8.0118 American Printing History Assn Conference (1/36)
Wed, 27 Jul 1994 20:13:40 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 8, No. 0118. Wednesday, 27 Jul 1994.
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 11:15:12 EDT
From: Jane Rodgers Siegel <jrs19@COLUMBIA.EDU>
Subject: APHA's 20th Anniversary
A posting which may be of interest to HUMANIST subscribers. Jim Kelly, Gelman
Library, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. (202) 994-6848
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The American Printing History Association (APHA) celebrates its
two decades with a conference to be held in New York, Friday through
Sunday, October 7th to 9th, 1994. Participants will attend an opening
reception Friday evening at the Grolier Club, hear a roster of five
speakers on Saturday at the Pierpont Morgan Library followed by a
reception at the Union League Club, and may choose among a series of
exhibitions at institutions around the city on Sunday.
This year's conference, entitled "APHA at Twenty: Celebrating
the Past, Looking to the Future," will feature the following lectures:
"Three (Possibly Four) Ages of APHA" by Terry Belanger, University
Professor at the University of Virginia; "The Art Preservative: From
the History of the Book Back to Printing History" by Michael Winship,
Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin; "The Temper
of the Present" by W. Thomas Taylor, publisher and antiquarian book
dealer of Austin, Texas; "Type in the Modern Book" by Cynthia
Hollandsworth, U.S. Type Marketing Manager at the Agfa Division of
Miles Inc.; and "Ink vs. Electrons: Comments from the Field" by Wendy
Richmond, independent consultant in interactive media of Cambridge,
A special boxed portfolio of broadsides designed and printed
by many of America's most distinguished printing practitioners is
being created in an edition of 200 to mark the anniversary. The
result of this collaboration, "A Type Miscellany," will be available
for purchase at the conference, or by mail order at the address below.
The conference, part of APHA's continuing series of annual
conferences held in cities around the country, is open to the public.
Registration brochures may be obtained by writing APHA, P.O. Box 4922,
Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163.
The American Printing History Association was founded in 1974
to encourage the study of printing history and its related arts and
skills, including calligraphy, typeface design and type-founding,
papermaking, illustration, binding and publishing.