[1] From: Seth Katz <seth@bradley.bradley.edu> (54)
Subject: CFP for TLWC: Teaching Literature with Computers
[2] From: mmalcolm crawford <m.crawford@dcs.shef.ac.uk> (220)
Subject: Speech and Language Technology (SALT) Club Workshop on
[3] From: Yorick Wilks <yorick@dcs.shef.ac.uk> (82)
Subject: Human-Computer Conversation at Bellagio, time shortens
[4] From: Ecole d'ete <esslli97@ura1507.univ-paris13.fr> (402)
Subject: ESSLLI'97 (Call for participation)
[5] From: "Dragomir R. Radev" <radev@cs.columbia.edu> (86)
Subject: Deadline Extended: CFP: ACL/EACL Workshop on
Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 17:04:52 -0600 (CST)
From: Seth Katz <seth@bradley.bradley.edu>
Subject: CFP for TLWC: Teaching Literature with Computers
Call for Papers for
_TLWC: Teaching Literature with Computers_
a refereed, Web-based online collection, available at
_TLWC: Teaching Literature with Computers_ invites contributions of
articles that describe and analyze the use of computer technology in
teaching literature. Articles should provide detailed accounts of the use
of computers in teaching literature, in or out of the classroom, whether
for specific activities, lessons, units, courses, or curricula. Articles
should briefly describe the environment (hardware, software, layout) in
which the class is taught, provide some account of student demographics,
and analyze the computer use they describe: what is the particular
pedagogical utility of this use of computers? What does it accomplish?
And what does it accomplish that is different from what one might do by
traditional means? How does this use of computers to teach literature
particularly succeed? And what are its weaknesses? And how would the
author improve the activity in the future?
Articles may discuss any use of computers in teaching literature,
including (but not limited to) synchronous and asynchronous discussion,
MOOs, using and authoring hypertext/hypermedia, CD-ROMs, the World-Wide
Web, online textbooks, word processing, and authoring software and
multimedia packages. Articles should focus primarily on classroom and
course-related applications of computer technology. Articles that relate
classroom applications of computer technology to particular theoretical
concerns are also welcome.
Please submit articles as HTML files or as ASCII text. We encourage the
submission of
* articles that consist of multiple text and graphics files and
that take advantage of the full capacities of hypertext;
* articles accompanied and supported by a rich range of course
materials, samples of student works, and links to relevant
Websites; and,
* plain-text articles.
Guidelines for submitting articles via ftp may be found on the TLWC homepage at
Please address all inquiries and proposals for articles to the Editor,
Seth Katz, at
Hard-copy correspondence to the Editor may be addressed to:
c/o Seth Katz
Department of English
Bradley University
Peoria, Illinois 61625
Seth R. Katz |
Editor | Assistant Professor
_TLWC: Teaching Literature with Computers_ | Department of English
http://www.triton.dsu.edu/tlwc | Bradley University
-------------------------------------------| Peoria, IL 61625
seth@bradley.bradley.edu Phone: (309) 677-2479
http://bradley.bradley.edu/~seth/ Fax: (309) 677-2330
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 13:28:10 -0500 (EST)
From: mmalcolm crawford <m.crawford@dcs.shef.ac.uk>
Subject: Speech and Language Technology (SALT) Club Workshop on EVALUATION IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGY
Call for Abstracts
Registration Information
Speech and Language Technology (SALT) Club Workshop
June 17-18, 1997
Halifax Hall, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Sponsored by
Department of Trade and Industry
Institute for Language Speech and Hearing (ILASH)
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Evaluation is now an issue no speech and language researcher can
afford to ignore. The new empiricism in speech and language research,
occasioned by the massive increase in on-line corpora, together
with the need for well understood system performance characteristics
implicit in the very concept of language engineering, have pushed the
topic of evaluation onto the agendas of most researchers. Current
evaluation metrics may be incomplete, simplifying, distorting, or just
plain irritating, but they are here to stay and our best option is to
make them better. This workshop aims to bring together researchers in
speech and language with an interest in evaluation in order to
reflect on their experiences with evaluation to date and to discuss
how to improve metrics and how to introduce metrics into areas where they
have not yet evolved.
Abstracts of up to 500 words describing proposed presentations are
invited on topics including (but not limited to):
* the role, significance, and limitations of evaluation in speech and
language research
* critical analysis of existing evaluation regimes or metrics
* discussion or presentation of the EU-sponsored EAGLES proposals on
evaluation and standardisation
* how to foster small-scale, low overhead evaluation (e.g. in the
the upcoming EPSRC-sponsored Speech and Language programme)
* proposals for new evaluation regimes or metrics for language systems
that carry out tasks such as:
- speech recognition
- information extraction
- information retrieval
- machine translation
- natural language generation
- speech synthesis
- spoken language understanding
- topic spotting in spoken language
or for component technologies used in these systems, such as:
- tagging
- parsing
- coreference
- proper name recognition and classification in text
- discourse segmentation
* results of evaluation studies carried out on speech or language
systems or component technologies
* tools for evaluation -- scorers, visualisation tools, markup tools
* data provision for evaluation -- proposals for corpus markup
In the tradition of relatively informal SALT workshops, authors of
abstracts will be invited to give a presentation of roughly 30 minutes.
