7.0009 Conf: Association of Jewish Libraries (1/33)

Mon, 17 May 1993 17:42:42 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 7, No. 0009. Monday, 17 May 1993.

Date: Thu, 13 May 93 11:24:30 EDT
From: Elisheva Schwartz <es63@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>
Subject: ajl convention


The 28th Annual Convention of the Association of Jewish Libraries
(AJL) will be held on June 20-23, 1993 at the New York Hilton, New
York City. This year's keynote address will be given by Dr. Menahem
Schmelzer of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, speaking on
"When Hebrew Books are Endangered: The Jewish Response." Other
presentations will cover: automation, Jewish storytelling, children's
literature, media selection and storage, archives, Holocaust
literature, reference cataloging, the Internet, Jewish booklore, RLIN
cataloging, research resources, and MUCH MORE. In addition, attendees
will have the opportunity to meet and speak with distinguished authors
at a reception honoring the 50th anniversary of the Jewish Book
Annual. The final highlight of the convention on Wed., June 23, will
be a luncheon address by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, noted author,
speaking on "Jewish Humor: What the Best Jewish Jokes Say about the

EXHIBITS Judaica Books and Crafts Marketplace, June 20-22. The
largest gathering of Jewish books, videos, software, and Judaic crafts
and art work in New York Metropolitan Area this year. Jewish
storytelling marathon led by master storytellers and author signings
on Sunday, June 30.

For Convention information, please contact:
Edith Lubetski
(212) 340-7720
FAX (212) 340-7788

For information about exhibiting at the marketplace, contact Carolyn
Storman Kessel:
(516) 692-8616
FAX (516) 694-0313