5.0655 ALLC/ACH Conference, 5-9 April 1992, Oxford (1/428)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Thu, 6 Feb 1992 23:25:36 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0655. Thursday, 6 Feb 1992.

Date: Tue, 4 Feb 92 10:29 GMT
Subject: ALLC/ACH Conference, 5-9 April 1992, Oxford



5-9 April 1992, Christ Church, Oxford, England

This conference is the major annual forum for literary, linguistic and
humanities computing. Its focus is on the development of new computing
methodologies for research and teaching in the humanities, on the
development of significant new materials and tools for humanities
research, and on the application and evaluation of computing techniques
in humanities subjects. Recent conferences have been held in Toronto,
Canada (1989), Siegen, Germany (1990) and Tempe, Arizona (1991).

The 1992 conference features keynote papers by Bernard Que/mada, Director
of the Tre/sor de la Langue Francaise and Yorick Wilks, Director of
the Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State University and
Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Over sixty papers and panel sessions have been
selected for presentation on all areas of literary, linguistic and
humanities computing. Multidisciplinary approaches such as text encoding,
image analysis and hypermedia feature in a number of presentations.
All papers have been evaluated by a panel of reviewers, on the basis of
both the computing methodology and the relevance and application of that
methodology to research and teaching in the humanities.

Accommodation and meals have been reserved for the conference in Christ
Church which is one of Oxford University's oldest and best-known colleges.
It is situated in the centre of the city, but overlooks Christ Church
Meadow and the River Thames. The conference will run from dinner on
Sunday 5 April until lunch on Thursday 9 April. There will be a reception
in St Cross College, Oxford on the evening of 5 April and a banquet
in Christ Church's magnificent Tudor hall on the evening of 8 April.
Most rooms in Christ Church are single study bedrooms, all of which are
modernized. A limited number of 'double sets' comprising two bedrooms and
a sitting room are also available.

Oxford is an hour from London and from Heathrow Airport and is also close to
Stratford-on-Avon and the Cotswolds, a beautiful area of English countryside.
There is a frequent bus service from Heathrow to Oxford and good transport
from Gatwick airport, which is about two hours away. Car parking is generally
difficult in Oxford and it is regretted that none will be available at
Christ Church. There is a multi-storey car park nearby, but delegates are
strongly encouraged to travel to Oxford by train or bus. The city centre
is compact with colleges, tourist attractions, bookstores etc all within
easy walking distance of each other and Christ Church.

Conference fees
ALLC/ACH member Non-member
Registration fee & full board #295/$590 #325/$650
Registration fee & meals #225/$450 #255/$510
Full board for partners #250/$500 #280/$560

Registration only #35/$70 #65/$130
Registration fee & full board #155/$310 #185/$370

Registrations after 15th February will be surcharged
#30/$60 #185/$370

Full board includes bed & all meals from 5-9 April. All prices except for
'Registration fee only' include the Conference Banquet.

Please note that no registrations will be accepted after March 23rd 1992.

Please address all enquiries to

Katy Cubitt
Centre for Humanities Computing
Oxford University Computing Service
13 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 6NN

Telephone: 44-865-273221 or (from within UK) 0865-273221
Fax: 44-865-273275 or (from within UK) 0865-273275

Please make sure that you give your name, full mailing address,
telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address with any enquiry.


Chair: Thomas Corns, University of Wales (ALLC)
Daniel Brink, Arizona State University (ACH)
Gordon Dixon, Manchester Polytechnic (ALLC)
Paul Fortier, University of Manitoba (ACH)
Jacqueline Hamesse, Universite Catholique Louvain-la-Neuve (ALLC)
Nancy Ide, Vassar College (ACH)
Randall Jones, Brigham Young University (ACH)
Donald Ross, University of Minnesota (ACH)
Antonio Zampolli, University of Pisa (ALLC)
Local organisers: Susan Hockey, St Cross College, Oxford and Princeton-Rutgers
Universities (ALLC)
Lou Burnard, Oxford University (ALLC, Programme Liaison)

Conference Administrator: Katy Cubitt


The conference will open with dinner at Christ Church on the evening of
Sunday 5 April, followed by a reception at St Cross College, Oxford.

