6.0541 Qs: Bible; S/W; Lists; PC-Kimmo; Mac tools (6/95)

Fri, 19 Feb 1993 12:36:36 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0541. Friday, 19 Feb 1993.

(1) Date: Thu, 18 Feb 93 15:54:27 -0500 (11 lines)
From: pwright@spartan.ac.BrockU.CA (Phyllis Wright)
Subject: Oxford English Dictionary

(2) Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 16:13:02 CST (24 lines)
From: "M. R. Sperberg-McQueen 996-3205" <U15440@UICVM>
Subject: ? for the bible experts: Nob & Gibeon

(3) Date: Fri,19 Feb 93 09:59:24 GMT (12 lines)
From: K.C.Cameron@exeter.ac.uk
Subject: Language Teaching Software

(4) Date: Fri, 19 Feb 93 10:52 EDT (12 lines)
Subject: e-mail addresses of American Lit discussions

(5) Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1993 11:49 EST (17 lines)
From: "Mary Dee Harris, Language Technology"
Subject: Efficiency in PC-KIMMO

(6) Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 19:29:25 -0600 (19 lines)
From: mlbizer@bongo.cc.utexas.edu (Marc Bizer)
Subject: computing people pointing out the drawbacks of Macs

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 93 15:54:27 -0500
From: pwright@spartan.ac.BrockU.CA (Phyllis Wright)
Subject: Oxford English Dictionary

I have a feeling that I recently saw something about the OED being
available on the Internet. Am I dreaming? If anyone has any
information about this, would you please let me know.

Many thanks

(2) --------------------------------------------------------------33----
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 16:13:02 CST
From: "M. R. Sperberg-McQueen 996-3205" <U15440@UICVM>
Subject: ? for the bible experts: Nob & Gibeon

I'm studying a play based on 2 Sam 21 (in which the
Gibeonites are avenged). My NIV Bible indicates that Saul's
crime against the Gibeonites is recounted only in 2 Sam 21:2,
where there's a vague reference to Saul's having attempted to
wipe out the Gibeonites.

My playwright seems to think that there is more precise information
on this crime against the Gibeonites: he argues that it consisted
(at least in part) in Saul's killing of the priests of Nob
(1 Sam 22:6 ff.)--he says at one point that the priests' blood
that was then spilled was Gibeonite blood.

My question is: Were the Priests of Nob in fact Gibeonites?
Is my playwright's interpretation reasonable? traditional?
based on misunderstanding? sloppy?

Thanks for your help. Please send responses to me directly:
U15440 @ UICVM.

Marian Sperberg-McQueen
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------21----
Date: Fri,19 Feb 93 09:59:24 GMT
From: K.C.Cameron@exeter.ac.uk
Subject: Language Teaching Software

I recently had a request for information about
IBM PC or Apple software that teaches Ancient Greek
and Bahasa Indonesia, if any list member has
such information I should appreciate it if
it could be sent to me at
Many thanks
Keith Cameron
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------25----
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 93 10:52 EDT
Subject: e-mail addresses of American Lit discussions

I am interested in electronic discussion lists about 20th
century American literature. Are there any current Internet addresses
circulating? Please contact:
Bill Atwill
Dept. of English
Wilmington, NC 28409

(5) --------------------------------------------------------------32----
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1993 11:49 EST
From: "Mary Dee Harris, Language Technology" <MDHARRIS@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu>
Subject: Efficiency in PC-KIMMO

I know lots of folks know about PC-KIMMO and I'm sure lots have tried.
Is there any one who has really used it in text analysis or natural
language processing applications that would be willing to answer some
specific questions for me?

Please reply directly to me and I'll summarize for the list if there's
sufficient interest.

Mary Dee Harris, Ph.D. 202/387-0626 (voice)
Language Technology, Inc. 202/387-0625 (FAX)
2153 California St. NW mdharris@guvax.georgetown.edu
Washington, DC 20008 mdharris@guvax.bitnet

(6) --------------------------------------------------------------32----
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 19:29:25 -0600
From: mlbizer@bongo.cc.utexas.edu (Marc Bizer)
Subject: computing people pointing out the drawbacks of Macs

Dear Humanists,
Owen Cramer notes that at Colorado College the computing people
there point out the "drawbacks" of Macs to students who nevertheless
continue to prefer them. I'd be interested to know what their arguments
against Macs are. Of course, PCs continue to be cheaper because of the much
greater competitive market, but the gap is narrowing. All of the other
arguments put aside, it seems to me that Macs are far superior in an area
which is important to students: INTERNET access. Thanks to MacTCP-based
programs which can even run over phone lines with SLIP, Macintosh users
have wonderful front-ends such as Eudora (a mail handler), Gopher, and WAIS
all of which can operate simultaneously. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
TCP is hardly a standard on PCs, unfortunately.
Sincerely yours,
Marc Bizer