Abstracts, or complete papers, should authors choose to submit them
(length limit 3500 words), will be published in an informal workshop
proceedings. Abstracts will be reviewed by a local programme
committee consisting of:
Dr. R. Gaizauskas (chair)
Prof. Y. Wilks
Dr. S. Renals
Dr. P. Green
Abstracts due: May 1
Notification to authors: May 15
Camera-ready: June 1
Early registration deadline: May 15
For review abstracts should be submitted in ASCII, postscript, or
LaTeX (single, self-contained file only, please). Final abstracts/papers
should be in LaTeX -- authors of accepted presentations will be given
more detailed instructions on formatting later.
Registration and accomodation details will follow shortly.
Further information may be obtained by contacting:
Dr. Robert Gaizauskas
SALT Steering Committee
email: R.Gaizauskas@dcs.shef.ac.uk
phone: +44 (0)114 222 1827
fax: +44 (0)114 222 1810/278 0972
www: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk
University of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science
Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street
Sheffield S1 4DP, U.K.
[registration form omitted]
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 13:20:53 -0500 (EST)
From: Yorick Wilks <yorick@dcs.shef.ac.uk>
Subject: Human-Computer Conversation at Bellagio, time shortens
Bellagio, Italy, July 14th-16th 1997
This message just mentions that the deadline for papers is near if you
want to submit something---send any reasonable short paper to the address
at the bottom. Paper is preferred but email (ascii and NO coded forms PLEASE)
if youre desperate and nothing over ten pages, by the end of March.
The meeting is definitely going ahead: a good range of dialogue demos is
promised, some from the VERY LARGEST software companies. Details about
registration and hotels, along with everything else, including a link so
you can look at Bellagio and the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni are on our
I reprint a registration form here, and my address for paper submission is in the footer:
In order to register for the workshop and to reserve your hotel rooms please
fill in the following information and return it, together with payment of the
workshop registration fee of 180 pounds ($300) plus the cost of 1-night's hotel
accommodation to:
David Levy,
Intelligent Research Ltd.,
89, Constantine Road,
London NW3 2LP,
Tel: +44 171 485 9146
Fax: +44 171 482 0672
e-mail: DavidL@intrsrch.demon.co.uk
Please note that a no-show will not receive a refund for the hotel
accommodation unless we are able to reassign the booking to another delegate.
If paying by cheque please make your cheque payable to Intelligent Research
Ltd. If using a currency other than pounds sterling please convert at the
current rate used when selling that currency for pounds sterling.
Mr / Mrs / Ms:..........
Last name:...........................................................
First name:............................................
................................................................................... Postcode /
Zip:.......................... Country:...............................
Home telephone number: ....................................
Work telephone number: ....................................
Fax number:.......................
e-mail address:..................
1st choice: .................................
2nd choice: .................................
Any other comments or requirements: ..........................................
Single or double occupancy:.............................................
Room and breakfast only or half-board:......................................
Arrival date in Bellagio: ..........................................
Departure date (note that the workshop will finish on July 16th in time for
delegates to reach Milan in the evening):....................
HOW TO PAY You may pay by credit or debit card; or by check or postal
order (preferably in pounds sterling or US$).
Credit Card Payment:
Name:................................ Credit Card Address (if different from
Please debit my Mastercard / VISA / American Express / Diners / Switch
account (delete as appropriate):
Card number:......................................... Expiry Date:............................
Issue No (Switch):.......................
Check / Postal Order payment (pounds sterling):
I enclose full payment by cheque/postal order for............. made payable to
Intelligent Research Ltd.
Please send to: David Levy, Intelligent Research Ltd., 89 Constantine Road,
London NW3 2LP, England.
Professor Yorick Wilks
AI and NN Research Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Regent Court
211 Portobello St.,
Sheffield S1 4DP
phone: (44) 114 282 5561
fax: (44) 114 278 0972
email: yorick@dcs.shef.ac.uk
www: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~yorick
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 12:40:21 -0500 (EST)
From: Ecole d'ete <esslli97@ura1507.univ-paris13.fr>
Subject: ESSLLI'97 (Call for participation)
(we apologize if you receive this message twice)
European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information
Aix-en-Provence, France
August 11 - 22, 1997
Contents : - General Information
- Registration Form
- Programme & contacts
Logic, Language and Information have attracted and brought together a large
number of active researchers from disciplines such as Logic, Computer Science,
Linguistics and Cognitive Science, who consider the use of logical techniques
(broadly conceived) as a thread unifying their research efforts. The European
Summer School in LLI (ESSLLI) has become the main meeting place for young
researchers and research students in this rapidly growing field. ESSLLI is a
unique, interdisciplinary event, with no counterparts in Europe or elsewhere
in the world.
