5.0550 Jobs (3/133)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 24 Dec 1991 13:28:13 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0550. Tuesday, 24 Dec 1991.
(1) Date: Fri, 20 Dec 91 09:37:19 EST (55 lines)
From: Brad Westbrook <BWESTBRO@KENTVM>
Subject: Position Posting -- Technical Services Curator
(2) Date: Mon, 23 Dec 91 12:57:42 MST (25 lines)
From: "don l. f. nilsen" <ATDFN@ASUACAD>
(3) Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1991 13:32 EST (53 lines)
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: grants -- cognitive science
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 91 09:37:19 EST
From: Brad Westbrook <BWESTBRO@KENTVM>
Subject: Position Posting
Kent State University
Libraries and Media Services
Notice of Professional Vacancy
Kent State University Libraries and Media Services seeks an energetic,
highly-m otivated, and service-oriented associate curator to coordinate
technical servic es in the Department of Special Collections and
BACKGROUND: Kent State University is a residential university in
northeastern Ohio with an enrollment of more than 24,000 students and
with a faculty of 700 . University Libraries and Media Services holds
memberships in the Association for Research Libraries, the Center for
Research Libraries, and NEOMARL, a regi onal consortium of ten academic
and research libraries. Libraries and Media Se rvices has a collection
of more than 1.7 million volumes and 8,000 active seria l subscriptions.
RESPONSIBILITIES: This position oversees and performs activities
related to th e acquisition, cataloging, and servicing of research
materials in the Departmen t of Special Collections and Archives, with
an emphasis on rare book and manusc ript cataloging, and management of
the department's automation program. The po sition also assists in the
day-to-day operation of the Department of Special Co llections and
QUALIFICATIONS: 1) Required: ALA-accredited M.L.S.; effective
interpersonal an d communications skills; background in special
collections or archives administ ration; background in cataloging;
knowledge of library automation as it applies to technical services
SALARY, RANK, AND BENEFITS: Reports to the Curator of Special
Collections and Archives. This is a twelve-month tenure-track faculty
position. Academic rank and salary are commensurate with education and
experience. Minimum salary: $ 25,000. Benefits include generous
vacation and sick leave; life, dental, and h ealth insurance; and
tuition waiver for self, spouse, and children.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Letter of application, resume, and the names and
addres ses of three references should be sent to:
Mark W. Weber
Director of Staff Services
Kent State University Libraries and Media Services
Kent, Ohio 44242-0001
DEADLINE: Application materials must be postmarked not later than 1
March 1992 .
Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employee
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------30----
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 91 12:57:42 MST
From: "don l. f. nilsen" <ATDFN@ASUACAD>
APPLIED LINGUISTICS/TESL. Associate Professor. Position begins August,
1992. Initial two courses/semester: some TESl program administration. Competi
tive salary. Teaching opportunities at both graduate and undergraduate
level. Specialization open. Ph.D. in Linguistics, Applied Linguistics,
TESL or other relevant discipline. Research and teaching qualifications
commensurate with rank. Interest and expertise in psycholinguistics,
language acquisition, testing/statistics, or reading theory desired.
Application deadline February 15, 1992, or the first of each month
thereafter until filled. Send letter of application, current CV, and
names of at least three references to Don L. F. Nilsen, Search Committee
Chair, Department of English, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
85287-0302. All applications acknowledged. EO/AA
=-) ;-> 8*) {^_^}
Don L. F. Nilsen
<ATDFN@ASUACAD.BITNET>, (602) 965-7592
Executive Secretary
International Society for Humor Studies
English Department
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0302
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------57----
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1991 13:32 EST
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: grants
From: <uszkoreit@coli.uni-sb.de> "Hans Uszkoreit"
Grants for Pre- and Postdoctoral Studies in Saarbrucken
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Association)
has approved funding for an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program
(Graduiertenkolleg) in Cognitive Science. The funding includes a number
of stipends for predoctoral studies and a few postdoctoral grants.
Further information may be obtained by writing to the chair of the
program Prof. Dr. Werner Tack (EMAIL: werner@gandalf.cops.uni-sb.de).
Attached please find the official call for applications:
--- Empirie, Modellbildung, Implementation ---
An der Universitaet des Saarlandes besteht ab 1992 ein Graduiertenkolleg
zur Kognitionswissenschaft, das von Professoren der Analytischen
Philosophie, der Kuenstlichen Intelligenz, der Computerlinguistik und der
Kognitiven Psychologie getragen wird, und an dem das Deutsche
Forschungszentrum fur Kuenstliche Intelligenz beteiligt ist.
Voraussetzung fuer eine Zulassung zum Kolleg als Doktorand oder
Postdoktorand ist neben einem ersten Studienabschluss in einem
einschlaegigen Studienfach die ueberdurchschnittliche Qualifikation der
Bewerberinnen und Bewerber. Doktoranden sollen hoechstens 28 Jahre und
Postdoktoranden hoechstens 35 Jahre alt sein. Den Kollegiaten werden
Wissen und Fertigkeiten vermittelt, die sowohl fuer wissenschaftliche und
berufspraktische Arbeit an Fragen intelligenten Verhaltens im Rahmen der
Kognitionswissenschaft als auch fuer Aufgaben in den jeweiligen
Ausgangsdisziplinen qualifizieren. Fuer einen Teil der Kollegiaten stehen
Stipendien fuer die Dauer von hoechstens 3 Jahren zur Verfuegung.
Bewerbungen fuer die Aufnahme zu Beginn des Sommersemesters 1992 sind
moeglichst sofort, jedoch spaetestens bis zum 13. Maerz 1992 moeglich,
Bewerbungen fuer eine Aufnahme zum Wintersemester 1992/93 bis zum
15. August 1992. Naehere Informationen beim Sprecher des
Graduiertenkollegs Kognitionswissenschaft, Prof. Dr. Werner H. Tack,
Universitaet, Bau 1, D-6600 Saarbruecken 11.
Hans Uszkoreit, Comput.Ling., Univ.of Saarbruecken, 66 Saarbruecken 11, FRG
uszkoreit@coli.uni-sb.de - phone: +49(681)302-4115 - fax: +49(681)302-4351