11.0537 curiosities of the footnote

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 20:03:25 +0000 (GMT)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 11, No. 537.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 14:20:10 -0500 (EST)
From: "Kristine L. Haugen" <klhaugen@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: Re: 11.0535 history of hypertext (& of the book)

To elaborate on Professor Krech's note, Pierre Bayle did indeed use
footnotes, most famously in his /Dictionnaire historique et critique/
(first 1697; several later editions and printings, including an 18C
English translation). The game was that the text of the
/Dictionnaire/ articles tend to be bland accounts of not-very-exciting
figures, but the footnotes that ostensibly document these articles contain
daring animadversions de omni re scibili et quibusdam aliis, and often run
to several times the length of the articles themselves. An
intellectual historian's ruminations on the footnotes of Bayle and
numerous others appear in Anthony Grafton, /The Footnote*: *A Curious
History/ (Harvard UP 1997), also in German as /Die Tragischen Urspru:ngen
der deutschen Fussnote/ (Berlin 1995). Anyone who wants more
information could probably start with its--voluminous--footnotes.


Kristine Louise Haugen
Department of English
Princeton University

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