[1] From: John Lavagnino <John.Lavagnino@kcl.ac.uk> (8)
Subject: DRH '99: last call
[2] From: Alison Stevenson (122)
Subject: CHArt99 Annual Conference
[3] From: Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk> (147)
From: Elisabeth Burr <he229bu@unidui.uni-duisburg.de>
Subject: SILFI - VI Convegno Internazionale
[4] From: Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk> (51)
Subject: ICHIM '99 reminder
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 09:10:38 +0100
From: John Lavagnino <John.Lavagnino@kcl.ac.uk>
Subject: DRH '99: last call
The last few places for DRH99 @ King's College London are going
fast--- if you're thinking of attending, register now to avoid
disappointment! If you're unable to attend, we recomment our web site
to your attention: it contains abstracts for all the panels and talks
at the conference, and an extensive catalogue of the exhibitions that
are being mounted at the conference by scholars, publishers,
libraries, and museums:
John Lavagnino, King's College London
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 09:10:57 +0100
From: Alison Stevenson <A.Stevenson@chart99.events.arts.gla.ac.uk>
Subject: CHArt99 Annual Conference
Only a short time left to register:
DIGITAL ENVIRONMENTS: Design, Heritage and Architecture
University of Glasgow, 24-25 September 1998
The annual conference for Computers in the History of Art, CHArt99 fast
approaches. This year's conference will focus on the impact of computers on
the designing, study and preservation of the built environment. Papers
will be presented describing projects and research from countries
throughout the world, including Japan, New Zealand, Italy, Turkey,
France and the United Kingdom. Topics covered will include:
Research methodologies
Virtual archives
Teaching and Information
Projects and Demonstrations
A full conference programme appears below. You can register for the
conference on line at:
The Reception on Friday evening will be hosted by the City of Glasgow and
will be in St Mungo's Museum.
[material deleted]
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 09:17:55 +0100
From: Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk>
Subject: SILFI - VI Convegno Internazionale
[a translation of into English follows]
>Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 02:16:43 +0200
>From: Elisabeth Burr <he229bu@unidui.uni-duisburg.de>
> >
>Societa' Internazioinale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana (SILFI)
> VI Convegno Internazionale
> «Tradizione & Innovazione»
>Linguistica e filologia Italiana alle soglie di un nuovo millennio
> 28 Giugno 2 Luglio 2000
> Gerhard-Mercator-Universitaet GH
> Duisburg, Germania
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>Abbiamo il grande piacere di invitarvi al VI Convegno
>Internazionale della Societa' Internazionale di Linguis-
>tica e Filologia Italiana (SILFI), che come stabilito all'
>ultimo convegno, dopo Siena (1988), Cambridge (1991),
>Perugia (1994), Madrid (1996), e Catania (1998) verra'
>ospitato da Duisburg nel 2000 dal 28 Giugno al 2 Luglio.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>La SILFI, l'unica societa' veramente internazionale di Lin-
>guistica e Filologia Italiana, e' stata fondata a un livello
>molto informale nel 1985 durante la VII Conferenza Inter-
>nazionale di Linguistica Storica a Pavia per promuovere
>gli studi di linguistica e filologia italiana e per agevolare
>i contatti fra coloro che si occupano degli studi dell'italia-
>no in Italia e nel mondo.
>I congressi della SILFI sono aperti a tutte le studiose e
>tutti gli studiosi che lavorano nella vasta area della lin-
>guistica e filologia italiana. All'assemblea dei membri,
>perņ, possono votare solo le persone ufficialmente is-
>critte alla societa'.
>La SILFI, attualmente, conta ca. 200 membri. La quota
>d'iscrizione per il biennio 2000-2002, che puņ essere
>versata anche durante il convegno stesso, e' la seguente:
>Studenti & dottorande/i: 25,00 DM (ca. Euro 12,50)
>normale: 40,00 DM (ca. Euro 20,00)
>cambio: 1 EURO = ca. 2 DM
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>Per permettere al maggior numero possibile di studiose
>e studiosi di linguistica e filologia italiana di partecipare
>al convegno e di scambiare informazioni su risultati di
>ricerche, ricerche in corso, esperienze ed idee, i convegni
>della SILFI sono aperti a tutti i temi di linguistica e filologia
>italiana. La tradizione vuole, perņ, che una sezione di ogni
>convegno sia riservata ad un tema particolare. Il tema deciso
>dall'assemblea dei membri all'ultimo convegno di Catania e'
> «L'italiano parlato»
>Come indicato dal titolo «Tradizione & Innovazione» il con-
>vegno di Duisburg si prefigge di collegare il ricco sapere
>raggiunto su basi tradizionali e con metodologia tradiziona-
>le con quei proggetti che o cercano di sfruttare le possibilita'
>offerte dai media elettronici per la ricerca e l'insegnamento o
>cercano vie nuove per una integrazione fra scienza e societa'.
