11.0670 September loving

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Wed, 1 Apr 1998 07:53:59 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 11, No. 670.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 21:49:01 GMT
From: Anne Foerst <annef@ai.mit.edu>
Subject: Re: 11.0668 September loving?

As an answer to Michael L Ossar: Soren Kierkegaard said it and if
I translate it from the German quote I know it roughly sounds like

"I love September best of all months because the trees loose
their leaves and the people look towards heaven instead to the

Dr.theol. Anne Foerst           Postdoctoral Fellow

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 545 Technology SQ, NE 43 - 934 Cambridge, MA 02139 +1 / 617 / 253-6532

Harvard Divinity School Center for the Studies of Values in Public Life 56 Francis Ave Cambridge, MA 02138


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