8.0031 Computing Techniques and the History of Universities
Tue, 24 May 1994 21:32:13 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 8, No. 0031. Tuesday, 24 May 1994.
Date: Tue, 24 May 1994 14:44:20 GMT
From: Donald Spaeth <DSPAETH@dish.gla.ac.uk>
Subject: AHC workshop
From: P.R.Denley@uk.ac.qmw
Computing Techniques and the History of Universities
An international workshop
Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London
1-3 July 1994
hosted by
the Humanities Computing Centre, QMW
in collaboration with
Association for History and Computing
and History of Universities
A growing number of historians of universities use computing techniques to
handle and analyse large quantities of information, mostly prosopographical.
The workshop will bring together international scholars working in this area
in order to
* examine the typology of university sources, with particular
regard to computing considerations.
* compare methods of handling and analysing large databases
of university history which have been or are being
* explore prospects of, and methods for, the accessing of such
databases by other scholars, and the possibilities for
collaborative work afforded by technology.
Provisional programme
Friday 1st July
4.00-5.00pm Registration and Tea
5.00pm Introduction and Welcome
5.00-6.30pm Session 1. Prosopography and Medieval Universities
Jean-Philippe Genet (Paris), "A Computerized Paris
Biographical Dictionary: a Project"
Elisabeth Mornet (Paris), "Le peregrinatio academica la
du Moyen Age: l'apport d'une base de donn es
Virginia Davis (Queen Mary & Westfield College,
London), "Ordination Lists as a Source for
Membership of Oxford and Cambridge Colleges in
the Later Middle Ages"
6.30pm Sherry Reception (Humanities Computing Centre,QMW)
7.15pm Dinner
8.30-10.00pm Session 2. Source-Oriented Data Processing and
Medieval University History
Ingrid Matschinegg & Annemarie Steidl (Vienna),
"Computer-Supported Mapping. Creating a Screen-
Show of the Geographic Recruitment of the
Viennese University in the Late Middle Ages"
Thomas Maisel & Albert Mueller (Vienna),
Social Information: Design and Management of
Source-Oriented Databases on the History of the
Peter Denley (Queen Mary & Westfield College, London),
"Italian Renaissance Universities: a
Prosopographical Data Bank".
Saturday 2nd July
8.00-9.00am Breakfast
9.00-10.30am Session 3. Medieval Universities, Intellectual History
and Textual Analysis
Dino Buzzetti (Bologna), "Fourteenth-Century Bolognese
Philosophy and Medicine: Images and Editions"
Stephen Livesey (Paris), "Unique Manuscripts and
Medieval Productivity: How Shall We Count?"
Jacques Verger (Paris), "Fourteenth-Century University
and College Statutes as Source for Systematic
Lexical Study"
10.30-11.00am Coffee
11.00-12.30 Session 4. University Databases: Design Methodology
Peter Lauf (Cologne), "As Important as Problematic:
Uwe Alschner (Osnabrueck), "Matriculation
Registers as
One Source of University History. Local and Social
Origins of cives academici at the University of
Helmstedt from 1576 to 1809/10"
Jeroen Nilis (Leuven), "The Development of a Relational
Database for Prosopographical Research of
Institutions, in particular Universities (Twelfth
Eighteenth Centuries)"
12.30-2.00pm Lunch
2.00-3.30pm Session 5. University History: Major Database Projects
Colin B. Burke (Columbia), "American Collegiate
Populations: 24,000 Nineteenth Century Student
Biographies. Was It Worth It?"
Anne Crowther, Marguerite Dupree and James Bradley
(Glasgow), "Micros and Medical Students: Sources
and Methods for Exploring the Completion Rates
and Careers of Scottish Medical Students in the
Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries"
Alison Gaukroger and Leonard Schwarz (Birmingham),
"Historians versus Databases: the Birmingham
3.30-4.00pm Tea
4.00-6.00pm Session 6. The Modern University: Case Studies in
Database Design
Carroll Brentano (Berkeley), "Designing a Database: A
Case Study of the 1915 University of California
Marjory Harper (Aberdeen), "Students at the University of
Aberdeen from 1860 to the 1920s"
June Barrow-Green (Open University), "Mathematicians in
British Universities, Nineteenth and Twentieth
Peter Svobodny (Prague), "Biographical Lexicon of the
German Medical Faculty in Prague, 1883-1945"
6.00-7.30pm Demonstrations
7.30pm Dinner
Sunday 3rd July
8.00-9.00am Breakfast
9.00-10.30am Session 7. Creation and Dissemination
Michael Cook (Liverpool), "University Archives:
Standards for the Retrieval and Exchange of Data"
John McLoughlin (King's College London), "Creating
New Sources: Alumni Databases in the United
Marc Nelissen (Leuven), "STUDIUM, University
Discussion List: a First Evaluation".
10.30-11.00am Coffee
11.00-12.30 Session 8. In Progress: the Computerisation of Major
Historical Resources
Luciano Floridi (Wolfson College, Oxford), "The Egg, the
Needle and the Compass: from the Iter Italicum to
the Iter Electronicum".
Discussion: "The re-computerisation of Emden's
Biographical Registers?"
Concluding discussion
12.30pm Lunch
For further information, contact Dr Peter Denley, Department of History,
Queen Mary & Westfield College (University of London), Mile End Road,
London E1 4NS, United Kingdom. Tel. 44.71.7753148 - Fax 44.81.9808400 -
Email p.r.denley@qmw.ac.uk
Computing Techniques and the History of Universities
Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London
1-3 July 1994
Booking Form
Registration fee (including cost of morning coffee, afternoon tea, and
resulting publication of conference papers) 20 pounds
Full package of on-campus accommodation, individual room with en-
suite bathroom, Friday 4.00pm to Sunday 4.00pm, full breakfast, lunch
and dinner 99 pounds
Accommodation and meals as above for a single 24-hour period (NB
please state which period) 49.50 pounds
Friday Dinner (including wine) 17 pounds
Saturday Lunch 8 pounds
Saturday Dinner (including wine) 17 pounds
Sunday Lunch 8 pounds
Bed & Breakfast Thursday night (subject to availability of rooms) 26
Bed & Breakfast Sunday night (subject to availability of rooms) 26
Please tick here if you require vegetarian meals [ ]
Payment must be by cheque, made out to "Queen Mary & Westfield College",
and must be in sterling, free of bank or international exchange charges.
Eurocheques made out in sterling are acceptable; we regret that credit cards
cannot be accepted. Invoices and receipts can be supplied on request.
Bookings involving accommodation cannot be accepted after 20th June 1994.
Please sent this form to Dr Peter Denley, Department of History, Queen Mary
& Westfield College (University of London), Mile End Road, London E1 4NS,
UK. Tel. 44.71.7753148 - Fax 44.81.9808400 - Email p.r.denley@qmw.ac.uk.