5.0833 Course in Computing and Humanities (1/36
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Thu, 16 Apr 1992 20:20:40 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0833. Thursday, 16 Apr 1992.
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 10:54:00 -0500
From: John F Huntley <jhuntley@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu>
Subject: Subject: a college course in Computing and Humanities
A college-level course called "Computers for Research and
Teaching in the Humanities," being taught this semester
for undergraduate and graduate students, Dept. of English,
at the Univ. of Iowa.
In response to two inquiries on Humanist about the existence
of such such courses, let me reply that I've got 9
undergraduates and 2 graduate students enrolled this term.
We're using networked Macs: LocalTalk with MacSE, SE/30,
and MacIIsi's and ci's.
Here's the schedule, more or less:
The first two weeks: hardware, Mac techniques, navigating the
network, the HFS. 2nd two weeks: personal computing tools:
word processor, outliner, "idea processor," note-taker.
Next 5 weeks: research strategies: biblio programs, the
library's on-line catalogue and search routines; cd-Rom
devices. Final 6 weeks: create a teaching module using
computer apps to make something that teaches, entertains,
intrigues, delivers something interesting. Students are
using MacRecorder, the OneApple Scanner, QuickTime
movies, MediaMaker, Director, More, the Multi-Media
Annotator, and other such applications to build (and later
demonstrate to their colleagues) projects involving
K Acker, the Kentucky Derby, native American narratives, etc.
There's a lot of collaboration and cooperation, group learning,
and sharing of tricks and insights. Students appear to
be enthusiastic.
For more information or follow up, e-mail me at john-huntley@
Or snail-mail me at Dept. of English, 308 E.P.B., Univ. of Iowa,
Iowa City, Iowa 52242.