6.0180 Rs: Utilities Available; Hardware Configurations (2/45)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 3 Aug 1992 17:36:05 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0180. Monday, 3 Aug 1992.
(1) Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1992 11:06:31 +0300 (EET-DST) (21 lines)
Subject: RE: 6.0178 Rs: Utilities
(2) Date: 01 Aug 1992 11:47:07 -0400 (EDT) (24 lines)
Subject: Re: 6.0176 R: Hardware Configurations
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1992 11:06:31 +0300 (EET-DST)
Subject: RE: 6.0178 Rs: Utilities; Text Crit Challenge (2/32
For people with access to Internet/Bitnet FTP sites, here are
a few more sources for the printer redirection utility PRINDIR:
logos.ucs.indiana.edu in directory /pub/printer
wuarchive.wustl.edu in directory /mirrors/msdos/printer
nic.funet.fi (Finland) in /pub/msdos/printers/printer
There is also a utility called Citeread which does the same sort
of thing, i.e. captures online sessions/screens to a file without
the escape codes, or downloads results of bibliographic searches
from library catalogs without the escape codes: available from
gmuvax2.gmu.edu in directory /library in compressed form: citeread.zip.
All this is anonymous ftp of course. I haven't checked out the
programs myself but am relaying information gleaned from another list.
Judy Koren, Haifa.
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------36----
Date: 01 Aug 1992 11:47:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: 6.0176 R: Hardware Configurations
On buying hardware. I'd like make a plug for modest investments in
equipment and software at a time when the industry is proliferating options
and evermore expensive forms of obsolescence. A lean program like Deskview,
which has been around a while and is tried and true, lets me run Wordperfect,
Notebook Citation, and Kermit (and shell out to Dos as needed) with 2 megs
of memory. I can copy blocks of text into and out of any of my applications,
show them all on the screen at the same time, run them in the background, etc.
And, I do NOT need to buy the Windows version of this and the Windows version
of that and expand my hardware to accomodate them.
I have the uneasy feeling that Windows, which I have no interest in using, is
above all a way to drive the computer market--to create the demand for more
hardware with more power to accomodate a memory and disk hog, and to make
people buy new,and new verions of old, software.
A lean approach is not a bad idea for the time being. A brake on technolust.
And a cool eye on how the technology is developing.
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett