5.0692 Qs: ftp; e-mail address (2/28)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 18 Feb 1992 20:40:19 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0692. Tuesday, 18 Feb 1992.

(1) Date: Wed, 29 Jan 92 12:12:13 PST (19 lines)
From: cbf@athena.berkeley.edu (Charles Faulhaber)
Subject: Anonymous FTP

(2) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 92 09:27:51 EST (9 lines)
From: Michel Pierssens <R36254@UQAM>
Subject: e-mail address request

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 92 12:12:13 PST
From: cbf@athena.berkeley.edu (Charles Faulhaber)
Subject: Anonymous FTP

[this mail was mislaid by the editors -- Allen]

My Madrid colleague Francisco Marcos Marin
has just discovered the wonders of FTP and
is interested in finding out what sorts of
goodies are available.

He is a general linguist and is currently
directing a large-scale project in setting
up a corpus of modern Spanish as well as
the ADMYTE (Archivo Digital de Manuscritos
y Textos Espannoles) project.

Any data bases (bibliographical or text) or
analytic programs would be of interest.

Charles Faulhaber
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------12----
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 92 09:27:51 EST
From: Michel Pierssens <R36254@UQAM>
Subject: e-mail address request

Could anyone tell me if there is an e-mail address where I could reach
prof. Clara Gallini, at the Cultural Anthropology section of the Oriental
Institute in Naples? Thanks!
Michel Piersens