8.0405 NEH Guidelines Available (1/46)

Wed, 22 Mar 1995 01:01:12 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 8, No. 0405. Wednesday, 22 Mar 1995.

Date: Fri, 17 Mar 95 15:04:43 EST
From: espross@neh.fed.us
Subject: NEH Guidelines Update

Please circulate and/or repost:

The Division of Education Programs, National Endowment for
the Humanities, has updated its guidelines. The full
publication of the new guidelines will be available sometime
in April 1995. Included in the changes are new deadlines
for the receipt of applications to some programs in the
Education division.

Program |Apply |Grant Can Begin
Humanities Focus |September 15, 1995 |December 1995
|January 15, 1996 |April 1996
Higher Education in |October 1, 1995 |April 1996
the Humanities |February 1, 1996 |August 1996
Science and Humanities |February 1, 1996 |August 1996
Elementary and Secondary|October 1, 1995 |April 1996
Education in the |February 1, 1996 |August 1996
Humanities | |

Requests for the new guidelines may be addressed to:

Division of Education Programs
National Endowment for the Humanities
Room 302
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20506


E-mail inquiries may be addressed to:


If you use e-mail, please include the words, "Request for
Guidelines" in the subject line, and include your full
mailing address. The guidelines are not yet available
in electronic form.