9.477 CETH Summer Seminar; Humanities Teaching & Research

Humanist (mccarty@phoenix.Princeton.EDU)
Mon, 22 Jan 1996 18:49:45 -0500 (EST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 9, No. 477.
Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (Princeton/Rutgers)
Information at http://www.princeton.edu/~mccarty/humanist/

[1] From: Pamela Cohen <pac@rci.rutgers.edu> (167)
Subject: 1996 CETH Summer Seminar announcement

[2] From: rk27 <Robert_P_KOLKER@umail.umd.edu> (74)
From: "H-CLC (BD)" <bdiederi@artsci.wustl.edu>
Subject: Call for Proposals: Directions for Humanities Teaching
& Research

Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 12:21:39 -0500
From: Pamela Cohen <pac@rci.rutgers.edu>
Subject: 1996 CETH Summer Seminar announcement

The announcement for the Fifth Annual CETH Summer Seminar follows. This
message is being cross posted; apologies for multiple postings.

Applications can be sent to ceth@phoenix.princeton.edu, or to the address below.

Questions should be directed to:
Pamela Cohen / Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities / 169 College
Avenue / New Brunswick NJ 08903
phone: (908) 932-1384 / fax: (908) 932-1386

CETH Summer Seminar 1996

CETH's Fifth Annual Summer Seminar on Methods and Tools for Electronic Texts
in the Humanities will be held at Princeton University, New Jersey on July
14-26, 1996.

Seminar Directors:
Susan Hockey, CETH
Willard McCarty, Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences, University
of Toronto

The Summer Seminar will address a wide range of challenges and opportunities
that electronic texts and software offer to teachers, scholars and
librarians in the humanities. The seminar will cover the demonstrable
benefits of using electronic texts, typical problems and how to solve them,
and how software fits or can be adapted to common methods of textual study.

For the 1996 Seminar, there will be a maximum of sixty places. There will be
plenary sessions throughout and six parallel tracks devoted to specific
areas of humanities computing. Participants attend all plenary sessions and
select one parallel track for more detailed study.

Throughout the Seminar, the instructors will provide assistance with
designing projects, locating sources for texts and software, and solving
practical problems. Ample computing facilities will be available, as well
as a small library of essential articles and books in humanities computing
to supplement printed seminar materials, which include an extensive
bibliography. Special lectures will describe current research in the field.

The Seminar is intended for faculty, students, librarians, technical
advisers, and academic administrators with direct responsibilities for
humanities computing support. It assumes basic computing experience but not
necessarily with its application to academic research and teaching in the

Parallel Tracks
1. Textual Analysis

An intensive study of textual analysis tools and their applications. Indexed
interactive retrieval vs batch concordance generation. Practical experience
of TACT and Micro-OCP.

Instructors: Susan Hockey, Willard McCarty

Susan Hockey is Director of the Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities.

Willard McCarty holds a Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of
Toronto where he is a member of the newly formed Computing in the Humanities
and Social Sciences facility at the University of Toronto.

2. Text Encoding Initiative and SGML

Understanding and using the Text Encoding Initiative's application of the
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). Topics covered: Document
analysis and tag set design; TEI core tags, base tag sets, and additional
tag sets; TEI header; SGML declarations and modifying the TEI tag sets; TEI
tags for hypertext, linguistic and literary analysis; processing TEI-encoded

Instructor: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen is Editor-in-Chief of the Text Encoding
Initiative and a senior research programmer at the academic computer center
at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

3. Scholarly Editing

Computer tools for the preparation and publication of scholarly editions.
Topics include: the transcription and computer imaging of primary sources;
collation of multiple witnesses; use of the Text Encoding Initiative
guidelines for scholarly editions; making of hypertext electronic editions
for network and CD-ROM distribution; management of a collaborative editing

Instructor: Peter Robinson is Senior Research Fellow in the Electronic
Publishing Research Group at De Montfort University, Milton Keynes, UK.

