Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 16:05:36 -0500 (EST)
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: Re: 12.0276 stop lists?
>> From: "Dr Donald J. Weinshank" <>
Joe Raben wrote...................
>From owner-humanist@lists.Princeton.EDU Wed Oct 28 14:54:48 1998
I would appreciate receiving a list of stop words for a simple concordance
program I am having written.
Some years ago, the late Paul Barrett and I (and some other people)
published four concordances to Darwin's works.
Weinshank, D.J., Ozminski, S., Ruhlen, P., and
Barrett, W., A Concordance To Charles Darwin's
Notebooks, 1836-1844, Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, 1989.
Barrett, P., Weinshank, D.J., Ruhlen, P., and
Ozminski, S., A Concordance To Darwin's The
Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to
Sex, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1987,
1136pp, ISBN 0-8014-2085-7
Barrett, P., Weinshank, D.J., Ruhlen, P.,
Ozminski, S., and Berghage, B. A Concordance
To Darwin's The Expression of The Emotions in
Man and Animals, Cornell University Press,
Ithaca, 1986, 515 pp., ISBN 0-8014-1990-5
Barrett, P., Weinshank, D.J., and Gottleber,
Timothy T., A Concordance to Darwin's Origin
of Species, First Edition, Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, 1981, 8355 pp., ISBN
For this purpose, we created a suppression list ("stop words")
which I am forwarding to Joe Raben. If anybody else would
like this list, which is somewhat sui generis because of the
nature of the concordances, I would be happy to send it.
Dr. Don Weinshank
Phone (517) 353-0831 FAX (517) 432-1061
Comp. Sci., Michigan State
Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <>