6.0036 ACM Hypertext '92 Conference: CFP (1/415)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 26 May 1992 17:48:46 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0036. Tuesday, 26 May 1992.
Date: Tue, 26 May 92 16:12:45 EDT
From: "Rachael Robins, MIS Coordinator" <MEETINGS@ACMVM>
Subject: ACM Hypertext Conference
Below is the ACM call for papers for our Hypertext conferece.
ECHT' 92
Fourth ACM conference on Hypertext
November 30 / December 4, 1992 - Milano (Italy)
Sponsored by:
In cooperation with:
ECHT'92 is the second in a series of European conferences on Hypertext
and Hypermedia in alternation with the U.S. based Hypertext conferences
coordinated and sponsored by ACM SIGLINK. ECHT'92 is a major event
where researchers, developers and users can meet around the theme of
Hypertext and Hypermedia.
The broad applicability of Hypertext and Hypermedia as a primary
technology in many domains and its efficiency as an information
integrator has led to increased interest from industry as well as
recognition from academia. By their very nature, Hypertext and
Hypermedia are at the intersection of many fields, including computer
science, cognitive science, education, and communication. They are also
relevant for many application domains. ECHT'92 will be of interest to a
broad spectrum of professionals ranging from theoreticians to system and
application developers, from researchers to authors and end-users.
The conference will include prominent guest speakers, presentations of
refereed papers, panel sessions, technical briefing sessions, poster and
video presentations, as well as demonstrations of experimental research
prototypes and commercial products. The conference will also feature
two days of introductory and advanced tutorials on a variety of topics.
There will be opportunities for informal meetings of special interest
You are invited to participate in ECHT'92 and to submit original papers,
proposals for panels, tutorials, technical briefings, demonstrations,
videos, and poster sessions. All submissions will be stringently
reviewed to ensure the highesr levels of originality and merit. We
encourage innovative submissions in any area concerned with Hypertext
and Hypermedia research development and practice.
A non exhaustive list of suggested topics includes:
Hypertext and Hypermedia:
Modelling and design;
Development methodologies and tools;
Responsive interfaces;
Systems software technologies; Authoring
Hypertext-Hypermedia in connection with:
Database management systems;
Object-oriented systems and languages;
Operating systems;
Knowledge-based systems;
Information retrieval;
Cooperative work;
Computer-aided design;
Software engineering;
Electronic publishing;
Technical documentation;
Presentation, museum and kiosk systems;
Interactive learning and teaching
For more information or to be added to ECHT'92 conference mailing list,
please contact:
Paolo Paolini- General Conference Chair
Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Elettronica
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 -20133 Milano (I)
Phone:(39) 2-23993520; Fax: (39) 2-23993411
E-mail: paolini@ipmel1.polimi.it
Polle Zellweger- U.S. Coordinator
Xerox Parc - 3333 Coyote Hill Rd.-Palo Alto, CA 94304 U.S.A.
Phone: 415-812 4426; Fax: 415- 812 4241
E-mail: zellweger.parc@xerox.com
Jocelyne & Marc Nanard -Program Committee Co-chairs
Lirmm, Universite' Montpellier II,
860 Rue de St. Priest 34090 Montpellier,(F)
Phone: (33)- 67148517; Fax: (33)- 67148500
E-mail: nanard@crim.fr
Enza Caputo - Conference Secretariat
Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 -20133 Milano (I)
Phone: (39) 2-23993405; Fax: (39) 2-23993411
E-mail: caputo@ipmel.1POLIMI.IT
Conference Committee
Conference Chair: Paolo Paolini, Politecnico di Milano (I)
Honorary chair: Luigi Dadda, Politecnico di Milano (I)
Program Committee Co-Chairs:Jocelyne & Marc Nanard, Univ. Montpellier II (F)
U.S. Coordination: Polle Zellweger, Xerox Parc (U.S.A.)
