7.0218 CFPs 1: Instructional Sci; Housing Beijing (2/129)
Mon, 4 Oct 1993 14:51:15 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 7, No. 0218. Monday, 4 Oct 1993.
(1) Date: 27 Sep 1993 10:29:57 +0100 (79 lines)
From: "S.A.Rae (Simon Rae)" <S.A.Rae@open.ac.uk>
Subject: Call for Contributors (CMC)
(2) Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1993 10:07:16 -0400 (EDT) (50 lines)
From: Pierre_J._Hamel@INRS-URB.UQuebec.CA (Pierre-J. Hamel)
Subject: Housing Beijing 1994.09.21-24
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 27 Sep 1993 10:29:57 +0100
From: "S.A.Rae (Simon Rae)" <S.A.Rae@open.ac.uk>
Subject: Call for Contributors (CMC)
Call for Contributors ... forwarded on from: D.A.O.Barry@open.ac.uk
(apologies if you get this more than once!)
Special issue on the use of Computer Mediated Communication to support
learning. It is proposed to produce a special issue devoted to applications
of CMC in education and training. If sufficient papers of high quality are
received it may be a double issue. Contributers who wish to register an
interest should contact the guest editors NOW. (With abstracts to follow by
3 December 1993) Email may be sent to:-
Post may be sent to Dr Paul Barber at:-
The Department of Psychology
Birkbeck College,
University of London
Malet Street
United Kingdom
Faxes may be sent (marked for the attn. of Dr Barber as above) to:-
071 531 6270
Phone calls are not encouraged but may be made at caller's risk.....
Further information about the Special issue.
CMC is no longer a novel, interesting technology seen to have an enormous
(but so far unfulfilled) potential for the support of the learning process.
While still largely novel in the world of education and training there have
been a number of cases in which it has been used. It has begun to move
beyond the pilot stage where merely using CMC at all was remarkable enough
(and worth reporting) to the implementation stage. There are increasingly
many examples of creative and innovative uses of CMC and an increasing need
for practioners to share their often hard won insights into what makes CMC
succeed or fail (or even what counts as success or failure). The papers we
wish to attract will report experiences of CMC in use. They may do this from
a wide range of points of view (including aspects NOT mentioned in this
notice!) examples of topic areas could include:-
*introducing CMC into an institution ("selling CMC?")
*aspects of instructional design where CMC is to be used
*Orientating tutors to CMC
*problems in using CMC
*CMC and Distance Study
*CMC in support of otherwise conventional courses
*CMC in support of tutors
*CMC and the non traditional student
*CMC and the disabled
*Evaluating courses that use CMC
*Training in the use of CMC
For the purposes of this discussion CMC includes computer conferencing
(usually, but not always asynchronous), electronic mail (which would cover
Listservers and UNIX news) and bulletin boards. It is assumed to be a text
based medium but news of multimedia applications would be welcomed as would
accounts of the combination of CMC with other teleconferencing media such
as audioconferencing and video conferencing. The implications for CMC users
of the INTERNET and the Clinton administration's "information highways"
initiative might be another fruitful area.
Intending authors should register their interest now and deliver an abstract
of the proposed paper to the guest editors Paul Barber and David Barry by 3
September 1993. The abstract should be about 250 words in length and may be
submitted by email, fax or post as you wish. (You may like to note that this
notice is about 500 words long.)
Paul Barber
David Barry
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------81----
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1993 10:07:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Pierre_J._Hamel@INRS-URB.UQuebec.CA (Pierre-J. Hamel)
Subject: Housing Beijing 1994.09.21-24
6e conference internationale 6th international research
de recherche sur l'habitat conference on housing
21-24 septembre 1994 september 21-24 1994
Defi global - defis locaux Global challenge - Local challenges
du 21e siecle in the 21st century
Appel de communication Call for papers
d'ici le 30 octobre 1993 deadline: october 30 1993
Ateliers: Worshops:
Habitat urbain et politiques publiques Housing and Public Policies
Habitat et qualite de vie Housing and Quality of Life
Marche du logement The Housing Market
Construction de l'habitat urbain Construction of Urban Housing
et environnement urbain and the Urban Environment
Urbanisation et developpement urbain Urbanization and Urban Development
Sociologie de l'habitat Sociology of Housing
Pour plus de details: For more details:
Ye Qimao
Liu Hanju
Institut de recherche Urban Studies Institute
sur l'urbanisation
B.P. 2822
100044 Beijing, Chine
tel.: 86-1-831-1882
fax: 86-1-831-3158