Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 11:39:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Gregory J. Murphy" <rejek@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: Re: 11.0069 suicide philosophically
I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation on the theme of Stoic "willing death" in
early French tragedy. Below are some excerpts from the bibliography thatP. Kra and R. Rizzello may find useful. Sorry about the French bias.
Most discussion of suicide in the early modern period derives from the
Stoic arguments, and especially, from Seneca.
Montesquieu is an interesting case, since his comments about suicide in
the _Persian Letters_ are also intended to mock Neo-Stoicism, still in
vogue at the turn of the 17th century.
Arnold, Edward Vernon. Roman Stoicism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1911.
Baechler, Jean. Les Suicides. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1975.
Bayet, Albert. Le suicide et la morale. New York: Arno Press, 1975.
Bels, Jacques. "La mort volontaire dans l'oeuvre de saint Augustin." Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 187 (1975): 147-180.
Benz, Ernst. Des Todesproblem in der Stoischen Philosophie. Tübinger
Beïtrage zur Alterumswissenschaft, 1929.
Bodson, Arthur. La morale sociale des derniers stoïciens, Sénèque,
Epictète, et Marc Aurèle. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1967.
Cleary, James J. "Seneca, suicide and English Renaissance Tragedy." Ph.D.,
Temple University, 1969.
Daube, David. "The Linguistics of Suicide." Philosophy and Public Affairs
1 (1972): 387-437.
Donaldson, Ian. The Rapes of Lucretia: A Myth and it's Transformations.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982.
Droge, Arthur and James Tabor. A Noble Death: Suicide and Martrydom among
Christians and Jews in Antiquity. San Francisco: Harper, 1992.
Dubruck, Edelgard. The Theme of Death in French Poetry of the Middle Ages
and the Renaissance. Hague: Mouton, 1964.
Durkheim, Emile. Le suicide. 2 ed. Paris: F. Alcan, 1912.
Faber, Melvin D. Suicide and Greek Tragedy. New York: Sphinx Press, 1970.
Fehrle, Rudolf. Cato Uticensis. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, 1983.
Galinsky, Hans. Der Lucretia-Stoff in der Weltliteratur. Breslau:
Priebatsch, 1932.
Goar, Robert J. The Legend of Cato Uticensis from the First Century B.C.
to the Fifth Century A.D. Vol. 197. Collection Latomus, Bruxelles:
Latomus, 1987.
Griffin, M. F. "Philosophy, Cato and Roman Suicide, I." Greece and Rome 33
(1 1986a): 64-77.
---. "Philosophy, Cato and Roman Suicide, II." Greece and Rome 33 (2
1986b): 192-202.
Grisé, Yolande. Le Suicide dans la Rome antique. Paris: Les Belles
Lettres, 1982.
Hamer, Mary. "Cleopatra: Housewife." Textual Practice 2 (2 1988): 159-179.
Hirzel, R. "Der Selbstmord." Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 11 (1908):
75-104, 243-84, 417-76.
Hooff, Anton J. L. van. From Autothanasia to Suicide: Self-Killing in
Classical Antiquity. New York: Routledge, 1990.
Hoven, René. Stoïcisme et Stoïciens face au problème de l'au-del
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1971.
Hughes-Hallet, Lucy. Cleopatra: Histories, Dreams and Distortions. New
York: Harper and Row, 1990.
Leech, Clifford. "Le dénouement par le suicide." Le Théâtre tragique
Ed. Jean Jacquot. 179-189. Paris: CNRS, 1962.
Lefkowitz, Mary. Women in Greek Myth. London: Duckworth, 1986.
Monferier, Jacques. Le suicide. Paris: Bordas, 1970.
Rist, John M. Stoic Philosophy. London: Cambridge UP, 1969.
Rose, A. R. "Seneca and Suicide: The End of the Hercules Furens."
Classical Outlook 60 (1983): 109-11.
Spanneut, Michel. Permanence du stoïcisme, de Zénon à Malraux. Gembloux:
Duculot, 1973.
Tadic-Gilloteaux, Nicole. "Sénèque face au suicide." L'antiquité classique
32 (1963):
Thiel, M. A. La figure de Saül et sa représentation dans la littérature
dramatique française. Amsterdam: H. J. Paris, 1926.
White, Monique Chantal Boissier. "The Dido Fable in French Tragedy:
1560-1693." Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1975.
Wilie, R. "Views on Suicide and Freedom in Stoic Philosophy and Some Related
Contemporary Points of View." Prudentia 5 (1973): 15-32.
Williamson, Marilyn L. Infinite Variety: Antony and Cleopatra in
Renaissance Drama and Earlier Tradition. Mystic, Connecticut: Lawrence
Verry, 1974.