5.0575 Qs: (General) (4/72)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 13 Jan 1992 22:05:05 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0575. Monday, 13 Jan 1992.

(1) Date: Mon, 6 Jan 92 13:54:08 EST (21 lines)
From: david j reimer f <dreimer4@mach1.wlu.ca>
Subject: "B.C.E." again

(2) Date: 6 Jan 92 16:03:02 MST (24 lines)
From: "Randall Jones" <JONESR@jkhbhrc.byu.edu>

(3) Date: Thu, 9 Jan 92 0:59:44 EST (10 lines)
From: lenoblem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Lenoble Michel)
Subject: Florida State University e-address

(4) Date: Thu, 09 Jan 92 10:19:31 GMT (17 lines)
From: Rainer Henrich <K145310@CZHRZU1A>
Subject: Question: empty-handed more Parthorum

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 92 13:54:08 EST
From: david j reimer f <dreimer4@mach1.wlu.ca>
Subject: "B.C.E." again

A little while ago we had some discussion on the origin of the
designations "B.C.E./C.E." (Before the Common Era/Common Era), used
as value-free replacements for the traditional B.C./A.D.

My question has to do not with origins, but with current opinions and
use of these designations. A colleague of mine informs me that in the
Arab world -- or at least in some parts -- these "value-free"
replacements are regarded as Israeli/American. Do others have
experience of this? How is this innovation regarded by our European

Thanks for your thoughts on this question.
David J. Reimer, Religion & Culture          Phone: (519) 884-1970 x2680
Wilfrid Laurier University                           Fax: (519) 886-9351
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5        Internet: dreimer4@mach1.wlu.ca
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------41----
Date:     6 Jan 92 16:03:02 MST
From: "Randall Jones"  <JONESR@jkhbhrc.byu.edu>
I have a very bright bright student who just completed an M.A. in
German and is looking for a Ph.D. program in the U.S. or Canada that
will allow her to combine an interest in German linguisitics/philology
with second language acquisition.  She realizes that the application
deadline for 1992 is fast approaching, and as a matter of fact she
has already made application to a couple of schools, but she is
concerned that there are other good programs out there that she is not
aware of.
If anyone has recommendations I would appreciate hearing about them.
Randall L. Jones, Dean
College of Humanities
2054 JKHB
Brigham Young Univerity
Provo, Utah 84602
Bitnet: hrcjones@byuvm
Internet: jonesr@jkhbhrc.byu.edu
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------31----
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 92 0:59:44 EST
From: lenoblem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Lenoble Michel)
Subject: Florida State University e-address
I am trying to contact Laurin A. Wollan, Jr, Associate Professor
of Criminology at Florida State University. Does any HUMANIST
have his e-mail address at hand?
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Michel Lenoble           |
Litterature Comparee     |        NOUVELLE ADRESSE - NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS
Universite de Montreal   |        --->   lenoblem@ere.umontreal.ca
C.P. 6128, Succ. "A"     |
MONTREAL (Quebec)        |        Tel.: (514) 288-3916
Canada - H3C 3J7         |
======================================================================== 24
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 92 10:19:31 GMT
From:         Rainer Henrich <K145310@CZHRZU1A>
Subject: Question: empty-handed more Parthorum
In a German letter written in 1536 a South German town-clerk says:
"in order to approach you not empty handed more Parthorum (I send a gift)".
I suppose that this might be an allusion to a historical event, but I could not
find the source. Can you help?
Rainer Henrich, lic. theol.
Institut fuer Schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte
Theologisches Seminar der Universitaet Zuerich
Kirchgasse 9
8001 Zuerich