6.0177 Canadian Studies Directory (1/267)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Fri, 31 Jul 1992 15:12:03 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0177. Friday, 31 Jul 1992.

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 92 21:12:22 CDT
From: jwf3885@usl.edu (Ferstel John W)
Subject: Canadian Studies Directory


Welcome to the Canadian Studies Directory (CSD), a
project directed by John W. Ferstel (Chair, Canadian
Studies Committee, U. of Southwestern Louisiana) and
Robert D. Beckett (Chair, Canadian Studies Program,
Southwest Missouri State University). The purpose of the
CSD is to provide an up-to-date listing of electronic
mail addresses and areas of specialization for Canadian
Studies scholars worldwide who are currently using
electronic mail for scholarly contact and research

This initial list of approximately sixty academics is
projected to grow to several hundred within two years as
more Canadianists add their data to this directory. The
CSD will be updated monthly to insure the most up-to-date
repository of names and addresses.

The CSD is accessible on the Internet by FTP by
sending the following commands:

TYPE: ftp bss.usl.edu

[You will then see evidence of your successful contact]

For the LOGIN NAME, TYPE: anonymous


[You should then be at an ftp prompt that looks
like: ftp>

THEN TYPE: cd pub/canada_studies

FINALLY TYPE: get scholars_alpha

[You should then find a file in your root directory
named "scholars_alpha" -- the alphabetical listing
of Canadianists in the CSD with e-mail address and
specialties listed. Another file listing Canadian-
ists by specialty areas will be available in the

Those on BITNET or other similar networks may send a
message to John W. Ferstel at the following address to
request a copy of the directory:


If you wish to apply to the CSD, you may request an
application form by sending an e-mail message to the

If you are already listed below and wish to make any
corrections, additions, or deletions to the date
displayed, please send an e-mail message to John W.
Ferstel at the address above.

All the specialty areas listed below have been
condensed from the applications due to space limitations.
All of the areas may be assumed to have the label
"Canadian" before them, unless "Q" (for Quebec), or "FC"
(for French-Canadian), or "EC" (for English-Canadian), is
specified. Each name is repeated for EACH specialty area.
That is, an academic with three areas will have his/her
name listed three times.

The CSD charges no fees and restricts use of the list
to the academic community for Canadian Studies. No for-
profit use of the list is permitted. Queries and
suggestions should be sent to the address above or to:
John W. Ferstel, Chair, Canadian Studies Committee, Dept.
of English, University of Southwestern Louisiana,
Lafayette, LA 70504 U.S.A.

