11.0262 spell-checking in Netscape

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 22:14:15 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 11, No. 262.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 08:23:40 -0600
From: Maurizio Oliva <mo5027@u.cc.utah.edu>
Subject: Re: Netscape spell checker

On Wed, 10 Sep 1997, EDTECH Editors-Whitehill & Batten wrote:
> From: Jim Baggett <jbaggett@mail.coos.k12.or.us>
> >Does Netscape have a spell checker when writing email and if so how does
> >one get to it and make it work? Thank you for your time and effort.
> It doesn't on any of the versions I have run. You can get a program like
> Casady & Greene's SpellCatcher that will do the trick nicely.

I have to disagree on this.
I just checked Netscape Communicator 4.03. You can spell check
email and news messages, and you can spell check the HTML page you are
composing. The spell check box allows you to select among English
dictionary and others. As you know Netscape has gone a considerable length
in trying to internationalize the interface. The primary dictionaries come
as a default when you chose the language for the interface. I am now
looking into where to get and how to add the secondary ones.


Maurizio Oliva, Director, Multimedia Language Lab, Denison University
Fellows 302, Granville, OH 43023, O (614) 587-6684, F 587-6417, H 235-9618

Humanist Discussion Group
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