[1] From: Qsums <Qsums@aol.com> (10)
Subject: Attributing Authorship (Marlowe/Shakespeare)
[2] From: Qsums <Qsums@aol.com> (7)
Subject: PS to Attributing Authorship (Marlowe/Shakespeare)
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 11:14:35 EST
From: Qsums <Qsums@aol.com>
Subject: Attributing Authorship (Marlowe/Shakespeare)
"Attributing Marlowe and Shakespeare" is the title of an essay by Jill
Farringdon which has just been selected at the winner of the 1997 Calvin and
Rose Hoffman Prize for Distinguished publication on Christopher Marlowe. The
essay focuses on attributing the two playwrights by the technique of cusum
analysis (Qsum). Qsum is a method for attributing utterance, both spoken and
written, and fully explained in ANALYSING FOR AUTHORSHIP (University of Wales
Press, 1996) of which Jill Farringdon is principal author. A simple
introduction to the method, illustrated by letters of D.H. Lawrence, is
available at http://members.aol.com/qsums
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 08:58:10 EST
From: Qsums <Qsums@aol.com>
Subject: PS to Attributing Authorship (Marlowe/Shakespeare)
In message sent yesterday, I think I may have forgotten to sign it, though It
may automatically get signed.
However, just in case, my signature:
Michael Farringdon
Ariel Cottage, 8 Hadland Terrace, West Cross, Swansea SA3 5TT, Wales, UK
Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>