4. Hypertext for the Humanities

An introduction to developing hypertexts for the humanities. Building and
using HyperCard stacks and World Wide Web documents. Discussion of hypertext
design, use of example hypertexts, and an examination of their role in
humanities research and teaching.

Instructor: Geoffrey Rockwell is the director of the Humanities Computing
Centre and an Assistant Professor of Humanities Computing at McMaster
University where he teaches courses on humanities computing and multimedia.

5. Tools for Historical Analysis

A survey of the methods most frequently used by historians in their
computer-aided teaching and research, focusing on database and statistical
processing. Other topics covered: linguistic content analysis, promising
new developments in corpus creation and image processing, and the use of
computers in history teaching.

Instructor: Daniel Greenstein is a Senior Lecturer in Modern History at
Glasgow University, and is currently on secondment to King's College London
where he is Director of the Executive of the UK's Arts and Humanities Data

6. Setting up an Electronic Text Center

The practical aspects of setting up and managing electronic text centers.
Topics covered: resources and collection development, staff and training,
user education and services, budget and licensing, institutional relations,
and physical vs. virtual electronic text or centers.

Instructor: Anita Lowry is the Head of Information, Research, and
Instructional Services (IRIS) in the Main Library at the University of Iowa.

Sunday, July 14
6 p.m. Registration, reception and introductions.

Monday, July 15
Survey of existing archives, inventories and other current resources.
Creating and capturing texts in electronic form. Introduction to text
markup, surveying ad hoc methods.

Tuesday, July 16
Introduction to basic tools: concordances and text retrieval. Demonstration
and discussion of TACT. Overview of the Text Encoding Initiative and the
Standard Generalized Markup Language.

Wednesday, July 17
a.m. (Plenary) Large textual databases.
p.m. Parallel tracks.

Thursday, July 18
a.m. (Plenary) Electronic Editions and Scholarly Publishing (panel).
p.m. Parallel tracks.

Friday, July 19
a.m. (Plenary) Introduction to structured databases.
p.m. Parallel tracks.

Monday, July 22
a.m. (Plenary) Hypertext for the humanities.
p.m. Parallel tracks.

Tuesday, July 23
a.m. (Plenary) Overview of digital imaging techniques. Demonstrations.
p.m. Individual project work.

Wednesday, July 24
a.m. (Plenary) Institutional support for electronic texts (panel).
p.m. Parallel tracks.

Thursday, July 25
a.m. (Plenary) Discussion on the limitations of existing software. Advanced
analytical tools and lexical resources.
p.m. (Plenary) Presentation of participants projects.
6 p.m. Cocktails and banquet.

Friday, July 26
a.m. (Plenary) Presentation of participants projects.
p.m. (Plenary) Concluding discussion of basic questions.

Cost: $1275. Nonstudents
$1075. Students
Fee includes tuition, use of computer facilities, printed seminar materials,
opening reception, lunches (Monday to Friday both weeks) and a closing
banquet. Payment is requested at the time of acceptance.

Location: Princeton University, in Princeton, New Jersey, was founded in
1746 and is the fourth oldest college in North America. Among the
University's attractions are the library system, which houses about five
million printed books, 34,000 journals, manuscripts and papyri; and the
Princeton Art Museum.

Accommodation: Accommodation is available in Princeton University student
housing facilities at a cost of $25 per day for bed and breakfast. CETH
will assist participants in finding hotel accommodations if preferred.
Commercial rates vary.

Application: Application requires two parts: a cover sheet and a statement
of interest. Current students applying for the reduced rate must also
include a photocopy of their valid student ID. E-mail submissions must have
the subject line "Summer Seminar Application."

Applications will be reviewed by a committee consisting of members of CETH's
Governing Board.

