5.0744 New Lists: CAUSERIE; AIBI-L (2/155)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Wed, 4 Mar 1992 22:25:09 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0744. Wednesday, 4 Mar 1992.

(1) Date: Tue, 03 Mar 92 19:55:10 EST (86 lines)
From: Manon Ress <RESS@PUCC>
Subject: New List in French

(2) Date: Wed, 04 Mar 92 14:08:18 EST (69 lines)
From: Gregory Bloomquist <GBLOOMQ@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA>
Subject: AIBI-L announcement

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 92 19:55:10 EST
From: Manon Ress <RESS@PUCC>
Subject: New List in French

Subject: NEW LIST: CAUSERIE pour discuter de choses et d'autres

Causerie on ListServ@UQuebec.BitNet
or ListServ@UQuebec.CA

"Causerie" means talk or chat. And that is what this list is all
about. Just for the fun of it.

Everyone is welcome though you should be aware of the fact that all
the communication is in *** French ***.
The rest of this announcement is in French.

Deben saber que la totalidad de los mensajes estan redactados en ***
frances ***.

Pour jaser, parloter, palabrer: Causerie @ UQuebec

En francais, un "Cafe Campus" pour discuter de choses et d'autres.

Causerie [kozri]. n.f. (1555; de causer). Causerie @ UQuebec
1 Entretien familier. V. Conversation
Causeries a batons rompus.
"La lecon degenerait en causerie" (Gide).
2 Discours, conference sans pretention.
Une causerie litteraire, scientifique.
(Le Petit Robert 1)

Demarrage en fevrier 1992.

concierge= UQPSGEN@UQSS.UQUEBEC.CA (Pierre Chenard)
concierge= UQPSGEN@UQUEBEC (Pierre Chenard)
concierge= HAMEL@UQUEBEC (Pierre J. Hamel)
concierge= HAMEL@INRS-URB.UQUEBEC.CA (Pierre J. Hamel)

Pour s'abonner a ce nouveau repertoire comme pour tout autre,
il suffit d'envoyer a l'adresse: ListServ@UQuebec
la commande: Sub Repertoire Prenom Nom
par exemple: Sub Causerie Emile Durkheim

* Regroupement quebecois des sciences sociales
*** /
**** _____ _____ _______ _____ ACSALF (socio)
***** | | | / | | ADQ (demo)
****** | | | / | | SCSE (econo)
***** |_____| |____ / | | SQSP (sc.po.)
*** |\ | / | |
** ** | \ | / | | COMMUNIK
* ** | \ | / | | EDUC
**** | \ |_____ /______ |_____| LANGUES


Pour avoir une idee des possibilites du REZO,
vous etes invites a prendre connaissance des divers fichiers disponibles
en envoyant a l'adresse: ListServ@UQuebec
la commande : INDEX RQSS

our une introduction plus substantielle/verbeuse (rayer la mention inutile),
envoyer a l'adresse: ListServ@UQuebec
la commande: Get Intro Package RQSS

Pierre J. Hamel, concierge-deneigeur du Rezo
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------77----
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 92 14:08:18 EST
From: Gregory Bloomquist <GBLOOMQ@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA>
Subject: AIBI-L announcement


Announcing a new list: AIBI-L (the LISTSERV discussion forum of
l'Association internationale bible et informatique).

AIBI-L is an on-going forum and meeting place for AIBI members
and others who wish to join the discussion of issues related to
the computerised-analysis of Biblical and related texts.

Possible subjects for discussion include (but are not limited to)
computer-based interpretation of specific texts, methodological
questions, preparation of the text for computerised analysis,
software-design and programming, computer-based hermeneutics. Of
particular interest will be a discussion of a new edition of the
Biblia Hebraica, incorporating insights from computer-based

No formal membership in AIBI is necessary for participation in
AIBI-L. The language of exchange will be English .

To subscribe to AIBI-L:

for BITNET users
send an interactive message:


send a mail message to LISTSERV@UOTTAWA
in which the only line of the mail text is:
SUB AIBI-L <your name>;

for INTERNET users
send a mail message to LISTSERV@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA
in which the only line of the mail text is:
SUB AIBI-L <your name>

Moderator of AIBI-L: L. G. Bloomquist
@UOTTAWA (Bitnet)

Editor of AIBI Newsletter: R. F. Poswick
CIBMARE@BUCLLN11 (Bitnet/Earn)

Postmaster at Ottawa: Tram Nguyen
@UOTTAWA (Bitnet)


L. Gregory Bloomquist
Saint Paul University / University of Ottawa

S-Mail: 223 Main St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 1C4 CANADA
Voice: (613) 782-3027 / 236-1393
FAX: (613) 567-2959 / 782-3005