Proceeding Chair: Dario Lucarella, Cra-Enel (I)
Publication Chair: Guido Bucciotti, De Agostini (I)
Publicity Chair: Walter Vannini, Datamont and Link-IT! (I)
Promotion/Press Chair: Gualtiero Rudella, Mondadori Informatica (I)
Audio-Visual Chair: Marco Cecchet, Politecnico di Milano(I)
Student Volunteers Chair: Luca Mainetti, Politecnico di Milano (I)
Registration Chair: Filippo Crespi, Systems and Management (I)
Industry Laison Chair: Roberto Polillo, University of Milano and Etnoteam (I)
CEC Representative: Attilio Stajano, CEC (I)
CEC Liason Chair: Jack Schiff, Siemens (D)
Technical Program Committee
Program Committee Co- chairs: Jocelyne & Marc Nanard,
LIRMM - Univ. Montpellier II (F)
Tutorials chair: Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano (I)
Panels chair: Norbert Streitz, GMD-IPSI (D)
Demostrations, posters, videos chair: Paul Kahn, IRIS Brown University
and Dynamic Diagrams Inc. (U.S.A.)
European Demostrations chair: Antoine Rizk, EUROCLID (F)
Technical Briefings chair: Norman Meyrowitz, GO Corporation (U.S.A.)
Robert Akscyn, Knowledge Systems ( U.S.A.)
Patricia Baird, Scottish Daily Record (UK)
Mark Bernstein, Eastgate Systems Inc. (U.S.A.)
Peter Brown, University of Kent (UK)
Stavros Christodoulakis, Multimedia Systems Institute (GR)
Tat- Seng Chua, Ntl. University of Singapore (Singapore)
Ralf Cordes, Telenorma Bosch Telecom (D)
Richard Furuta, University of Maryland (U.S.A.)
Nuno Guimaraes, INESC (P)
Frank Halasz, Xerox Parc (U.S.A.)
Yoshinori Hara, NEC (Japan)
Connie Heitmeyer, Naval Research Lab (U.S.A.)
Hiroshi Ishii, NTT (Japan)
Bob Jansen, CSIRO (Australia)
John Leggett, Texas A&M University (U.S.A.)
Dario Lucarella, CRA-ENEL (I)
John MacDermott, DEC (U.S.A.)
John Mylopoulos, University Toronto (Can)
Jakob Nielsen, Bellcore (U.S.A.))
Tim Oren, Apple (U.S.A.)
Roberto Polillo, University of Milano and Etnoteam SpA (I)
Colin Potts, MCC (U.S.A.)
Daniel Schwabe, PUC (Brazil)
David Stotts, University of Florida (U.S.A.)
Frank Tompa, University of Waterloo (Can)
Randall Trigg, Aarhus University (DK)
AnneMarie Vercoustre, INRIA (F)
Janet Walker, DEC (U.S.A.)
Nicole Yankelovich, SUN (U.S.A.)
Polle Zellweger, Xerox PARC (U.S.A.)
Summary of Deadlines
July 13rd, 1992:
papers,technical briefings,tutorials,panels,demonstrations, videos, and
September 20th, 1992:
acceptance notification for papers, panels, technical briefings,
September 30th, 1992:
acceptance notification for demonstrations, videos, posters.
October 15th, 1992: final copy of papers imperatively received.
Submission Guidelines
Deadline for submissions:July 13rd, 1992
(papers, technical briefings, tutorials, panels,
demonstrations, videos, and posters)
All submissions should be received by the Conference Secretariat:
Enza Caputo, Politecnico di Milano. Dipartimento di Elettronica.
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano (I)
Phone: (39) 2-23993405; Fax: (39) 2-23993411;
E- mail: caputo@ ipmel1 polimi.it
Note: ACM will hold copyright on all material appearing in the proceedings
Technical papers relate original work or integrative review
(theoretical, empirical, systems). We discourage simple presentations
of projects or commercial products. We encourage emphasizing
"experiences", "lessons learned" or "integrative reviews". Papers
should provide a clear scientific message to the audience, place the
presented work in context within the field, cite related works and
clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work.
Submissions: Full papers (<6000 words) should be submitted in five paper
copies. A separate cover page must contain the title of the paper,
name(s), affiliation(s), and complete mailing address(es) (incl. phone,
telefax, e-mail) of the author(s) together with an abstract (about 200
words) and 3-5 keywords. Please send an e-mail version of the abstract
with title, name(s), address(es) a nd affiliation(s) to the conference
secretariat as soon as possible.
For more information, please contact:
Jocelyne & Marc Nanard- Program Committee Co-chairs
LIRMM, Universit Montpellier II
860 Rue de St. Priest,Montpellier France
Phone: (33)- 67148517 or (33)- 67148523; Fax: (33)- 67148500;
E-mail: nanard@crim.fr
Courses enhance the skills and broaden the perspective of their
attendees. Courses should be designed to provide advanced technical
training in an area, or to introduce a rigorous framework for learning a
new area. Courses can be proposed for half-day (3 hours) or full-day (6
hours) length. Courses that focus narrowly on a particular product or
research agenda, are not appropriate. A non exhaustive list of
appealing areas is: hypertext in education; hypertext for cultural
applications; technical hyperdocumentation; hypertext system
implementation; multimedia technology; evaluation and criticism;
methodologies and approaches to hypertext authoring; interface design;
film, video, and visual rhetorics; artificial reality. Courses will be
selected on the basis of the instructors's qualification for teaching
the proposed course and the contribution to the overall conference
Submission: proposals should describe the content of the course and its
format (1000-2000 words), should identify the target audience, the level
of expertise required, and the length (1 or 2 half days). Qualification
and profile of the instructor(s) should also be included. A separate
page containing title, name(s), affiliation(s) and complete mailing
address(es) (incl. phone, telefax, e-mail) of the instructor(s) must be
For more information, please contact:
Franca Garzotto- Tutorials Chair
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 -20133 Milano, (I)
Phone: (39) 2-23993520 -Fax: (39) 2-23993411;
E-mail: garzotto@ipmel 1.polimi.it
Panels are meant to provide an interactive forum for involving both
panelists and audience in lively discussions and exchanges of different
points of view. Panels for ECHT T92 will not take the almost
"traditional" format of symposia or mini paper sessions in disguise.
Instead ECHTU92 panels will focus on lively discussions by panelists who
bring different perspectives to an important and controversial topic.
Panelists should not present lengthy position statements. Panels should
be moderated by someone who is comfortable interviewing panel members,
interrupting panelists at appropriate times, keeping the discussion on
track and being able to weave together the thoughts of the panel members.
The panel should address fundamental issues,questions and approaches
which are of current interest focusing on specific topics rather than
dealing with broad and general areas.
Submissions: moderators are invited to provide a description of the
proposed panel by submitting 3-5 pages listing the topic (e.g., by
providing leading questions to be raised by the moderator), the specific
format intended, the names and affiliations of the panelists with their
specific backgrounds and their positions on the (hopefully
controversial) issues of the panel. Panel statements will appear in the
proceedings. A separate cover page must contain the title of the panel,
names, affiliations and complete mailing addresses (incl. phone,
telefax, e-mail) of the panelists.
For more information please contact:
Norbert Streitz - Panels Chair
GMD- IPSI, Dolivostr.15, D-6100 Darmstadt, Germany
Phone: (49) 6151-869919; Fax: (49) 6151-869966;
E-mail: streitz@darmstadt.gmd.de
Demonstrations, posters, and videos
Demonstrations provide the attendees with the opportunity to experience
hypertext systems and question the developers of the systems. Poster
presentations give researchers the opportunity to present significant
work in progress or late-breaking results and to discuss their work with
those attendees most deeply interested in the topic. Videos are
appropriate for illustrating concepts that are best captured visually.
Submissions: demonstrations and posters should be submitted in the form
of an extended abstract (approx.1000 words), describing the content, the
relevance for the conference and what is noteworthy about the presented
work. Demonstrators are informed that they must provide their own
hardware. Videos should be submitted in the form of a 5 to 10 minutes
VHS, PAL or NTSC tape, with a 500 words abstract, describing the
content, relevance and noteworthiness as above. A separate page must
contain the title of the demo, poster or video, name(s), affiliation(s)
and complete mailing address(es) (incl. phone, telefax, e-mail) of the
For more information, please contact:
Paul Kahn- Demonstrations, Posters and Videos Chair
Iris- Brown University P.O. Box 1946, Providence RD 02912,USA
Phone: 401-863 2402 ; Fax: 401- 863 1758
E-mail: pdk@iris.brown.edu
Antoine Rizk- European Demostrations Chair
Euroclid, Promopole 12 Av.des Pres 78180 Montigny le Bretonneux (F)
Phone: 1- 30441456; Fax: 1- 30571863;
E-mail: antoine.rizk@inria.fr
Technical Briefings
Technical briefings aim at providing a presentation medium for presenting
details of a concrete design rather than an empirical or theoretical
contribution. Presentations should emphasize experience in the design
and implementation of hypertext systems or applications, and discuss
decision points and trade-offs. Briefings are intended to deliver
valuable technical messages to the audience. Briefings are encouraged
to be accompanied by a live interaction with the system.