C S D --- Last updated 6/22/92


Adria,ML marco@aupair.cs.athabasca.ca communicat
Adria,ML marco@aupair.cs.athabasca.ca culture
Adria,ML marco@aupair.cs.athabasca.ca pop music
Alston,S alstons@utorvm pre-1867 imprint
Alston,S alstons@utorvm bibliography
Alston,S alstons@utorvm literature
Amster,S SAMSTER@WHEATNMA pol. theory/phil
Amster,S SAMSTER@WHEATNMA C/Aus/NZ history
Atkinson,MM ATKINSON@MCMASTER.CA pol institutions
Atkinson,MM ATKINSON@MCMASTER.CA pol economy
Atkinson,MM ATKINSON@MCMASTER.CA industrl policy
Beckett,RD RDB440F@vma.smsu.edu EC literature
Beckett,RD RDB440F@vma.smsu.edu contemp fiction
Beckett,RD RDB440F@vma.smsu.edu Hugh Hood
Beeler,KE beeler@acs.ucalgary.ca Images of Canada
Bishop.NB nbishop@kean.ucs.mun.ca FC literature
Bishop.NB nbishop@kean.ucs.mun.ca FC civilization
Black,ER BLACKE@QUCDN.QueensU.Ca communica policy
Black,ER BLACKE@QUCDN.QueensU.Ca infotech & govt
Black,ER BLACKE@QUCDN.QueensU.Ca federalism
Beeler,KE beeler@acs.ucalgary.ca comp EC-FC lit
Beeler,KE beeler@acs.ucalgary.ca fiction
Beran,CL cberan@stmarys-ca.edu EC literature
Berland,J BERLAND@vax2.concordia.ca cultur hist
Berland,J BERLAND@vax2.concordia.ca cultur inst
Berland,J BERLAND@vax2.concordia.ca clim/colon/cul
Berland,K bcj@psuvm.psu.edu Frances Brooke
Berland,K bcj@psuvm.psu.edu early EC lit
Bernard,P bernardp@ERE.UMontreal.CA soc stratif
Bernard,P bernardp@ERE.UMontreal.CA mobility studs
Boire,G gboire5@mach1.wlu.ca p-colon lit appr
Boire,G gboire5@mach1.wlu.ca drama
Boire,G gboire5@mach1.wlu.ca law & literature
Boswell,PG pboswell@kean.ucs.mun.ca N'fnld politics
Boswell,PG pboswell@kean.ucs.mun.ca Atlant politics
Boswell,PG pboswell@kean.ucs.mun.ca municipal govt
Briskin, L LBRISKIN@VM1.YorkU.CA Women's Movement
Briskin, L LBRISKIN@VM1.YorkU.CA Wm/Trade Unions
Brodie,I IBrodie@UNCAMULT judicial process
Brodie,I IBrodie@UNCAMULT federalism
Brodie,I IBrodie@UNCAMULT leg politics
Cameron,E cameron@epas.utoronto.ca biography
Cameron,E cameron@epas.utoronto.ca 20th C. lit
Cameron,E cameron@epas.utoronto.ca women's lit
Charlton,TL CHARLTONT@baylor prairie history
Charlton,TL CHARLTONT@baylor oral history
Charlton,TL CHARLTONT@baylor 20th C. history
Clarke,HD HCLARKE@VM.ACS.UNT.EDU voting behavior
Clarke,HD HCLARKE@VM.ACS.UNT.EDU elections
Clarke,HD HCLARKE@VM.ACS.UNT.EDU econ - pol supp
Conley,MW CONLEY@ace.acadiau.ca Atlant politics
Conley,MW CONLEY@ace.acadiau.ca foreign policy
Conley,MW CONLEY@ace.acadiau.ca Poli recruitmnt
Conrad,M CONRAD@ace.acadiau.ca Atlantic lit
Conrad,M CONRAD@ace.acadiau.ca N.S. history
Conrad,M CONRAD@ace.acadiau.ca environ studies
Cullen,R PLCULLEN@CPHKVX comp politics
Esling,JH vqplot@uvvm.uvic.ca EC accent
Esling,JH vqplot@uvvm.uvic.ca VancouverEnglish
Eagles,M PSCEAGLE@UBVMS politics
Eagles,M PSCEAGLE@UBVMS elections
Eagles,M PSCEAGLE@UBVMS elect. geography
Ehrensaft,P R14644@UQAM sociology
Einhorn,ES EINHORN@POLSCI.UMASS.EDU foreign policy
Einhorn,ES EINHORN@POLSCI.UMASS.EDU social policy
Einhorn,ES EINHORN@POLSCI.UMASS.EDU energy policy
Elmes,R roger@envy.kwantlen.bc.ca EC-FC history
Feigert,FB frank@UNTVM1 elections
Feigert,FB frank@UNTVM1 voting
Feigert,FB frank@UNTVM1 pol parties
Ferstel,JW jwf3885@usl.edu Can St programs
Ferstel,JW jwf3885@usl.edu EC lit
Heroux,SM hero@vax2.concordia.CA aging
Heroux,SM hero@vax2.concordia.CA med sociology
Heroux,SM hero@vax2.concordia.CA soc policy anal
Inwood,KE ecnkris@vm.uoguelph.ca economic hist
Inwood,KE ecnkris@vm.uoguelph.ca business hist
Inwood,KE ecnkris@vm.uoguelph.ca regional dev
Kirtz,MK rlmkk@akronvm EC literature
Kirtz,MK rlmkk@akronvm Can St programs
Krever,R law174n@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au comp law
Krever,R law174n@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au comp econ
Krever,R law174n@vaxc.cc.monash.edu.au comp poli
Kromm,DE krommgeo@ksuvm.ksu.edu prairie prov
Kromm,DE krommgeo@ksuvm.ksu.edu irrigat agricul
