8.0353 CFP 5: Critical Mass (1/47)

Tue, 7 Mar 1995 19:58:55 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 8, No. 0353. Tuesday, 7 Mar 1995.

Date: Tue, 07 Mar 1995 01:58:33 -0400
From: Critical Mass <CRITMASS@ac.dal.ca>
Subject: Call for Papers


Now inviting submissions for


_Critical Mass_ is in its fifth year. We continue to publish the critical
and creative work of graduate students of English: innovative essays on
literature and theory, book reviews, poetry, short fiction, etc. We
also welcome opinion pieces on the job market, pedagogy, graduate programs
and other topics of interest to graduate students of English.

Issue 4.2 contains:

Cynthea Masson, "Desire Waiting for a Response: Fantasizing
Theories of the Lesbian Love Letter"

Sharon Hamilton, "Kissing Clarissa"

Nancy Pearson, "The Edenic Myth in Stephen Friesen's _The

Fiction by Michael Kohn; poetry by Kathy Mac; and reviews by
Julia Swan and Michael Greene.

Submissions to should follow MLA format. To facilitate our process of
anonymous reading, the author's name should not appear on the manuscript.
Please include a self-addressed, self-stamped return envelope. Send your
submissions to:

Critical Mass
Department of English
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3J5

You can also send e-mail inquiries and abstracts (or, if you feel up to it,
the entire document) to CRITMASS@AC.DAL.CA.

*** We welcome submissions at any time, but the deadline for our next issue
*** is May 15, 1995.