Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 11.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
[1] From: "R.G. Siemens" <> (216)
Subject: CFP: The Humanities Computing Curriculum / The
Computing Curriculum in the Arts and Humanities
[2] From: "David L. Gants" <> (27)
Subject: Call for Papers: EMCSR 2002
[3] From: "David L. Gants" <> (29)
Subject: RANLP'2001: Final Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 06:45:47 +0100
From: "R.G. Siemens" <>
Subject: CFP: The Humanities Computing Curriculum /
The Computing Curriculum in the Arts and Humanities
[La version franaise de cette annonce suit la version anglaise dans ce
The Humanities Computing Curriculum /
The Computing Curriculum in the Arts and Humanities
November 9-10, 2001
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
< >
Conference Host:
Arts and Humanities, Malaspina University-College
Conference Sponsors:
Arts and Humanities, MFA PD Ctte, Malaspina Research Fund, Malaspina U-C
Humanities Computing and Media Centre, U Victoria
Canadian Institute for Research Computing in the Arts, MA Program in
Humanities Computing, U Alberta
Humanities Computing Centre, School of the Arts, Humanities, McMaster U
Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs en
sciences humaines
Conference Description
For the purpose of our teaching, is there an accepted
set of tools and techniques, and a unique and related
collection of theories having a commonly-understood
application, that are associated with the
(inter)discipline of humanities computing? In other
words, is there a humanities computing curriculum, a
curriculum that appropriately treats the role of the
computer, today, in the context of the centuries-old
tradition of the arts and humanities?
What must be considered when designing and implementing
courses that bring the computer to the arts and
humanities, courses in humanities computing? Can such
courses discover and survey the influence of computing
technology, broadly construed, in the arts? Must
courses in humanities computing reflect the tradition
of the computing humanist? Should they embrace all
current applications of computing in the humanities?
Can textual description and markup, cybercultural
studies, text analysis, and (multi)media theory and
practice, &c., co-exist? What are others in the field
bringing to their classrooms and to their programs that
have humanities computing components? Such are the
questions that many face as they and their institutions
formulate, for the first time, new academic courses and
programs that seek to apply computing to established
arts and humanities curricula.
Led by expert practitioners in the field of humanities
computing, through a number of papers, sessions, poster
presentations, and seminars this conference will
address the broad range of issues involved in
integrating computing practice in the teaching of the
arts and humanities -- from developing a single course
in a particular discipline to the development of an
entire curriculum.
Invited Speakers
Invited speakers include
* Willard McCarty (King's College, London)
* John Unsworth (U Virginia)
* Susan Hockey (University College, London)
* Nancy Ide (Vassar College)
Paper, Session, and Seminar Proposals
Paper, session, poster, and seminar proposals that
treat issues relating to the humanities computing
curriculum, describe existing courses and programs,
and/or document experiences relating to implementing
such curricula are invited to be considered for
presentation at this conference.
One page paper or poster proposals, accompanied by a
brief CV, may be sent before June 15 to Ray Siemens, at or at the contact points listed
Session or seminar proposals are also very welcome.
These should consist of a description of the session or
seminar topic and a one page proposal and brief CV for
each participant.
[material deleted]
Programmes de sciences humaines assistes par l'informatique /
Programmes d'informatique assiste par les sciences humaines
9-10 novembre 2001
Nanaimo, Colombie-Britannique, Canada
< >
sous les auspices de:
La Facult des arts et des humanits, Collge universitaire Malaspina
parraine par:
Arts et Humanits, MFA PD Ctte, Fonds de recherche Malaspina, Collge
universitaire Malaspina,
Humanities Computing and Media Centre, U de Victoria,
Canadian Institute for Research Computing in the Arts, MA Program in
Humanities Computing, U d'Alberta
Humanities Computing Centre, Facult des Arts, Humanits, U de McMaster
Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs en
sciences humaines
Description de la confrence
Dans le domaine des sciences humaines assistes par
ordinateur existe-t-il un consensus suffisant sur ses
techniques, ses outils, et ses thories pour fonder
notre enseignement et, du mme coup, fonder le domaine
en tant qu'(inter)discipline distincte? Autrement dit,
dans le domaine des sciences humaines assistes par
ordinateur est-il possible de concevoir un programme
d'tudes centr sur le rle actuel des ordinateurs et
nanmoins situ au sein des tudes traditionnelles et
sculaires des arts et des sciences humaines?
