8.0415 Conf: Cooperative Multimodal Communicatio (1/416)
Fri, 24 Mar 1995 02:24:35 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 8, No. 0415. Friday, 24 Mar 1995.
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 95 12:26:55 +0100
From: rjbeun@prl.philips.nl
Subject: Intl. Conference on Cooperative Multimodal Communication (CMC/95)
Dear Colleague,
In May (24-26) 1995, the Conference on Cooperative Multimodal Dialogue,
Theory and Applications (CMC/95) will be held at the Institute for
Perception Research (IPO) in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. To give you
the opportunity to attend to the conference, I have enclosed a
registration form. So, if you are interested, please complete this form
and return it as soon as possible.
In case you have any questions concerning the conference, don't hesitate to
contact the University Congress office or me. I hope to see you at the
Best regards,
Robbert-Jan Beun
Institute for Perception Research (IPO)
Eindhoven University of Technology.
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
email: rjbeun@prl.philips.nl
enclosures: (1) registration form (please print!)
(2) list of speakers (in Latex)
(3) first announcement (in Latex)
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MAY 24-26, 1995
Please return this form a.s.a.p. to:
Mrs. Carla Schreurs-van Hooijdonk
Eindhoven University of Technology tel: *31 40 474849/474000
Attn. University Congress Office fax: *31 40 458195
P.O. Box 513 e-mail: congressoffice@ieb.tue.nl
NL - 5600 MB Eindhoven
Name : .................................
Affiliation : .................................
Address : .................................
City, State, Zip Code : .................................
Country : .................................
Telephone : .................................
Fax : .................................
E-mail : .................................
Please provide your name and affiliation as you wish them to appear on
your badge.
Registration fee includes a copy of the conference proceedings which
will be available at the conference. It also includes tea/coffee during
breaks, lunches on Wednesday and Thursday, and the conference dinner.
Before April 15, 1995 After April 15, 1995 At conference
NLG 250,-- NLG 300,-- NLG 350,--
0 Bank Transfer
Transfer the registration fee in Dutch guilders to:
Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 515, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Please specify `CMC/95' and your name.
(For Dutch participants, the gironumber of the bank is 1065135)
Please calculate transfer charges, as we must receive the full
registration fee. Any shortfall in fees will have to be paid
upon arrival.
0 Credit Card (only Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa, American Express and
Diners Club)
If you pay by credit card please send us the following
Card number : .........................
Expiration date : .........................
Credit card company : .........................
Name as it appears on card : .........................
I authorize the University Congress Office to charge my account for the
total fee of ..........
(signature) ..........
Credit card payment at the conference can only be accepted on
Wednesday, May 24!
Do you want us to make hotel reservations for you? YES / NO
(If you make your own reservations, the costs will be around NLG 75,-
If your answer to the previous question was YES, please fill in the
date of your arrival and departure and the hotel of your preference.
Arrival date : ........ Departure date: .........
Please circle your preference (prizes in NLG):
single double
Tulip Inn 140,- 160,-
Dorint 205,- 249,-
(If double room)
Shares room with: .............................
Both hotels are in the centre of the city, close to the modern shopping
centre `De Heuvelgalerie', Music Hall Frits Philips and city nightlife,
and are at walking distance from the conference site (20 min.) and the
railway-station (5 min.).
Hotel Tulip Inn **** has 30 rooms available; no proper parking facilities
are available.
Dorint Hotel **** has 100 rooms available; is a very comfortable business
hotel with all luxurious facilities and has its own parking.
In exceptional cases and on individual bases we can help you to find
other, less expensive rooms for you in Eindhoven. Please contact the
University Congress Office. Note that no registration can be processed,
or accomodation reserved, without the necessary fee deposit.
Payment has to be made directly to the hotel. Changes in the arrival or
departure date have to be communicated promptly to the University Congress
Office. In case of no-show, the University Congress Office can charge
you for the costs involved.
Date: ................. Signature: .................
