Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 497. Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London <> <> [1] From: "Dr Donald J. Weinshank" <> (29) Subject: Re: 14.0492 now here's a question [2] From: Randall Pierce <> (6) Subject: humanism and humanists --[1]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 09:15:45 +0000 From: "Dr Donald J. Weinshank" <> Subject: Re: 14.0492 now here's a question Dee McAree raises an interesting question to which I want to offer a non-conventional answer. ======================================================= Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 20:10:00 +0000 From: Dee McAree <> As a newbie to Humanist, my only question would be as to the definition of one. It would help me stay within the scope of pertinent contributions. I've searched several on-line dictionaries for an official reading, but came up blank. I would love a first-hand account of the philosophy or character that the word embodies from Humanists themselves. I'm still trying to determine if I am one. ======================================================= While it is true that we share an interest in the interface between computing and the Humanities, I would hold that we really are an "invisible college" in Boulding's sense. ======================================================== There is in the world today an invisible college of people in many different countries and many different cultures, who have a vision of the nature of the transition through which we are passing and who are determined to devote their lives to contributing towards its successful fulfillment. It is a college without a founder and without a president, without buildings and without organization. Its living representatives hold the future of the world in their hands or at least in their minds...Kenneth E. Boulding ,The meaning of the twentieth century; the great transition New York, Harper & Row [1964] --[2]------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 09:16:24 +0000 From: Randall Pierce <> Subject: humanism and humanists To my way of thinking, a humanist is primarily interested in those concepts that butress those values that contribute to the humane and beneficent development and evolution of man. Any social forces or philosophies which denigrate the dignity and worth of the individual man are anethema to the genuine humanist. And, since "Knowledge is Power", the more we can know simply enhances our ability to strengthen the humanist principle. One such tool is, of course, hypertext. Randall
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