5.0493 Survey re Lesbian and Gay Faculty (1/54)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 3 Dec 1991 20:43:46 EST

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0493. Tuesday, 3 Dec 1991.

Date: Mon, 2 Dec 91 22:59:14 EST
From: Louie.Crew@andromeda.rutgers.edu,
Subject: A survey

Please send me private email completing this Faculty Survey.
Do not post to the list. Thank you in advance for your
cooperation. Louie Crew

Faculty Survey

[In this query, 'out' means 'anyone who has revealed lesgay
sexual orientation at the institution.' -lc]

My Institutions:________________ City/State..__________________
Approximate no. of full-time students at all levels:____________
My Department:__________________ Approximate no. of majors_____
My rank/position:_______________________________________________

W/i my department, I estimate:

(Please fill in blanks with numbers.)

Re: female colleagues

____ 'out' lesbians among the ____ female full professors
____ 'out' lesbians among the ____ female associate professors
____ 'out' lesbians among the ____ female assistant professors
____ 'out' lesbians among the ____ female full-time faculty below assist.

Re: male colleagues

____ 'out' gay males among the ____ male full professors
____ 'out' gay males among the ____ male associate professors
____ 'out' gay males among the ____ male assistant professors
____ 'out' lesbians/gays among the ____ full-time faculty below assist.

I consider myself:

(Please check)

____ less likely than most other colleagues to know the sexual
orientation of lesgay colleagues.
____ about as likely as most other colleagues to know the sexual
orientation of lesgay colleagues.
____ more likely than most other colleagues to know the sexual orientation
of lesgay colleagues.

Please send me a copy of the results of this study. ___Yes ___ No

Thank you in advance for your response.

I would appreciate your posting this query on other forums.

Louie Crew, Assoc. Prof., Academic Foundations Dept., Rutgers U./NWK 07102