It will be divided into three parallel streams of meetings with two plenary
seesions addressed by Bernard Quemada (Director of the Tresor de langue
francais) and Yorick Wilkes (Direcotr of the Computing Research Laboratory, New
Mexico State University)

The Conference banquet will be on the evening of Wednesday 9th April

--------------------MONDAY APRIL 6TH----------------------------------

09.15 Plenary Session
Welcome (Susan Hockey, Nancy Ides, Antonio Zampoli)

Plenary Lecture: Bernard Quemada

10.45 Coffee

11.15 --- Session 1---------

A : Panel: 'The Computers in Teaching Initiative: A Critical
Assessment', organised by Christine Mullings (University of Bath)

B : 'A History of New Words in OED2', Harry M. Logan (University of
B : 'Towards Bilingual Terminology', Eric Gaussier (IBM France
Science Center), Jean-Marc Lange (IBM France Science Center), Frederic
Meunier (ENSAE Toulouse)
B : 'Automating Drudgery - Computerizing the Dictionary of the Welsh
Language', Andrew Hawke (University of Wales)

C : 'Application of a Connectionist Model of Poetic Meter to Problems
in Generative Metrics', Malcolm Hayward (Indiana University of
C : 'Cladistic Analysis of an Old Norse Manuscript Tradition', Peter M. W.
Robinson (Oxford University Computing Service); Dr
Robert J. O'Hara (University of Wisconsin- Madison)
C : 'Scanning Dante's Divine Comedy. A Computer-Based Approach', David Robey
(University of Manchester)

12.45 Lunch

2.15 --- Session 2---------

A : 'Ordering Chaos in a Surrealist Poet-Painter with the Aid of a
Computer', Estelle Irizarry (Georgetown University)
A : 'Phrasal Repetends in Literary Stylistics', Ian Lancashire
(University of Toronto)
A : 'Chaos, Fractals, and the Semantics of Paradox', Gary Mar (SUNY
at Stony Brook), Patrick Grim (SUNY at Stony Brook)

B : 'A Grammar for Greek Verse', Jan R. de Jong (University of
B : 'Automatic Word Classification', John Hughes (University of Leeds, School
of Computer Studies)
B : 'A Latin Morphological Analyser', J.J. Iso (University of
Zaragoza), C. Floren (University of Zaragoza)

C : 'Hypermedia in the Teaching of Italian', Signe Marie Sanne
(Universitetet i Bergen)
C : 'Combining Connectionist and HyperText Techniques in the Study
of Texts: A HyperNet Approach to Literary Scholarship', Christian
Koch (Oberlin College)
C : 'The Challenge of Hypermedia Authoring in the 1990's', Wendy
Hall (University of Southampton), Frank Colson (University of

3.45pm Tea

4.15pm --- Session 3---------

A : 'A Method for the Analysis of the Narrative of the Cognitive Behaviours of
Speakers of Narrative Texts', Teresa Snelgrove
(University of Western Ontario)
A : 'A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Style in Beckett's Prose Works',
Lisa Lena Opas (University of Joensuu)
A : 'The Application of Computer Technology to the Examination of
the Semantic Fields of Love, Hate, Sex and Marriage', Julie
Coleman (King's College, London)

B : 'Quantifiers in Discourse', Rodolfo Delmonte (University of
Venice), Dario Bianchi (University of Parma)
B : 'Practical Automated Phonemic Transcription Systems', Michal
Jankowski (Adam Mickiewicz University)
B : 'Kanji Retrieval by Recursive Location of Elements Using
Hypertext', Anil Bhatia (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

C : 'A Literary Apprentice', Elli Mylonas (Harvard University), Mark
Bernstein (Eastgate Systems Inc.)
C : 'The Henrik Ibsen Project', Knut Hofland (Norwegian Computing
Centre for the Humanities), Kjell Morland (Norwegian Computing
Centre for the Humanities)
C : 'Hypermedia Narration: Providing Social Contexts for
Methodology', Lynnette Hunter (University of Leeds)

5.45 ACH AGM


9.15am --- Session 4---------

A : Panel: 'Patterns on the Pages. The Analysis and
Differentiation of Repeated Structures in Literary Texts',
Contributors: Joel D. Goldfield (Plymouth State College), John
Burrows (University of Newcastle, Australia), Greg Lessard,
Jean-Jacques Hamm (Queen's University)