The main focus of the summer school is the interface between logic,
linguistics and computation as far as it concerns the modelling of human
language and cognitive abilities. The 1997 summer school programme includes
courses, workshops and symposia covering a variety of topics within six areas
of interest: Logic, Language, Computation, Logic and Computation, Computation
and Language, Language and Logic.
ESSLLI'97 will take place at the Aix-en-Provence Faculty of Arts(University
of Aix-Marseille I). This Faculty is close to the old town centre. There are
regular connections by bus (25 mns) from the international airport of Marseille
and by train (30mns) from Marseille. The Faculty is at a 10 minute walking
distance from the railway station.
[registration and programme information omitted]
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 09:31:00 -0500 (EST)
From: "Dragomir R. Radev" <radev@cs.columbia.edu>
Subject: Deadline Extended: CFP: ACL/EACL Workshop on Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization
ACL'97/EACL'97 Workshop on
(at ACL'97/EACL'97 Joint Conference)
Madrid, Spain
July 11, 1997
With the explosion in the quantity of on-line information in recent
years, demand for text summarization technology appears to be
growing. Commercial companies are increasingly starting to offer text
summarization capabilities, often bundled with information retrieval
tools. These recent developments offer opportunities as well as
substantial challenges for research in text summarization. In general,
such developments create a practical need for summarization systems
which scale up when applied to large volumes of unrestricted text.
At ACL'97/EACL'97, a particular challenge is to identify the niches
where natural language processing (NLP) can make an impact. For
example, there are applications which require characterizing the
content of large text collections to support data mining functions,
but NLP has not been used much in such applications. Traditionally,
shallower techniques have been leveraged to achieve the desired levels
of scalability and domain-independence, but recent advances in robust
information extraction as well as approaches integrating statistical
and symbolic techniques open up possibilities for more powerful yet
scalable summarization techniques.
With the renewed interest in text summarization, another challenge is
to develop criteria to help evaluate different methodologies, in order
to better advise investors and the interested public on technology
choices. While there have been focused workshops in the past on text
summarization, they have pre-dated the tremendous expansion of on-line
information access fueled by the recent growth of the World Wide
Web. This workshop would bring together researchers interested in
advancing the scientific frontiers of text summarization to meet these
new practical challenges and opportunities.
Submissions are invited on original research in all aspects of text
summarization, including, but not limited to:
* Statistical, linguistic, and knowledge-based techniques in
intelligent summarization
* Multimodal summarization strategies
* Exploiting advances in information extraction in summarization
* Text generation for scalable summarization
* Classification criteria for summarization systems
* Evaluation methods and metrics
* Summarization in operational contexts: requirements, architectures,
lessons learned
* Tailoring summaries to particular users, tasks, and contexts
* Theoretical foundations, including cognitive models
* Combining scalability with abstraction in summarization
* Summarization across multiple documents/sources
* Multilingual summarization
Criteria for selection will include clarity, originality, relevance,
and significance of results. Attendees at the workshop MUST register
for the main ACL/EACL conference.
Udo Hahn University of Freiburg
Julian Kupiec Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Inderjeet Mani The MITRE Corporation (co-chair)
Mark Maybury The MITRE Corporation (co-chair)
Kathy McKeown Columbia University
Boyan Onyshkevych US Department of Defense
Dragomir Radev Columbia University
Lisa Rau SRA International
Kazuo Tanaka NTT Human Interface Laboratories
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: March 25, 1997 (the previously announced deadline,
March 15, has been extended by 10 days).
Acceptance Notification: April 28, 1997
Interested participants should submit a previously unpublished paper
addressing a specific text summarization issue or reporting novel
methods and results. Authors should indicate whether the paper is
being submitted elsewhere. As the papers will be reviewed anonymously,
please do not include author names in the body of the paper; instead
provide a separate title page with title, author names and email
addresses. The paper length (excluding separate title page) should be
no longer than 8 pages. For email submissions, please submit
postscript. (If the postscript doesn't print properly here, you may
eventually have to submit a hardcopy, so please budget enough time for
that.) For hardcopy submissions, please submit FIVE copies of the
Please send submissions to:
Inderjeet Mani
The MITRE Corporation, W640
1820 Dolley Madison Blvd
McLean, VA 22102-3481, USA
Phone: 1-703-883-6149
Fax: 1-703-883-1279
Email: imani@mitre.org