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{\Large\bf List of Speakers} \\ \\
{\large\bf Invited Speakers} \\
{\it Mark MAYBURY} (The MITRE Corporation, McLean) \\
{\it Wolfgang WAHLSTER} (DFKI, Saarbr\"ucken) \\
{\it Bonnie WEBBER} (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) \\
{\it Kent WITTENBURG} (Bellcore, Morristown) \\
\ \\
\ \\
{\large\bf Papers} \\ \\
{\it Rene AHN, Harry BUNT and Robbert-Jan BEUN} (ITK, Tilburg and IPO,
Eindhoven) \\
{\sf The DenK-system: A Fundamental Approach to User Interfaces} \\
\ \\
{\it Tijn BORGHUIS } (Eindhoven University of Technology) \\
{\sf Contexts in Dialogue }\\
\ \\
{\it Patrick BOURDOT, Mike KRUS and Rachid GHERBI } (LIMSI, Orsay) \\
{\sf Management of Non-Standard Devices for Multimodal User
Interfaces under UNIX/X11 }\\
\ \\
{\sf The Role of Multimodal Communication in Cooperation and Intention
Recognition: The Case of Air Traffic Control }\\
\ \\
{\it Adam CHEYER and Luc JULIA } (SRI International, Menlo Park) \\
{\sf Multimodal Maps: An Agent-based Approach }\\
\ \\
{\it Laurel FAIS, Kyung-Ho LOKEN-KIM and Young-Duk PARK } (ATR, Kyoto) \\
{\sf Speakers' Responses to Requests for Repetition in a Multimodal
Cooperative Dialogue }\\
\ \\
{\it Yi HAN and Ingrid ZUKERMAN } (Monash University, Clayton, Australia) \\
{\sf A Cooperative Approach for Multimodal Presentation Planning }\\
\ \\
{\it Carla HULS and Edwin BOS } (NICI, Nijmegen University) \\
{\sf Studies into Full Integration of Language and Action }\\
\ \\
{\it Tsuneaki KATO and Yukiko I. NAKANO } (NTT, Kanagawa, Japan) \\
{\sf Referent Identification Requests in Multimodal Dialogs }\\
\ \\
{\it John LEE and Keith STENNING } (HCRC, University of Edinburgh) \\
{\sf Anaphora in Multimodal Discourse }\\
\ \\
{\it J.C. MARTIN, R. VELDMAN and D. BEROULE } (LIMSI, Orsay and
TELECOM, Paris) \\
{\sf Towards Adequate Representation Technologies for Multimodal Interfaces }\\
\ \\
{\it Fergal McCAFFERY, Michael McTEAR and Maureen MURPHY } (University
of Ulster, Newtonabbey) \\
{\sf Designing a Multimedia Interface for Operators Assembling Circuit
Boards } \\
\ \\
{\it Katashi NAGAO } (Sony, Tokyo) \\
{\sf Anthropomorphic Agents: A Multimodal Approach }\\
\ \\
{\it Catherine PELACHAUD, Justine CASSELL, Norman BADLER, Mark STEEDMAN,
Scott PREVOST and Matthew STONE} (University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia) \\
{\sf Synthesizing Cooperative Conversation }\\
\ \\
{\it N.J. SALES and R.G. EVANS } (Imperial College, London) \\
{\sf An Approach to Solving the Symbol Grounding Problem:
Neural Networks for Object Naming and Retrieval }\\
\ \\
Lannion, France) \\
{\sf Modeling and Processing of the Oral and Tactile Activities in the GEORAL
Tactile System } \\
\ \\
\ \\
{\large\bf Posterpresentations} \\
\ \\
{\it Anita CREMERS } (IPO, Eindhoven) \\
{\sf Object Reference during Terminal Dialogues }\\
\ \\
{\it Massimo FASCIANO and Guy LAPALME} (University of Montreal) \\
{\sf Automatic Generation of Statistical Graphics} \\
\ \\
{\it Igor KOTENKO and Dmitry KRECHMAN} (Telecommunication Academy and
Electrotechnical University, St.-Petersburg) \\
{\sf Computer-Aided Negotiation Support in Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems} \\
\ \\
{\it Susann LUPERFOY and David DUFF} (The MITRE Corporation, McLean) \\
{\sf Multimodal Dialogue Semantics Against a Dynamic World Model} \\
\ \\
{\it Olga MARCHENKO} (Institute of Psychology, Moskou) \\
{\sf Two Basic Orientations of Subject in World and in Human-Computer
Communication} \\
\ \\
{\it Mieke RATS } (ITK, Tilburg University) \\
{\sf Topic Management in Information Dialogues }\\
\ \\
{\it Gerrit RENTIER} (ITK, Tilburg) \\
{\sf Constraint-Based Grammars and Lingual Interfaces} \\
\ \\
{\it Marco ROCHA} (University of Sussex, Brighton) \\
{\sf Anaphora Processing in Human-Machine Dialogues: A Cross-Linguistic
Discussion} \\
\ \\
