5.0734 Qs: Misc. E-Queries; Proust; Revival Story (6/103)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 2 Mar 1992 16:14:08 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0734. Monday, 2 Mar 1992.
(1) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 92 10:08:48 CST (8 lines)
From: sylvie dangeville <FREE0927@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: proust quote
(2) Date: Sat, 29 Feb 92 11:22:38 EST (18 lines)
Subject: Electronic version of Calvin's writings
(3) Date: Sat, 29 Feb 92 12:17 EST (12 lines)
From: "John T. Harwood 814-865-4764" <JTH@PSUVM>
Subject: A Revivalist Story
(4) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 92 15:27:40 -0600 (17 lines)
From: John F Huntley <jhuntley@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu>
Subject: E-mail links for students
(5) Date: Fri, 28 Feb 92 15:38:57 GMT-3:30 (8 lines)
From: W Schipper <schipper@morgan.ucs.mun.ca>
Subject: 18th century lists
(6) Date: Sun, 1 Mar 92 20:01:55 GMT (40 lines)
From: P.R.Williams@vme.glasgow.ac.uk
Subject: QUERY: M.Garvey & UNIA
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 92 10:08:48 CST
From: sylvie dangeville <FREE0927@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: proust quote
If you know a bulletin board that might be more appropriate for this kind
of message, please let me know. I have heard of a list called "Balzac" but
I do not know at which node it is located.
Sylvie Dangeville
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------33----
Date: Sat, 29 Feb 92 11:22:38 EST
Subject: Electronic version of Calvin's writings
A colleague inquired of me about the existence of any of Calvin's works
in electronic format, especially the Institutes. The primary concern
is for machine-readable material that is in English.
Along the same lines, what other reformation are available in either
translation or in the original?
Alan Groves
Westminster Seminary
POB 27009
Philadelphia, PA 19118
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------16----
Date: Sat, 29 Feb 92 12:17 EST
From: "John T. Harwood 814-865-4764" <JTH@PSUVM>
Subject: A Revivalist Story
A colleague mentioned recently the case of an English woman who was
hanged in the mid 17th-century. As she was about to become
an anatomy lesson, she revived, creating an interesting set of
problems (could she be hanged again?). My colleague could not recall
the convict's name or other particulars of the case.
Does anyone recall the person's name? Are there discussions of the
episode already in print?
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------27----
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 92 15:27:40 -0600
From: John F Huntley <jhuntley@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu>
Subject: E-mail links for students
I am teaching (at the Univ. of Iowa, Dept. of English) a course
called "Computer Applications for Teaching and Research in the Humanities."
Nine undergraduates and 2 graduates are enrolled.
They are English majors and very bright kids.
We're using the INternet and e-mail, and the thought struck me
of getting students talking together about what they're doing, campus to
campus, via e-mail.
Electronic Pen-Pals, I guess.
Anybody out there with students who would like to correspond with
students here? Send me some names and addresses, and we'll be in touch.
Thanks, John Huntley.
(5) --------------------------------------------------------------20----
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 92 15:38:57 GMT-3:30
From: W Schipper <schipper@morgan.ucs.mun.ca>
Subject: 18th century lists
Can someone supply me with the listserve address(es) for discussion
groups devoted to 18th century studies? Thanks very much.
Bill Schipper
(6) --------------------------------------------------------------52----
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 92 20:01:55 GMT
From: P.R.Williams@vme.glasgow.ac.uk
Subject: QUERY: M.Garvey & UNIA
--- Forwarded message :
Subject: QUERY: M.Garvey & UNIA
From: P.R.Williams@UK.AC.GLASGOW.VME
Date: 1 Mar 92 19:39:46
To: elspaula@edu.missouri.umcvmb,
African-American Research <afam-l@earn.umcvmb>,
Msg ID: < 1 Mar 92 19:39:46 GMT A10234@UK.AC.GLA.VME>
To all,
Could anyone out there please help me with a query I have regarding Marcus
Garvey and the UNIA? I am wanting to look at the records of this organisation
and wonder how much information there is regarding membership, and if so
how detailed the records are. Do they, for instance, contain personal
information on each member? If there are records could anyone tell me where I
can find them and in what form - microfilm, microcard etc.? Furthermore, does
anyone know if this organisation is still going, and its address if it is?
Thank you in advance for any help you are able to offer me.
Yours sincerely,
Paul R. Williams <P.R.Williams@vme.glasgow.ac.uk.>
c/o Denis Brogan Centre,
Dept. Modern History,
University of Glasgow,
2, University Gardens,
G12 8QQ
--- End of forwarded message