>La tematica "italiano parlato" sembra essere un ottimo punto di
>partenza proprio per un'impresa di questo tipo.
>Per ulteriori informazioni su questa impresa vedi le pagine
>WWW del convegno:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[material deleted]
>International Society for Italian Linguistics and Philology (SILFI)
> 6th International Conference
> «Tradition & Innovation»
>Italian Linguistics and Philology at the start of a New Millennium
> June 28th - July 2nd 2000
> Gerhard-Mercator-Universitaet GH
> Duisburg, Germany
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>We cordially invite you to participate in the 6th International
>Conference of the International Society for Italian Linguistics
>and Philology (SILFI), which following Siena (1988), Cambridge
>(1991), Perugia (1994), Madrid (1996), and Catania (1998) will
>be held in Duisburg, from June 28th to July 2nd 2000.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>SILFI, the sole international society of Italian Linguistics and
>Philology was founded at a very informal level in early Sep-
>tember, 1985, during the 7th International Conference on
>Historical Linguistics, held at Pavia. It was founded in order
>to promote the study of Italian linguistics and philology and to
>bring together all those working in Italian studies in Italy and all
>over the world.
>The congresses of SILFI are open to all scholars working in the
>vast field of Italian linguistics and philology. At the General Meeting,
>the right to vote is, however, reserved to official members of SILFI.
>SILFI currently has about 200 members. Membership fees cover the
>two years in between two congresses. They can also be paid during
>the congress
>Membership fees for the period 2000-2002 are:
>Students & PhD-students: 25,00 DM (ca. Euro 12,50)
>others: 40,00 DM (ca. Euro 20,00)
>Exchange rate: 1 EURO = ca. 2 DM
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>In order to allow as many scholars of Italian linguistics and philology
>to participate and exchange research results, research in progress, ex-
>periences and ideas, congresses of SILFI are generally open to all
>topics of Italian linguistics and philology. Tradition has it, however,
>that each time one section of the congress is reserved in advance for
>a specific topic.
>Following the decision of the last congress held in Catania, the topic
>of this section at the congress in Duisburg will be:
> «L'italiano parlato / Spoken Italian»
>As the motto of the congress in Duisburg «Tradition & Innovation»
>indicates, the aim of the congress is to bring together the wealth of know-
>ledge gained by using traditional resources and methodolgy with projects
>which either try to exploit the possibilities offered by the electronic media
>for research and teaching or try to find new ways of integrating scientific
>studies with society. The topic «Spoken Italian» seems to be an excellent
>starting point for such an endeavour.
>For more information see:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 09:21:09 +0100
From: Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk>
Subject: ICHIM '99 reminder
>Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 10:56:23 -0500
>From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <david@ninch.org>
>News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
>from across the Community
>September 3, 1999
> International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting 99
> September 22 - 26, 1999 Washington, D.C. USA
> http://www.archimuse.com/ichim99/
>[material deleted]
> * * *
> >Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 00:25:39 -0400
> >To: ichim99@archimuse.com
> >From: "J. Trant" <jtrant@archimuse.com>
> >Subject: Special Events at ichim99: Sept 22-26, Washington, DC
> ichim99 ichim99 ichim99 ichim99 ichim99 ichim99 ichim99
> 99 99
> 99 International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting 99
> 99 September 22 - 26, 1999 Washington, D.C. USA 99
> 99 http://www.archimuse.com/ichim99/ 99
> 99 99
> ichim99 ichim99 ichim99 ichim99 ichim99 ichim99 ichim99
> *** Program Highlights ***
>International museum multimedia comes to Washington DC, September 21-26,
>1999. Plan to join registrants from over 20 countries to hear papers,
>question panels, and meet your colleages at this bi-annual event.
>Don't miss your chance. ICHIM won't be back in North America for another 4
>years. Call the Crystal Gateway Marriott (+1 703 920 3230) today and
>mention ichim99 to reserve at the conference hotel rate of $139. This
>special is only guaranteed 'til the end of August (and that's soon!).
>Sessions explore issues ranging from Conservation and 3-D Reconstruction to
>Multimedia Authoring and Evaluation. You can find the full program,
>including paper abstracts on the detailed conference web site at:
>Conference registration information is online at:
[material deleted]
Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>