B : Panel 'ADMYTE: Archivo Digital de Manuscritos y Textos
Espanoles: A CD-ROM Library (Texts and Images) of Medieval
Spanish Manuscripts and Early Printed Editions',
Contributors: Francisco Marcos-Marian (Universidad
Autoanoma de Madrid), Charles B. Faulhaber (University of
California, Berkeley), Gerardo Meiro (MICRONET, S.A. (Madrid))
John Bradley (University of Toronto)

C : 'Computing Iconicity Tony Jappy (University of Perpignan)
C : 'Water become Bone. Riddles and Computer Modelling of Knowledge
Structures', Charles J. Henry (Vassar College)
C : 'Computational Modelling of Linguistic Humour', Tom Swifties,
Greg Lessard (Queen's University), Michael Levison (Queen's University)

10.45am Coffee

11.15am --- Session 5---------

A : 'Multimedia Dictionary of American Sign Language', Sherman Wilcox
(University of New Mexico, Linstok Press), William C. Stokoe
(University of New Mexico, Linstok Press)
A : 'A Statistical Comparison of Medieval Gothic Cathedral
Elevations', Glenn Peter Luft (University of California, Davis),
Kevin Padraic Roddy (University of California, Davis)
A : 'Documenting Dances: an Application of Computer-Aided-Design for
the Implementation and Analysis of Labanotation Score', Andy
Adamson (University of Birmingham)

B : Panel: 'Aspects of Computerised Lexicography',
Contributors: D.M. O'Brien (STELLA Project, University of Glasgow), Irene A.
W.Wotherspoon (University of Glasgow)

C : 'A Study in Style: Oral Rhetoric, Rhetoric, and Literature', James Benjamin
(University of Toledo), Barbaranne J. Benjamin
(University of Toledo)
C : 'A Prototype Semi-Automatic Laboratory for Indexing,
Classification, and Analysis of Texts', Hillel Weiss (Bar Ilan
C : 'Text-Editing Software: a Homonym Checker', Elaine C. Thiesmeyer
(Rochester Institute of Technology)

12.45 Lunch

A: Panel: New methods in historical computing. Contributors: Donald A. Spaeth
(University of Glasgow), Gerard Bouchard Bouchard (SOREP Inter-University
Research Center, Quebec), Ingo H. Kropac (Karl-Franzens-Universitaet), Susanne
Botzem (Karl-Franzens-Uni versitaet Graz)

B : Panel: 'Tact, Textual Analysis, and the Electronic Edition',
organised by Willard McCarty (University of Toronto)

C : 'The Rhetoric of Hypertext, the Hypertext of Rhetoric', Lee
Baker (High Point College)
C : 'The Routledge Encyclopaedia Project: Indexing Tools and
Management Techniques for Large Documents', Eugene
Benson (University of Guelph), Les R. Dunn (University of

3.45pm Tea

4.15pm --- Session 7---------

A : 'Questionable Attribution in the Canon of Daniel Defoe: A Study
of Techniques', David L. Banks (Carnegie Mellon University),
Joseph Rudman (Carnegie Mellon University)
A : 'Intention, Interpretation, Intelligibility: Computerized
Research in Canonical Texts', Douglas A. Kibbee (University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Robert Alun Jones (University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
A : 'Author Identification by an Objective Verbal Analysis Procedure',
John L. Hilton (Brigham Young University)

B : Panel: 'The ICE Project',
Contributors: And Rosta (University College London), Hans van
Halteren (University of Nijmegen)

C : 'On the Design of Textbase Environments', Kip Canfield
(University of Maryland), Robert Scott (University of Maryland),
Clay Slate (Navajo Community College)
C : 'Modularity, Professionality, Integration: a Conception
Revisited', Wilhelm Ott (Universitat Tubingen)
C : 'Encoding and Editing', John Lavagnino (Brandeis University)

5.45pm close

8.30pm TEI Status Report

--------------WEDNESDAY APRIL 8TH------------------------------------

09.15 --- Session 8---------

A : 'Thomas Hobbes and Authorship of the Horae Subsecivae', Noel B.
Reynolds (Brigham Young University), John L. Hilton (Brigham
Young University)
A : 'Authorship Attribution', L.A. Thirkell (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
A : 'The Laughter of the Lion: a Stylometric Study of Thucydides',
Richard A.G.Williams (King's College, London)

B : Panel: 'The British National Corpus', organised by Jeremy Clear (Oxford
University Press)

