6.0320 NEH: "Telling the Truth" (3/46)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 27 Oct 1992 10:11:53 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0320. Tuesday, 27 Oct 1992.
(1) Date: Wed, 21 Oct 92 16:03:10 EDT (16 lines)
From: Dennis Dolasinski <NEHOPA@GWUVM>
Subject: *Telling the Truth* by Lynne Cheney
(2) Date: Tue, 20 Oct 92 20:05:28 EDT (12 lines)
From: Stephen Clausing <SCLAUS@YALEVM>
Subject: NEH-three cheers
(3) Date: Thu, 22 Oct 92 21:58:58 EDT (18 lines)
From: Andrew Lakritz <AL6HENGF@MIAMIU>
Subject: NEH Telling the Truth
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 92 16:03:10 EDT
From: Dennis Dolasinski <NEHOPA@GWUVM>
Subject: *Telling the Truth* by Lynne Cheney
Unfortunately, *Telling the Truth* by Lynne Cheney will not be available in
electronic form. The NEH Office of Public Information will be happy to
provide paper copies upon request. Please send your paper mail address
to NEHOPA@GWUVM.GWU.EDU or call the office at (202) 606-8438 to
request copies of this report.
Currently, we do not have the capability to send any NEH publications
via e-mail. We will gladly accept requests for paper copies of the
NEH Overview or application forms via e-mail. Please include your
regular mail address in your request.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------19----
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 92 20:05:28 EDT
From: Stephen Clausing <SCLAUS@YALEVM>
Subject: NEH-three cheers
I am glad Mr. Filreis feels the need to issue "three cheers" regarding
Tompkins remarks about my own recent comments on politics in the classroom.
My query is: what purpose is served by such statements? Are we taking a vote
here? It seems to me that a contribution like this is without any real
substance and merely serves as an indirect ad hominem. By the way, I must
have zapped Tompkins retort accidentally, since I didn't see it, but I presume
he had a real argument to present. Good for Tompkins. Filreis gets three
thumbs down from me, if I may respond in kind.
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------23----
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 92 21:58:58 EDT
From: Andrew Lakritz <AL6HENGF@MIAMIU>
Subject: NEH Telling the Truth
I have been following the discussion of Lynn Cheney's booklet called Telling
the Truth with much interest but I have lost the file with all the NEH e-mail
addresses and I would like to know how I can get Telling the Truth through
e-mail channels.
My own sense of this issue is that while individuals on the right (Cheney,
Bennett, A. Bloom, et al) have targeted teachers and scholars who propa-
gandize in their work, and individuals on the left find no end of irony
about these pots pointing blackened fingers, the truly political work of
the classroom and scholarship lies in naming that which goes without saying.
We can perhaps take comfort in the currently polarized debate, consoling our-
selves that either side--Cheney, Tompkins--knows where the secret sits, and
still this logic of either/or seems intensely interested in maintaining the
ideological. To what ends? For whom?