Quelles considrations s'imposent lors de la conception
et de la ralisation des cours visant appliquer
l'informatique aux domaines des arts et des sciences
humaines? De tels cours peuvent-ils dcouvrir quels
effets a l'informatique, au sens large, sur le domaine
des arts et sciences humaines? Peuvent-ils en dresser
l'inventaire? Ces cours en informatique applique
doivent-ils tenir compte des traditions tablies par
des chercheurs en sciences humaines dj acquis
l'approche informatique? Doivent-ils promouvoir toutes
les applications qui appartiennent au domaine? Les
approches diffrentes, telles que la textologie et
l'tiquetage, les tudes de la cyberculture, l'analyse
textuelle, la thorie et pratique des (multi)mdia,
etc., peuvent-elles co-exister dans un domaine unique?
Qu'est-ce que d'autres chercheurs amnent au domaine
dans la pratique de leurs cours ou de leurs programmes
ayant une dimension informatique? Telles sont les
questions que se posent les chercheurs et leurs
institutions quand ils veulent crer pour la premire
fois des cours dans lesquels on applique la technologie
aux programmes dj tablis en arts et sciences
Dans ces communications, sances, prsentations poster
et tables rondes, toutes animes par des chercheurs
experts du domaine des sciences humaines assistes par
ordinateur, nous traiterons l'ventail des
problmatiques associes l'intgration de la pratique
informatise et de l'enseignement des arts et des
sciences humaines -- de la cration d'un simple cours
dans un domaine donn jusqu' la cration d'un
programme d'tudes complet.
Confrenciers invits
Les confrenciers invits incluent:
* Willard McCarty (King's College, London)
* John Unsworth (U Virginia)
* Susan Hockey (University College, London)
* Nancy Ide (Vassar College)
Propositions de communications, sances et tables rondes
Nous sollicitons des propositions de communications, de
sances, de posters ou de tables rondes dans l'un (ou
plusieurs) des domaines suivants: des problmatiques
centres sur le programme en sciences humaines
assistes par ordinateur, des cours ou des programmes
dj tablis ou toute exprience pratique autour de la
ralisation de tels programmes.
Pour les communications ou les posters veuillez envoyer
une proposition d'une page et un court CV avant 15 juin
au comit indiqu ci-dessous, ou Ray Siemens
Pour les sances ou les tables rondes veuillez envoyer
un court CV de chaque participant, leur proposition
d'une page et une description du sujet de la sance
ou de la table ronde.
[material deleted]
R.G. Siemens
English, Malaspina University-College, Nanaimo, BC, Canada. V9R 5S5.
Office: 335/120. Phone: (250) 753-3245, x2046. Fax: (250) 741-2667.
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 06:47:13 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: Call for Papers: EMCSR 2002
>> From: Sylvia Fischer <>
* *
* *
* ON *
* (EMCSR 2002) *
April 2 - 5, 2002
organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
in cooperation with
Dept.of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, Univ.of Vienna
International Federation for Systems Research
* * * * *
An electronic version of this CfP (and further information whenever it
becomes available) can be found at
* * * * *
The international support of the European Meetings on Cybernetics and
Systems Research held in Austria in 1972, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982,
1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998 and 2000 (when 500 scientists
from more than 40 countries from all continents, except the
Antarctica, met to present, hear and discuss 134 papers) encouraged the Council
of the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies (VSGK) to organize a similar
meeting in 2002 to keep pace with continued rapid developments in related
[material deleted]
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 06:50:55 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: RANLP'2001: Final Call for Papers
>> From: Kalina Bontcheva <>
Further to the successful and competitive 1st and 2nd conferences
on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (selected papers
from which were published by John Benjamins as CILT=A0 vol.136
and CILT vol.189), we are pleased to announce the third RANLP
conference to be held this year.
The conference will take the form of addresses from invited keynote
speakers plus individual papers. All papers accepted and presented
will be available as a volume of proceedings at the conference.
There will also be an exhibition area for poster and demo sessions.
We invite papers reporting on recent advances in all aspects of
Natural Language Processing. We encourage the representation of
a broad range of areas including but not limited to: pragmatics,
discourse, semantics, syntax, and the lexicon; phonetics, phonology,
and morphology; text understanding and generation; multilingual NLP;
machine translation, machine-aided translation, translation aids and
tools; corpus-based language processing; POS tagging; parsing;
electronic dictionaries; knowledge acquisition; terminology;
word-sense disambiguation; anaphora resolution; information retrieval;
categorisation; question- answering; dialogue systems; speech
processing; computer-aided language learning; language resources;
evaluation; and theoretical and application-oriented papers related
to NLP of every kind.
[material deleted]
RANLP-2001 will be preceded by 2 days of tutorials. See for a preliminary list of tutorial
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