[1] From: Julie Wilson <julie.c.wilson@ahds.ac.uk> (7)
Subject: For moderation: AHDS newsletter - latest edition
[2] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (48)
Subject: Old English Corpus Online
[3] From: Patrick Durusau <pdurusau@atl.mediaone.net> (14)
Subject: Unix as Literature
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 13:58:36 +0100
From: Julie Wilson <julie.c.wilson@ahds.ac.uk>
Subject: For moderation: AHDS newsletter - latest edition
Dear all
The latest edition of the AHDS newsletter can be found at:
Julie Wilson
Project Manager
Arts and Humanities Data Service
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 14:04:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
Subject: Old English Corpus Online
>> From: OEC Information <oec-info@umich.edu>
The University of Michigan Digital Library Production
Service is pleased to announce the availability of the
Dictionary of Old English Corpus in Electronic Form at
The Dictionary of Old English Corpus in Electronic Form,
compiled by Antonette diPaolo Healey, Joan Holland, David
McDougall, Ian McDougall, Nancy Speirs and Pauline
Thompson, is an online database consisting of at least one copy
of every extant Old English text. In some cases, more than one
copy is included, if it is significant because of dialect or date. As
such, the Corpus represents about three million words of Old
English and another two million words of Latin, or about six
times the collected works of Shakespeare.
Users are able to search not only on strings and whole words
but also on phrases as well as conduct Boolean searches on
both the Old English and Latin vocabulary. Searches can be
restricted to specific short titles and through them to
particular authors (e.g., Aldhelm, AElfric, etc.) and genres
(e.g., the laws, charters, chronicles, etc.). The results
are delivered with a full sentence of context which can then
be opened up into a three-sentence context (composed of the
sentence before and after one's hit). As an aid to searching
the Corpus, an index of spellings (both Old English and
Latin) is provided.
Compiled as part of the Dictionary of Old English project at
the University of Toronto, the Corpus is now available to
scholars worldwide. The interface for the Corpus was
developed by the Humanities Text Initiative at the
University of Michigan. The texts in the Corpus are SGML
encoded and are fully conformant with the 1994 Text Encoding
Initiative (TEI) Guidelines.
The Corpus is currently available for free (until December
31, 1998); after this time, access to the Corpus will be
available through institutional site license only through
the University of Michigan Press.
For terms and conditions of the site license:
For information on purchasing a site license:
For further information: site-licenses@umich.edu
Phone: (734) 764-4388
A publication in the University of Michigan Press Series
SEENET: The Society for Early English and Norse Electronic
We would appreciate any questions or comments about the
functionality of the Corpus; e-mail us at
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 15:45:46 +0100
From: Patrick Durusau <pdurusau@atl.mediaone.net>
Subject: Unix as Literature
Thomas Scoville's "The Elements Of Style: UNIX As Literature"
(http://www.wenet.net/~scoville/PCarticle.html) may be of interest to
readers of the Humanist list. Scoville notes in part: "a suspiciously
high proportion of my UNIX colleagues had already developed, in some
prior career, a comfort and fluency with text and printed words."
Whether considering a second career or not, this article raises
important questions about the limitations graphical tools impose upon
users. Enjoy!
Patrick Durusau
Information Technology, Scholars Press
pdurusau@emory.edu (work), pdurusau@mediaone.net (home)
Co-Chair, SBL Seminar on Electronic Standards for Biblical Language
Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>