Submissions: Proposals (approx. 1500 words) should be submitted in
five paper copies and outline the points to be made in the briefing. A
separate page must contain the title of the briefing. name(s),
affiliation(s) and complete mailing address(es) (incl. phone, telefax,
e-mail) of the author(s)
For more information, please contact:
Norman Meyrowitz- Technical Briefings Chair
Go Corporation, 950 Tower Lane-Suite 140
Foster City CA 94404, USA
Phone: 415-3459833; Fax: 415-3457400;
E-mail: nkm@go.com
Milan: beyond industry
For many peoples Milan, the economic capital of Italy, is represented by
its industriousness, its industries, and advanced services sector. It
is usually considered a rather drab city with hardly an history that is
totally concentrated on production. As a matter of fact, the origins of
Milan are extremely ancient. The city first developed under the Romans
who named it Mediolanum (which mean "the land in the middle") because
its ideal geographical position made it an important hub for trade. The
vestiges of this period can still be seen throughout the city center.
During the Medioeval Era Milan was a free municipality. Later on it
became a part of the seigniory of Visconti and Sforza dynasties, and
subsequently fell under Spanish and Austrian rule. The city urban
layout continued to systematically expand in successive concentric
circles. Different customs, the arts, and culture flourished in each of
these periods. The Cathedral, "il Duomo", for years considered the
tallest building in Italy, was built between the 13th and 15th centuries.
The "Navigli" - artificial waterways- which permitted trade as well as
the transportation of large blocks of marble for the construction of the
Cathedral were also built during that period.
Many artists lived in Milan when the city was a part of the Sforza
seigniory. Leonardo da Vinci sojourned in Milan various times between
1482 and 1513. Here he created masterpieces such as the frescoes in the
hall of the Rafters in the Sforza Castle and the "Last Supper" fresco in
the Santa Maria delle Grazie Convent. Although the period under Spanish
rule (1535-1706) was marked by the plague and a decrease in population,
the years under Austrian rule on the contrary, were characterized by
flourishing cultural and economic activities. The La Scala Theatre,
which the sovereign had called the "Most beautiful Theater in the
world", was also created in this period. Designed by Piermarini and
inaugurated in 1778, la Scala inmmediately became the point of encounter
between high society and culture, and decreed the success of operas by
Bellini, Donizetti and Verdi.
Therefore, Milan, a city where culture, art, reformist ideals and
industriousness have always been indissolubly linked, is considered by
many as the second capital of Italy. Today the connection between
entrepreneurial activities and creativity has made Milan the capital of
fashion, design, publishing, and advertising. Almost all of the most
famous desi gners and advertising executives live and work in Milan.
Milan is also host to the Modit and Milanovendemoda exhibitions, events
that have established Italian ready-to-wear fashion in the world; the
Furniture Show, a biennial exhibit of the best italian furniture
production and design; and many other commercial and cultural events.
Moreover most of the publishing houses and the headquarters of fashion
and design magazines are located in Milan.
However those persons who are not a part of the creative world can
always find an interesting exhibit or trade fair to visit in Milan such
as SMAU, one of the most important exhibitions of innovations in
information technology, telecommunications, and office furniture.
Having cast off the drab mantle of the industrial city, for some years
now in Milan has been pointing towards the advanced services sector and
the post-industrial era. The shopping opportunities are extremely vast,
from the most sophisticated boutiques to skillfully made artisan
objects, from shopping centers to specialized stores.
Milan's excellent connections with the most important tourist spots in
Italy should also be emphasized: one can reach the picturesque lakes
area in about an hour or take a short trip to go skiing on the Alpes or
swimming in the sea near Portofino. Venice, Florence, and Rome can be
easily reached by fast trains: the "Pendolino", the new super fast
commuter train, arrives in Rome in just three hours and 50 minutes.
Surrounded by sea, mountains, and lakes the city of Milan in equilibrium
between past, present and future, has much to offer to the visitor
wanting to discover it.
ACM - Association for Computing Machinery
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