5.0509 Rs: Hypertext; Survey; Icon; Greek Dictionary (6/115)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Fri, 6 Dec 1991 18:36:45 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0509. Friday, 6 Dec 1991.

(1) Date: Thu, 5 Dec 91 16:52:06 -0800 (21 lines)
From: Tom Maddox <tmaddox@milton.u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: 5.0500 On Hypertext

(2) Date: Fri, 06 Dec 91 08:53:52 CST (17 lines)
From: slatin@utxvm.cc.utexas.edu
Subject: Re: 5.0500 On Hypertext

(3) Date: Fri, 06 Dec 91 10:01:38 EST (16 lines)
From: CC017106@BROWNVM
Subject: The Questionable Survey

(4) Date: Fri, 6 Dec 91 00:29:02 EST (25 lines)
Subject: 5.0503 N&Qs: Icons;

(5) Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1991 15:39 EST (24 lines)
From: Jim Wilderotter -- Georgetown Center for Text and
Technology <WILDER@GUVAX>
Subject: "Icon"

(6) Date: Fri, 6 Dec 91 14:49:48 EST (12 lines)
From: dthel@conncoll.bitnet
Subject: Greek Dictionary

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 91 16:52:06 -0800
From: Tom Maddox <tmaddox@milton.u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: 5.0500 On Hypertext (3/96)

As I got some very helpful replies to my own questions about existing
hypertext, let me offer the following: for poetry, William Dickey has some
extremely interesting work done in Hypercard--he used to be on this list, I
believe; if he does not pop up, send me e-mail, and I'll tell you how to get
in touch with him; for fiction, Michael Joyce's "Afternoon" is available
as a self-contained Storyspace reader from Eastgate in Cambridge, Mass--damn,
I thought I had their address and phone number here, but I don't--they also
publish some other hyperfiction and non-fiction; also, a journal called
_Writing on the Edge_ did a special issue that includes hypertexts and
hypercritical (if you see what I mean) responses--very much worth looking at,
if you're interested in literary issues surrounding hypertext (in which case
you should also look at Delany and Landow, _Hypermedia and Literary Studies_,
MIT Press, 1990).

If anyone is interested, I'll follow up with some addresses; unless,
that is, someone else picks up this particular ball and does something with
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------19----
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 91 08:53:52 CST
From: slatin@utxvm.cc.utexas.edu
Subject: Re: 5.0500 On Hypertext (3/96)

Sean Carton asks about hypertext/hypermedia fiction, poetry, etc.: Eastgate
Systems, in Cambridge (Mass.), publishers of StorySpace (the Mac hypertext
package), also publishes hypertext fictions, including, e.g., Michael
Joyce's _Afternoon_. You might contact Joyce directly-- he's at the Center
for Narrative and Technology, Jackson Community College, Jackson MI; Stuart
Moulthrop, now at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, has been doing some interesting
work on hypertext in both theory and practice, as has Jay David Bolter,
author of _Writing Space_ (Lawrence Erlbaum, 1991); Bolter is also at
Georgia Tech. John McDaid at NYIT has been working for years on a
hypermedia fiction. The Spring 1991 issue of Writing on the Edge includes
a section on hypertext (guest-edited by Moulthrop) and including a couple
of hypertext fictions.

(3) --------------------------------------------------------------19----
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 91 10:01:38 EST
From: CC017106@BROWNVM
Subject: The Questionable Survey

Regarding the survey on gays and lesbians in academia, I too had serious
misgivings, which I shared personal with Lcrew@andromeda, and those misgivings
are not laid to rest. As I read the survey, and memory may be failing me,
since I don't have it in front of me, it didn't ask for how many gays/lesbians
are there in academia, rather how many so-called 'outs' were. These would be
individuals who are presumably completely public about their sexual preferences
. (And I agree with the criticism, "so what--what is the relevance to one's
teaching,etc.?") Thus, it was with surprise that questions concerning the
likelihood of ones knowledge being accurate followed. What could be the
bearing of such a question in this case?
Don Keefer
Rhode Island School of Design
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------29----
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 91 00:29:02 EST
Subject: 5.0503 N&Qs: Icons; Renaut de Beaujeu e-texts (2/24)

> A colleague who works in Byzantine art history is interested in all uses
> of the word icon. She would like to know exactly who started using it for
> computer "icons", and when and precisely why (is it just a cute word for
> "picture," or is there more to it?). Can anyone help?
In "Sophist" 235b et seq Plato has Socrates distinguish
between the making of copies exact in all proportions,
colors, etc., which are called icons, and semblances
which *appear* to be the things represented but are
not actually identical to them and are called phantasms.
This couple of pp I find a fascinating introduction to
the difficulties underlying so many discussions of
representation and imitation.
I presume the worship of icons (Russian Orthodox, for
example, not Silicon Valley Low Church) rests on the
notion that the icon is somehow perfect and not
fantasmagorical--or even metaphorical. In that usage,
then, computer icons are misnamed. A cute picture of
an ashcan is not a memory wipe.

(5) --------------------------------------------------------------29----
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1991 15:39 EST
From: Jim Wilderotter -- Georgetown Center for Text and
Technology <wilder@guvax>
Subject: "Icon"

According to _The_Roots_of_English_ by Robert Claiborne (p. 257),
the term "Icon" is derived from the root "Weik" (in see root: Weik-3).
The exact entry reads:

WEIK-3, to be like, whence Gk eikon, image, whence the
religious IKON and ICONOCLAST who is an "image breaker"
(see: Loose Cannons and Red Herrings: A Book of Lost Metaphors.
New York: Norton [1988])

Hope this is what you're looking for.

Jim Wilderotter
Georgetown University


For those of you who are interested:

Claiborne, Robert. The Roots of English.
New York: Time Books (Random House Books) [1989]
(6) --------------------------------------------------------------16----
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 91 14:49:48 EST
From: dthel@conncoll.bitnet
Subject: Greek Dictionary

Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but to my knowledge the only e-version
of a dictionary for ancient Greek is the one that is part of the Perseus
project being developed at Harvard. As many Humanist subscribers are no doubt
aware this is a hypetext project comprising texts of Greek works, translations
of these works, archaeological drawings, photogaphs of sites, and so on. The
intermediate Liddell-Scott lexicon, which has no copyright restrictions, is
also included. Whether it would save any time over flipping pages is not
something I can answer. Dirk t.D.Held, Connecticut College.