{\it Wlodek ZADROZNY} (IBM Research, Yorktown Heights) \\
{\sf Internalized Contexts in NL Semantics}
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{\Huge\bf CMC/95 \\
----------- \\ }
{\large\bf International Conference on \\
\ \\
\ \\
{\large Theory and Applications } \\
\ \\
{\it Sponsored by the Universities of Brabant
Joint Research Organization (SOBU) \\
and the ACL Special Interest Group in Multimedia (SIGMEDIA) } \\
\ \\
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{\large 24-26 May 1995, Eindhoven, The Netherlands }
\ \\
Eindhoven University of Technology, in collaboration with the
Institute for Perception Research IPO in Eindhoven and the Institute for
Language Technology and Artificial Intelligence ITK in Tilburg, will host
an international conference on the theory and applications of
cooperative multimodal communication that wil take place in Eindhoven
from 24-26 May 1995. \\
\ \\
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers involved
in the design, implementation, and application of forms of cooperative
human-computer communication where natural language (typed or spoken)
is used in combination with other modalities, such as visual feedback
and direct manipulation.
The conference will focus on formal, computational, and user aspects
of building cooperative multimodal dialogue systems. Papers are sought
in areas which include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
% \vspace{-5mm}
\item cooperativity in multimodal dialogue
\item natural language semantics in a multimodal context
\item formal and computational models of dialogue context
\item incremental knowledge representation and dialogue
\item interacting with visual domain representations
\item collaborative problem solving and knowledge sharing
\item constraint-based approaches to animation and visual modelling
\item effective use of different interactive modalities
\item modelling temporal aspects of multimodal communication
\item type theory and natural language interpretation
% \item knowledge sharing technologies
% \vspace{-5mm}
\noindent {\bf Paper submission requirements: } \\
Authors are asked to submit an extended abstract of their paper of
minimally 4 and maximally 7 pages, including references and keywords,
by December 15, 1994. Only electronical submission in standard LaTeX
will be possible, to be sent to denk@kub.nl. \\
\ \\
% \vspace{-5mm}
{\bf Time schedule: } \\
Submission of extended abstracts & 15 & December, 1994 \\
Notification of acceptance & 1 & February, 1995 \\
Final papers due & 15 & March, 1995 \\
\end{tabular} \\
\ \\
{\bf Programme Committee:} \\
Harry Bunt (ITK, Tilburg) (chair) \\
Norman Badler (Philadelphia) & Jeroen Groenendijk (Amsterdam) \\
Walther von Hahn (Hamburg) & Dieter Huber (Mainz) \\
Hans Kamp (Stuttgart) & John Lee (Edinburgh) \\
Joseph Mariani (Parijs) & Mark Maybury (Mitre) \\
Paul Mc Kevitt (Sheffield) & Rob Nederpelt (Eindhoven) \\
Kees van Overveld (Eindhoven) & Ray Perrault (Stanford) \\
Donia Scott (Brighton) & Wolfgang Wahlster (Saarbruecken) \\
Bonnie Webber (Philadelphia) & Kent Wittenburg (Bellcore) \\
\end{tabular} \\
\ \\
{\bf Organization Committee:} \\
Robbert-Jan Beun (IPO, Eindhoven) (chair) \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{Tijn Borghuis, Harry Bunt, Rob Nederpelt, Marianne
\end{tabular} \\
\ \\
\ \\
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\noindent %\footnotesize{
{\bf Information: } \\
WWW at {\tt http://itkwww.kub.nl:2080/itk/Docs/DenK.html}. \\
For questions about the program contact {\tt Harry.Bunt@kub.nl}; \\
for questions about the organization contact {\tt rjbeun@prl.philips.nl}.
For all other matters contact the SOBU Secretariat, Tilburg University, \\
P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE TILBURG, The Netherlands, \\
phone: +31 13 662380; fax: +31 13 662948; email: {\tt denk@kub.nl}.
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