C : 'Cultural Contact and Chiming: Building an Online Community',
Boyd H. Davis (University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
Charlotte, NC 28223), Jeutonne P. Brewer (University of North
Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27412)
C : 'Research tools for Modern Greek', John B Burke (University of
C : 'Un "Turbo-Analyseur" du Francais', Christian Delcourt
(Universite de Liege)

10.45am Coffee

11.15am --- Session 9---------

A : 'Reading in Revolutionary Times: Book Borrowing from the Harvard
College Library, 1773-1800', Mark Olsen (University of Chicago),
Louis-Georges Harvey (Bishop's University)
A : 'The Alumni Cantabrigienses Project: Methods and Preliminary
Results', John L. Dawson (University of Cambridge)
A : 'Norwegian Diachronic Database of Administrative Units', Espen S.
Ore (Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities)

B : 'Using a Relational Database for Research on the "Real Time"
Dimension in Acadian French', Karin Flikeid (Saint Mary's
University, Halifax)
B : 'Outline of a Model for Lexical Databases', Jean Veronis (CNRS,
Marseilles), Nancy Ide (Vassar College)
B : 'BELTEXT : Une Base de Donnees sur le Francais en
Belgique', Janine Delcourt-Angelique (Universite de

C : 'A General-Purpose Hierarchical Coding Engine', Paul Craven (York
University (Canada))
C : 'The Text Encoding Initiative and German and English Lyric
Verse', David Chisholm (University of Arizona)
C : 'Extending SGML Concurrent Structures: towards a Document Type
Definition for Meta-Dictionaries', John Fought (University of
Pennsylvania), Carol Van Ess-Dykema, Marcia Wesler, Heather Davenport

12.45pm Lunch

2.15pm --- Session 10---------

A : 'Towards the Automatic Identification of Cognitive Clusters in
Free-Formed Student Databases', Lawrence G. Hopperton (Ontario
Institute for Studies in Education), Patricia J. Probert
(Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)
A : 'Automated Developmental Sentence Scoring: a Method for
Evaluating Syntactic Complexity In Written Language', Laura
Barnett (University of Dundee), Ian Ricketts (University of
Dundee), Corinne Morris (University of Dundee)
A : 'Specialized Computing for Linguistic Geography', William A.
Kretzschmar, Jr. (University of Georgia), Jay Lee (University of

B : 'Data Description Rule and Full-text Database for Japanese
Classical Literature', Hisashi Yasunaga (National Institute of
Japanese Literature)
B : 'A Retrospective Database of the Annee philologique', Dee
L. Clayman (Brooklyn College and the Graduate School, City
University of New York)
B : 'A Corpus of Italian Newspaper Language', Elisabeth Burr
(Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Duisburg)

C : 'Overlapping Hierarchies of Text Objects: Refining our Notion of
what Text really is', Allen H. Renear (Brown University), David G.
Durand (Boston University), Elli Mylonas (Harvard University)
C : 'New Character-Sets and Entities: their Use in Non-Modern
English Text Files', Harry E. Gaylord (Alfa Informatica, University of
C : 'TEI still stunts Scholarship', Gordon Neal (University of

3.45pm Tea

4.15pm Plenary Session

Plenary lecture: Yorick Wilks


7.30 Banquet

------------------THURSDAY APRIL 9TH--------------------------------------
9.15am --- Session 11---------

A : Panel: 'Electronic Publishing', organised by Roy C Flannagan (Ohio

B : Panel: 'The Pilot Project of the Electronic Peirce Consortium',
Contributors: Michael Neuman (Georgetown University), Mary
Keeler (George Washington University), Christian Kloesel

10.45am Coffee

11.15am --- Session 12---------

A : Panel: 'Electronic Texts: Policy, Acceptability, and Control',
Contributors: Malcolm Brown (Dartmouth College), Susan Hockey (Center for
Electronic Texts in the Humanities), Anita Lowry (Columbia

B : Panel: 'Image Databases and Image Processing: Problems and
Contributors: Marilyn Deegan (Oxford University Computing
Services), Gerhard Jaritz (Institut fuer Realienkunde des
Mittelalters und der Fruehen Neuzeit), ICONCLASS Research and
Development Group (Vakgroep Computer and Letteren,
Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht)

12.45 Formal close (Susan Hockey, Nancy Ide, Mike Neuman)