[1] From: Dan Price <dprice@union1.tui.edu> (17)
Subject: Re: 10.0691 courses in literary computing
[2] From: ellen@ling.ed.ac.uk (36)
Subject: MSc in Speech and Language Processing
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 10:45:43 -0500
From: Dan Price <dprice@union1.tui.edu>
Subject: Re: 10.0691 courses in literary computing
In the discussion about "computers in the humanities" as an academic
subject, most of the focus regarding a degree in this field has been at the
graduate level.
Are there programs for undergraduates that folks know about?
What would the kinds of core courses and the kinds of electives
that would be offered?
I suppose too more basically what would be the career opporutnities for a
person with a bachelor's in this field. That is, could the undergraduates
realistically be invited into this field with the promise of future employment?
I confess that I do not read the ListServer religiously and may have missed
some citings in this regard.
Thank You,
M. Daniel Price, Ph.D.
The Center for Distant Learning
The Union Institute
440 E. McMillan
Cincinnati OH 45206
dprice @tui.edu
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 09:42:38 -0500 (EST)
From: ellen@ling.ed.ac.uk
Subject: MSc in Speech and Language Processing
in the
Department of Linguistics
Speech, Language, and Computation
. . . including basic computing skills, PROLOG,
phonetics, phonology, syntax, formal language theory, formal semantics,
neural computing, psycholinguistics, statistics and experimental design,
speech signal analysis and processing, automatic speech recognition and
synthesis, computational linguistics, machine translation . . .
Academic teaching staff include: R. Cann (formal semantics of natural
languages, functional categories in syntax; Indo-European languages),
E. G. Bard (psycholinguistics, perception and production of speech in
dialogue), J. R. Hurford (evolution of language, syntax and semantics in
automatic speech recognition; Arabic), S. D. Isard (dialogue structure,
intonation, automatic speech synthesis and recognition), L. Kelly
(psycholinguistics, acquired language disorders; Spanish), D. R. Ladd
(prosody, phonological theory, intonation in speech synthesis; Romanian),
J. E. Miller (spoken and written language, non-standard English tense
aspect, case; Russian, Bulgarian)
A one year course assessed by essays and dissertation, the M.Sc is taught
within the Department of Linguistics and its Centre for Speech Technology
Research, which have extensive computing and laboratory facilities. The
Department maintains close ties with the Human Communication Research
Centre, and shares some teaching with the Centre for Cognitive Science.
Application has been made to EPSRC to continue a quota of Advanced Course
Studentships, for which EC residents with Honours degrees or equivalent
experience are eligible.
Applications deadline: 10th March for October entry
Contact: Postgraduate Admissions Committee, Department of Linguistics,
The University of Edinburgh, Adam Ferguson Building, George Square,
Edinburgh EH8 9LL, UK;
For further information: tel. (+44) 131 650 3961, fax (+44) 131 650 3962,
email ethel@ling.ed.ac.uk
or see the Linguistics home page http://www.ling.ed.ac.uk/