6.0349 Rs: Housing; Self-Reference (2/83)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 10 Nov 1992 18:17:51 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0349. Tuesday, 10 Nov 1992.

(1) Date: Fri, 06 Nov 92 08:17:30 EST (37 lines)
From: Elliott Parker <3ZLUFUR@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: 6.0344 MS; Qs: Terms; Sources; Ethics; Housing (6/95)

(2) Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1992 15:16:16 EST (46 lines)
From: Robert Braham <rmb@cunyvms1.gc.cuny.edu>
Subject: RE: 6.0344 MS; Qs: Terms; Sources; Ethics; Housing (6/95)

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 92 08:17:30 EST
From: Elliott Parker <3ZLUFUR@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: 6.0344 MS; Qs: Terms; Sources; Ethics; Housing (6/95)

On Thu, 5 Nov 1992 07:31:44 EST you said:
>Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0344. Thursday, 5 Nov 1992.
>(2) Date: 02 Nov 1992 00:57:32 -0500 (EST) (14 lines)
> From: Ezra Zubrow <APYEZRA@UBVMS.BITNET>
> Subject: Q's Exchanges and housing information
>(2) --------------------------------------------------------------25----
>Date: 02 Nov 1992 00:57:32 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: Q's Exchanges and housing information
>My wife and I will be taking our sabbaticals in Cambridge
>England beginning Jan. 15, 1992. We would be interested in
>renting an apartment or house for that period. We would also
>be interested in exchanging. We are both faculty members at
>SUNY Buffalo. Please contact us at:
>Thank you.
>Marcia Zubrow
>Ezra Zubrow
>(3) --------------------------------------------------------------35----

You might try HOSPEX-L (Hospitality Exchange/Homestays). This is
a standard listserv at PLEARN and is the broadcast channel for
HOSPEX@PLEARN, which is a homestay exchange database only. You
need to fill out a form before getting listed.
The listowner is Wojtek Sylwestrzak (wojsyl@appli.mimuw.edu.pl)
If anybody has used this, I would be interested in your
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------57----
Date: Sun, 08 Nov 1992 15:16:16 EST
From: Robert Braham <rmb@cunyvms1.gc.cuny.edu>
Subject: RE: 6.0344 MS; Qs: Terms; Sources; Ethics; Housing (6/95)

>Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0344. Thursday, 5 Nov 1992.
>(5) Date: Tue, 3 Nov 92 15:48:39 GMT (15 lines)
> From: "J.J.Higgins - Education" <J.Higgins@bristol.ac.uk>
> Subject: Re: Circularity in defining

>(5) --------------------------------------------------------------27----
>Date: Tue, 3 Nov 92 15:48:39 GMT
>From: "J.J.Higgins - Education" <J.Higgins@bristol.ac.uk>
>Subject: Re: Circularity in defining

>I have been working with some students on dictionary definitions,
>and we discussed circularity. I have a distant memory of a fairy
>story in which the king was presented with a new dictionary. It
>included the entries *Cockatrice: see basilisk* and *Basilisk: see
>cockatrice*. The king promptly ordered the lexicographer's

>Can anyone give me chapter and verse on this?

>from John Higgins, University of Bristol, J.Higgins@Bristol.ac.uk

Sorry I can't help you on chapter and verse, but perhaps you are
aware of the "Index" in Nabokov's _Pale Fire_ poem/novel/commentary
thingie, in which one listing (a small sub-circle of the solipsistic
universe of the work as a whole) plays the same game. At the moment
I can't recall (and it's packed away) which entry.

Similarly, the entry "self-reference" in the witty and intelligent
"The New Hacker's Dictionary," (Eric Raymond, ed., MIT, 1991), and
it's on-line (and larger) version, the "Jargon File 2.9.9" from April 1992
(the most recent version, I think).
Eric Raymond's address (and he can tell you where FTP sites are for
the file) is eric@snark.thyrsus.com.

Robert Braham   |   Graduate School of the City University of New York
| Internet: RMB@cunyvms1.gc.cuny.edu |           1315 Third Ave., 4D |
| Bitnet:   RMB@cunyvms1.bitnet      |           New York, NY  10021 |
| Fidonet:  1:2603/105                Voice/data/fax: (212) 879-1026 |
|      Blahblah disclaimer: Why anyone would think this would        |
|       represent the Graduate School of CUNY is beyond me           |