The cover sheet must include the following information:
your name
current institutional affiliation and your position
postal and e-mail addresses
telephone and fax numbers
natural language interest and computing experience
parallel tracks you are interested in attending, listed in order of
preference. You may indicate up to three parallel tracks. If your first
choice is full, you will be allocated to your second choice and so on.

Your statement of interest should include:
how your participation in the seminar would be relevant for your
teaching, research, advising, or administrative work, and possibly
that of your colleagues;
what particular project you would like to undertake during the seminar or
what area of the humanities you would like most to explore; and
the extent of your computing experience.

Application Deadline: March 15, 1996. Participants will be notified by
April 17.

Date: Sun, 21 Jan 96 10:01 EST
From: rk27 <Robert_P_KOLKER@umail.umd.edu>

(This call will be cross-listed)

The College of Arts and Humanities, the Center for Renaissance and Baroque
Studies, and the Center for Humanities Applications in New Technologies
(CHANT) at the University of Maryland at College Park are issuing a call for
contributions to an interdisciplinary conference entitled, "Attending to
Technology: Directions for Humanities Teaching and Research." A preliminary
program is attached.

The conference is planned for November 7-9, 1996 on the College Park campus
for an audience of university and K-12 faculty and students and the interested

Strategically placed to sponsor such a conference, the University of
Maryland at College Park is in the vanguard of human interface research and
implementation, and has an impressive record of faculty, technical staff,
and administrative collaboration on issues raised by new technologies. The
University of Maryland is one of seven universities selected to participate
in the Getty/MESL project, a national pilot program designed to
study the use of digitized images for research and teaching, and it recently
sponsored the Digital Village, a major exhibit of computer-mediated art.
The College Park campus boasts two innovative computer teaching theaters,
increasingly being used by humanities faculty and students.

Faculty in the College of Arts and Humanities are using new technologies in
innovative ways. Their colleagues in the elementary and secondary schools in
neighboring counties are engaged with their students in exploring study and
new strategies in computer-mediated teaching and learning.

The conference has been organized to encourage dialogue and to promote
hands-on demonstration among these groups. Each of three plenaries,
addressing general themes, will be followed by a constellation of related
workshops, presentations, and demonstrations. Active audience
participation is encouraged and a conference goal is to build partnerships
nationally for ongoing scholarly and educational projects using the new

The title "Attending to Technology" derives from our interest in the
opportunities for teaching, learning, research and communication in the arts
and humanities offered by new technologies. This is a wide-ranging context
that includes, but is not limited to, pedagogical issues in teaching with
technology; the networked classroom; educational software development;
evaluation; faculty responses; student initiatives; questions of access;
issues of gender and class.

The conference planning committee welcomes proposals for thirty-minute
discussions, presentations or demonstrations from faculty or students using,
teaching, developing, creating, theorizing, evaluating--or just thinking
about--arts and humanities applications of the new technologies. We invite
contributions that are discipline-based and/or interdisciplinary, individual
and/or collaborative. Proposals should take their theme and subject from the
plenary topics.

Please send a one-page description by March 15, 1996 (along with names of
your co-presenters, if any) to the Center for Renaissance and Baroque
Studies, 0139 Taliaferro Hall, Attention: Attending to Technology or email
to tg56@umail.umd.edu. (If you saw this notice on a listserv, please tell us
which one.) In your statement, please include your software and/or hardware
requirements. We can supply video playback and we will have a limited
number of panel projectors for laptops.
Preliminary Program

----- THURSDAY, November 7 -----

REGISTRATION will commence in the late afternoon. The KEYNOTE
ADDRESS and a RECEPTION will take place in the evening.

----- FRIDAY, November 8 -----

for the morning to be followed by the first session of WORKSHOPS AND

afternoon. A WORKSHOP AND PRESENTATION session will follow.

In the evening there will be a CASH BAR and a MULTIMEDIA CONCERT
PRESENTATION of works from a variety of composers, artists, and dancers.

----- SATURDAY, November 9 -----


selected topics. A LUNCH will conclude the conference.