 58.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
[1] From: "David L. Gants" <> (117)
Subject: Eurolan 2001 - last call
[2] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <> (106)
Subject: NINCH COPYRIGHT TOWN MEETINGS 2001: Denver, June 28:
Registration deadline June 1.
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 06:43:20 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: Eurolan 2001 - last call
>> From: "Gabriela Dima" <>
Last call
Summer School on
"Creation and Exploitation of Annotated Language Resources"
5th in the series of Eurolan Schools
30 July - 11 August 2001
Iasi, Romania
Once upon a time, there was a series of summer schools and its name was
Eurolan. It would happen in the far away land of Romania, during its long
hot summer days. And among the schools of this series, the most famous of
all was Eurolan 2001. Never before had the ancient city of Iasi seen such a
gathering of kings and queens, of princes and princesses with only one thing
in mind: to talk about the state-of-the art in the theory, methodology, and
technology for creating and using annotated language resources for language
For two long weeks, they kept talking and talking. Princesses and princes
from all over the world came to meet the wise invited queens and kings and
learn from their wisdom. The kings would speak during mornings while in the
afternoons they would help princes to put into practice their teachings.
And, as if all these hadn't been enough, more meetings were organized for
the young princes (workshops on Multi-layer Corpus Based Analysis: and on Modular Programming
Applied to Natural Language Processing: and for all the
people in Iasi at that time (round tables on Linguistic Data Consortia and
on Industrial Applications in Response to Market Requirements).
What happened during those days can be briefly presented as follows:
Monday - 30 July
Annotation formalisms and standards for NLP (XML, XCES)
Nancy Ide (Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, USA)
Laurent Romary (Loria Laboratories, Nancy, France)
Tuesday - 31 July
Qualitative and quantitative methods in corpora (tokenisation, part of
speech tagging, measuring similarity and homogeneity)
Dan Tufis (Romanian Academy - RACAI)
Adam Kilgarriff (University of Brighton, UK)
Workshop on Multi-layer Corpus Based Analysis
Wednesday - 1 August
Sub-syntactic and syntactic annotation (shallow-parsing, tree banks)
Hans Uszkoreit (University of Saarbrucken, Germany)
Round table on Linguistic Data Consortia
Thursday - 2 August
Annotation of semantics, word sense disambiguation
Paul Buitelaar (DFKI, Saarbruecken, Germany)
Adam Kilgarriff (University of Brighton, UK)
Friday - 3 August
Annotation of semantics, meaning relationships, linguistic chains, semantic
roles of verbs
Graeme Hirst (University of Toronto, Canada)
Chuck Fillmore (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Birds-of-a-feather meeting
Saturday - 4 August
Annotation of discourse (structure, co-reference)
Dan Cristea (University of Iasi, Romania)
Nancy Ide (Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, USA)
Daniel Marcu (University of Southern California, USA)
Sunday - 5 August
Trip to Bucovina Monasteries
Monday - 6 August
Exploitation of corpora for anaphora resolution
Catalina Barbu (Universities of Wolverhampton, UK and Iasi, Romania)
Dan Cristea (University of Iasi, Romania)
Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
Workshop on Modular Programming Applied to Natural Language Processing (I)
Tuesday - 7 August
Exploitation for information extraction and information retrieval
Paul Buitelaar (DFKI, Saarbruecken, Germany)
Atsushi Fujii (University of Library and Information Science, Tokyo, Japan)
Workshop on Modular Programming Applied to Natural Language Processing (II)
Wednesday - 8 August
Exploitation for summarization, discourse interpretation and data mining
Daniel Marcu (University of Southern California, USA)
Round table on Industrial Applications in Response to Market Requirements
Thursday - 9 August
Exploitation for machine translation
Ulf Hermjakob (University of Southern California, USA)
Friday - 10 August
Creation and exploitation tools in cross-lingual applications
Hamish Cunningham (University of Sheffield, UK)
Valentin Tablan (Universities of Sheffield, UK and Iasi, Romania)
Farewell Evening
All these chats and exciting quarrels happened in the large bright palaces
of the "Al. I. Cuza" University, in the very heart of the organisers' realm.
A huge fortress was chosen as dwelling place for most of the guests (student
hostel - double room: 10 USD/night or single room: 18 USD/night), who could
rest for few hours in its welcoming rooms. Other guests preferred special
lodging in a castle in the city (hotel ** - double room: 16 USD/night or
single room: 22 USD/night).
And tables were set for all those who came to Iasi and there was plenty of
food and drinks (for 10-15 USD per day) and parties and marry people. And,
as good hosts usually do, the Eurolan organizers arranged a trip through
their land and showed their guests the marvels of northern Romania (Bucovina
Monasteries - UNESCO Cultural Heritage).
