[1] From: Mark Davies <mdavies@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu> (34)
Subject: polyglot Bibles, Spanish & English
[2] From: Russon Wooldridge <wulfric@chass.utoronto.ca> (49)
Subject: Announcing an Early Dictionaries Centre
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 10:41:20 -0600
From: Mark Davies <mdavies@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu>
Subject: Possible items for Humanist
For those who are interested, I have placed online three separate polyglot
bibles containing texts from different stages of both English and Spanish.
In each case, the text contains verse-by-verse parallel passages of the
different stages of the languages, which enables users to compare the
languages at different stages of their development. The texts are the
The Gospel of Luke in Old English (Anglo-Saxon bible, c1000 AD), Middle
English (Wycliffe bible, c1380), Early Modern English (King James Version,
1611), and Present Day English (the New International Version, 1973).
The Gospel of Luke in Latin (Vulgate), Old Spanish (E8 manuscript, c1250),
and Modern Spanish (Reina-Valera).
The book of 1 Samuel in Latin (Vulgate), Old Spanish (E8 manuscript,
c1250), and Modern Spanish (Reina-Valera).
For both the polyglot English and Spanish versions of the Gospel of Luke,
there is also a Word document that can be downloaded, which contains the
entire text in table format.
Mark Davies, Assistant Professor, Spanish Linguistics
Dept. of Foreign Languages, Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-4300
Voice:309/438-7975 email:mdavies@ilstu.edu
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 10:38:03 -0500 (EST)
From: Russon Wooldridge <wulfric@chass.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Announcing an Early Dictionaries Centre
[version francaise ci-dessous]
Announcing the creation of
the Early Dictionaries centre
EDICTA's goals:
to publish electronic and computer-assisted editions of early dictionaries
of English, French and Latin;
to publish peer-reviewed research on early dictionaries in general;
to convene workshops and conferences on research uses of early dictionaries;
to disseminate information about international research on early dictionaries;
to teach graduate-level courses on lexicography and the history of the
Currently on-line at EDICTA are the Early Modern English Dictionaries
Database, samples of three medieval Latin-French dictionaries -- Glossarium
Gallico-latinum, Montpellier-Stockholm Catholicon and Vocabularius
familiaris et compendiosus -- and sample databases of Nicot's Thresor and of
the 8 complete editions of the Dictionnaire de l'Academie francaise.
Russon Wooldridge
University of Toronto
On annonce la creation de
le centre des Dictionnaires Anciens
Les objectifs d'EDICTA:
la publication d'editions electroniques et editions assistees par ordinateur
de dictionnaires anglais, francais et latins anciens;
la publication, avec comite de lecture, de monographies et articles sur les
dictionnaires anciens en general;
l'organisation d'ateliers et de colloques;
la diffusion d'informations sur les projets de recherche internationaux
portant sur les dictionnaires anciens;
l'enseignement de cours de 2e et 3e cycles sur la lexicographie et
l'histoire de la langue.
EDICTA a actuellement en ligne la Early Modern English Dictionaries
Database, des echantillons de trois dictionnaires latin-francais medievaux
-- Glossarium Gallico-latinum, Montpellier-Stockholm Catholicon et
Vocabularius familiaris et compendiosus -- et des bases echantillons du
Thresor de Nicot et des huit editions completes du Dictionnaire de
l'Academie francaise.
Russon Wooldridge
University of Toronto
Russon Wooldridge, Department of French, Trinity College,
University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1H8, Canada
Tel: 1-416-978-2885 -- Fax: 1-416-978-4949
E-mail: wulfric@chass.utoronto.ca
Internet: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/~wulfric/