6.0579 Qs: Romantics; Translation; History; Hebrew (4/86)
Fri, 12 Mar 1993 16:45:43 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0579. Friday, 12 Mar 1993.
(1) Date: 07 Mar 1993 16:56:29 -0500 (EST) (13 lines)
From: Prof Norm Coombs <NRCGSH@RITVAX.BITNET>
Subject: Shelley's child custody litigation
(2) Date: Sat, 6 Mar 93 09:05:07 CST (27 lines)
From: "James Marchand" <marchand@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: dislocation
(3) Date: Tue, 9 Mar 93 12:25:50 -0600 (18 lines)
From: Alice Klingener <klingene@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu>
Subject: History and Sociology
(4) Date: Thu, 11 Mar 93 14:57:24 CST (28 lines)
From: "Richard L. Goerwitz" <goer@MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>
Subject: accents in machine-readable Bibles
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 07 Mar 1993 16:56:29 -0500 (EST)
From: Prof Norm Coombs <NRCGSH@RITVAX.BITNET>
Subject: Shelley's child custody litigation
I am interewted in obtaining any references to P.B Shelley's court battle to
win custody of his children following the death of Harriet. To jog your memory,
Shelley who was opposed by Harriet's sister, lost the case. The judfge awarded
custody to a sea captain and his wife, giving PBS liberal visitation which he
never apparently exercised. Are there any detailed records or accounts about
the matter?
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------41----
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 93 09:05:07 CST
From: "James Marchand" <marchand@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: dislocation
I am teaching a course in translation, and we often find that we must
translate English into English after we have translated German into English.
What I mean is this: We often use an "Anglo-Saxon" noun, but its
corresponding adjective must be latinate: mouth -> oral, tongue -> lingual.
This is, in fact, ubiquitous in noun -> adjective formation in English. It
gives you fits in translation, where eine muendliche Pruefung `a mouthal
test' has to be rendered as `an oral examination'. Sometimes the adjective
may seem recherche, as in lung -> pulmonary, bear -> ursine, but the poverty
of English adjectives forces us into (Martinet's) formations such as ending
-> desinential, since English does not have an adjective of ending, which
German handles so easily: Endungs-e `desinential e'. Sometimes the answers
are so recherche as to belong in crossword puzzles; fishing -> piscatorial
or halieutic; hunting -> cynegetic; tailor -> sartorial, though the last one
gets used in cliches such as `sartorial splendor'. To the question: I
cannot remember having seen this discussed at any length, though Ernst Leisi
does have some pages in his book on the history of English. I am probably,
as is my accustomed wont, just missing some treatment known to every
schoolboy. Does anyone know of a treatment?
PS I should note that we have other such things in English, such as Scott's
examples of food: mutton for sheep meat, beef for cow meat, veal for calf
meat, venison for deer meat, even lapin for rabbit meat, but none of these
is so widespread as the use of Latin (and Greek) roots (a kind of
suppletion) in making adjectives for nouns.
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------28----
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 93 12:25:50 -0600
From: Alice Klingener <klingene@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu>
Subject: History and Sociology
A colleague has asked me to post this for him. He is interested in
intellectual history, and has a somewhat hazy recollection of an
intellectual dispute where one camp (followers of Comte?) divided the
world of knowledge into twenty categories, with history being a minor
facet of sociology, and the other camp (followers of Renan? Durkheim?)
subordinated sociology to history in a similar scheme.
He has tried to track this down in various sources, with no success.
Please post any suggestions to me privately. Any suggestions will be
much appreciated.
Alice Klingener (klingene@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu)
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------45----
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 93 14:57:24 CST
From: "Richard L. Goerwitz" <goer@MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>
Subject: accents in machine-readable Bibles
I've just written an LALR(1) grammar of Tiberian Hebrew prose
accentual signs that parses in the same direction that the text is
read, and still does so deterministically. It essentially creates a
binary tree based on Wickesian dichotomies. Errors are detected and
reported in a user-friendly fashion (something hard to do with the
usual reverse-parsing methods).
Right now the grammar works for the Leningrad MS, as recorded in BHS.
With modifications, it could be made to work for a wide-range of
Tiberian family MSS, and could be useful in analyzing their systematic
differences. It would also be useful in uprooting typos quickly and
effectively. It runs very fast.
I am wondering whether there are any other internet-accessible
cantillated Hebrew texts I could adapt it to, or run it as-is on (if
they follow the Michigan-Claremont betacode labelling scheme and use
the accent-numbering conventions used there). If anyone has any texts
they would like me to adapt the parser to, or run the parser on,
please drop me a line.
Richard Goerwitz
5410 S. Ridgewood Ct., 2E
Chicago, IL 60615