At the end of the school everybody returned to their realms where they lived
happily ever after.
Have you enjoyed the story?
You can be part of it!!!
You can still register before 7 June at:
(by the way, the registration fee - USD 350 - shall be sent to:
... Bank name: BCR Iasi (Romanian Commercial Bank, Iasi branch)
... Bank address: Str. Palat 11, Iasi 6600 - ROMANIA
... Swift code: RNCBROBUIS
... Account number: 2511.31-418.94
... Owner: "Al.I.Cuza" University of Iasi - please specify: "for
Bank transfer costs should be paid in addition to the tuition fee)
We'll make sure that you have a place in our story and enjoy living it with
Organising Royalties
Nancy IDE - Vassar College, Poughkeepsie
Dan CRISTEA - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi
Dan TUFIS - Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Laurent ROMARY - LORIA Laboratories, Nancy
Daniel MARCU - ISI, University of Southern California
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 07:08:00 +0100
Subject: NINCH COPYRIGHT TOWN MEETINGS 2001: Denver, June 28:
Registration deadline June 1.
News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
from across the Community
May 29, 2001
* * DENVER * *
June 28 - Driscoll Center, University of Denver
Western States Digitization Pre-Conference
"Copyright & Primary Source Materials"
Peter Jaszi, Washington College of Law
Bernard Reilly, Chicago Historical Society
Open to the Public - Free of Charge
Register Online:
* * * *
A reminder that the third in the current series of NINCH COPYRIGHT TOWN
MEETINGS is taking place on Thursday June 28 at the University of Denver.
The Town Meeting is free of charge, but registration closes this Friday,
June 1. Register online at the local web page for the town
Entitled "Copyright & Primary Source Materials," this four-hour meeting
will bring together national experts in the field and local practitioners
working in museums, libraries and archives to examine the copyright policy
issues and practical copyright-related problems of mounting primary source
materials online.
* What are the current intellectual property issues inhibiting the
networking of primary documents of cultural heritage online?
* What is the current law and what are the key legislative developments
affecting our work in this area?
* What are current practical solutions to current copyright problems?
* How are things changing and what new pro-active strategies do we need to
adopt in order to achieve the future?
The above themes will be the subjects of two keynote addresses by national
experts in the field: Professor Peter Jaszi (Washington College of Law,
American University) and Bernard Reilly (Head of Research and Access,
Chicago Historical Society).
After questions and comments on the issues addressed by the two main
speakers, participants will hear reports from the field in a panel comprising:
* Tom Folsom, Legal Counsel, Denver Museum of Nature and Science
* Jim Williams, Dean of Libraries, University of Colorado at Boulder
* Kevin Anderson, archivist and historian, Casper College, Wyoming
A hallmark of the NINCH Copyright Town Meetings is the time allotted to the
discussion among participants of both specific problems and broad issues.
The Denver Copyright Town Meeting serves as the pre-conference for
"Cultural Heritage Collaboration in the Digital Age: A Conference for
Library and Museum Leaders," designed to introduce key archive, historical
society, museum and library leaders in 23 Western states to the issues
associated with developing a statewide or regionally based collaborative
digitization initiative.
A report and resource materials from this and other town meetings will be
made available at the NINCH TOWN MEETINGS WEBSITE:
Other Copyright Town Meetings planned for this year are as follows:
September 24 - New York Public Library:
"Intellectual Property & Multimedia in the Digital Age"
October 27 - Museum Computer Network Conference, Cincinnati:
"New Strategies, New Contexts"
November 19 - University of Oregon, Eugene:
"Creating Policy"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Local committees have organized the town meetings, which have been
coordinated and reviewed by the NINCH Town Meetings Working Group. The
Copyright Town Meetings series is a component of the NINCH Copyright
Education Program..
Nancy Allen, Dean and Director of Libraries, University of Denver
Liz Bishoff, Project Director, Colorado Digitization Project
James Williams, Dean of Libraries, University of Colorado at Boulder
Kathe Albrecht, American University/Visual Resources Association
Robert Baron, Independent Scholar
Mary Case, Association of Research Libraries
Kenneth Crews, Indiana University
Georgia Harper, University of Texas
Christine Sundt, University of Oregon/Visual Resources Association/NINCH BOARD
Marta Teegen, College Art Association
Sanford Thatcher, Pennsylvania State University Press/Association of
American University Presses
Peter Walsh, Wellesley College, College Art Association
Martha Winnacker, University of California.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
NINCH-Announce is an announcement listserv, produced by the National
Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). The subjects of
announcements are not the projects of NINCH, unless otherwise noted;
neither does NINCH necessarily endorse the subjects of announcements. We
attempt to credit all re-distributed news and announcements and appreciate
reciprocal credit.
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