Kromm,DE krommgeo@ksuvm.ksu.edu water resources
Laczko,LS lczcd@uottawa lang conflict
Laczko,LS lczcd@uottawa intergroup rela
Laxer,G Userlaxe@ualtamts polit economy
Laxer,G Userlaxe@ualtamts nationalism
Lessard,G lessard@francais.queensu.ca
Lessard,G " " FC language
Lowe,GS Graham_Lowe@mts.ucs.ualberta.ca
Lowe,GS " " soc. of work/ind
Lowe,GS " " sch-to-wrk trans
Lowe,GS " " youth lab market
McCormick,J mccormick@CCVAX.CCS.CSUS.EDU music
MacDonald,AH 47101@ucdasvm1 lib preservation
MacDonald,AH 47101@ucdasvm1 lit collections
MacDonald,AH 47101@ucdasvm1 architectrecords
MacMillan,B bmacmill@epas.utoronto.ca museums
MacMillan,B bmacmill@epas.utoronto.ca history
MacMillan,B bmacmill@epas.utoronto.ca anthropology
MacMillan,M MACMILLAN@ASH.MSVU.CA language rights
MacMillan,M MACMILLAN@ASH.MSVU.CA Q politics
MacMillan,M MACMILLAN@ASH.MSVU.CA human rights
Melancon,B melancon@ere.umontreal.ca FC lit
Melancon,B " " L-A Bougainville
Million,A QC0303@uokmvsa collection dev
Million,A QC0303@uokmvsa maritime history
Milne,D milne@upei.ca federalism
Milne,D milne@upei.ca const politics
Milne,D milne@upei.ca const law
Morris,R MORRIS@Venus.YorkU.CA pol cartoons
Morris,R MORRIS@Venus.YorkU.CA pol caricature
Morris,R MORRIS@Venus.YorkU.CA Fr-Eng relat
Morton,B morton/lib@renne.lib.montana.edu
Morton,B " " inform policy st
Muller,WD MULLER@FREDONIA pol. parties
Muller,WD MULLER@FREDONIA leg. behavior
Muller,WD MULLER@FREDONIA organiz labor
Muller,WD MULLER@FREDONIA multiculturalism
Nardocchio,E nardo@epas.utoronto.ca Q theatre
Narvaez,P badaxe@kean.ucs.mun.ca folklore
Narvaez,P badaxe@kean.ucs.mun.ca occupat folklife
Narvaez,P badaxe@kean.ucs.mun.ca popular culture
Nossal,KR nossal@sscvax.cis.mcmaster.ca
Nossal,KR " " foreign policy
Nossal,KR " " defense policy
Parkinson,E " " contemp lit
Parkinson,E " " contemp theory
Parkinson,E " " discovery lit
Reichenbaecher,H hreichen.epas.utoronto.ca mod fiction
Reichenbaecher,H hreichen.epas.utoronto.ca M. Atwood
Roberts,A ROBERTA@QUCDN.QueensU.CA pub admin
Rollman,H hrollman@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
Rollman,H " " early Atlant Can
Rollman,H " " N'fnld relig hist
Rollman,H " " Labrador relig hist
Rollman,H " " N'fnld intell hist
Rollman,H " " Labrador intell hist
Rose,J ROSEJ@QUCDN.QueensU.CA communications
Rose,J ROSEJ@QUCDN.QueensU.CA public admin
Rose,J ROSEJ@QUCDN.QueensU.CA politics
Rothwell,DR donr@sulaw.law.su.OZ.AU federalism/law
Sanderson,D dsanderson@ccrit.doc.ca elec communic
Sanderson,D dsanderson@ccrit.doc.ca collab research
Sherwin,RE F24050@BARILVM EC lit
Schwartz,AM ASchwartz@ucnet.ucalgary.ca educ policy
Schwartz,AM ASchwartz@ucnet.ucalgary.ca educ admin
Scott,M mgsl@forth.stirling.ac.uk
Scott,M " " sm bus management
Scott,M " " entrepreneurship
Seidel,M-D mdseidel@ucbcmsa management issues
Seidel,M-D mdseidel@ucbcmsa crosscultur issue
Sharpless,MR SHARPLESSR@BAYLOR regional studies
Shorrocks,G gshorroc@kean.ucs.mun.ca N'fld English
Shorrocks,G gshorroc@kean.ucs.mun.ca N'fld lit
Stackhouse,JG STACKHS@ccm.UManitoba.ca religious hist
Studler,DT POSCDTS@osucc politics
Sullivan,R ROBSULLN@macc.wisc.edu history
Sullivan,R ROBSULLN@macc.wisc.edu health care poli
Sullivan,R ROBSULLN@macc.wisc.edu Q studies
Thiel,R thielr@umoncton.ca comp lit: EC/FC
Theriault,L luct@epas.utoronto.ca science/society
Theriault,L luct@epas.utoronto.ca polit economy
Theriault,L luct@epas.utoronto.ca social policy
Thompson,M Mark.Thompson@mtsg.ubc.ca indus relat
Valelly,R valelly@Athena.MIT.EDU labor
Valelly,R valelly@Athena.MIT.EDU CCF-NDP history
Valelly,R valelly@Athena.MIT.EDU NAFTA politics
Warkentin,G warkent@epas.utoronto.ca literature
Warkentin,G warkent@epas.utoronto.ca early lit
Warkentin,G warkent@epas.utoronto.ca explor lit
Woodward,RS rsw@wubios.wustl.edu regional econs
Woodward,RS rsw@wubios.wustl.edu health econs
Woodward,RS rsw@wubios.wustl.edu hlth care finan