5.0239 Qs: Classical Clip Art; Berkeley; ... (6/82)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Fri, 19 Jul 1991 11:36:35 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0239. Friday, 19 Jul 1991.

(1) Date: Wed, 17 Jul 91 11:50:36 CST (11 lines)
From: Oliver Phillips <PHILLIPS@UKANVM>
Subject: Classical Clip Art

(2) Date: Wed, 17 Jul 91 17:24 BST (13 lines)
Subject: George Berkeley

(3) Date: Thu, 18 Jul 91 15:44 GMT (13 lines)
Subject: Mac Grammar Checkers

(4) Date: Thu, 18 Jul 91 19:27:50 -0400 (9 lines)
From: jdg@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Joel D. Goldfield)
Subject: "Query about crosswords"

(5) Date: 19 Jul 91 10:31:36 EST (14 lines)
From: "Dr. Ruth Mazo Karras" <RKARRAS@PENNSAS.UPENN.EDU>
Subject: query: gender & anthropology

(6) Date: Wed, 17 Jul 91 00:42 EDT (22 lines)
From: Michel LENOBLE <LENOBLEM@umtlvr.bitnet>
Subject: e-addresses

(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 91 11:50:36 CST
From: Oliver Phillips <PHILLIPS@UKANVM>
Subject: Classical Clip Art

My colleague Stanley Lombardo asks me to inquire about Mac-compatible
clip art with Classical motifs: vase paintings, borders, etc. Is there
a vendor?

Oliver Phillips
Classics, University of Kansas
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------23----
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 91 17:24 BST
Subject: George Berkeley

information requested re: MS letters by or to George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne

This request is posted on behalf of David Berman, Philosophy Dept. Trinity
College, Dublin. Reply to me and I will forward

David Barry

UBJV649@uk.ac.bbk.cu (This is a JANET address)
(3) --------------------------------------------------------------21----
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 91 15:44 GMT
Subject: Mac Grammar Checkers

Could any recommend one of the Grammar Checker Software Packages for
the Mac? One of our Korean postgraduates has become convinced that
this is what she needs to help her finish the draft of her PhD thesis.
Anyone any suggestions?
With thanks,
School of English
The Queen's University of Belfast
(4) --------------------------------------------------------------19----
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 91 19:27:50 -0400
From: jdg@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Joel D. Goldfield)
Subject: "Query about crosswords"

Can anyone recommend software which will automatically construct crossword
puzzle configurations from lists of words?

Joel D. Goldfield
(5) --------------------------------------------------------------18----
Date: 19 Jul 91 10:31:36 EST
From: "Dr. Ruth Mazo Karras" <RKARRAS@PENNSAS.UPENN.EDU>
Subject: query: gender & anthropology

I am currently revising an article on "Servitude and Sexuality in Medieval
Iceland." The comparative material I am using is all historical: mainly
New World slavery. The editor has suggested that I also make use of
non-European, contemporary comparative material, and suggested Henrietta
Moore, _Feminism and Anthropology_. Does anyone else have any suggestions?
What I am looking for is anything that deals with sexual access to
subordinate women, whatever their legal status.

You can respond to me at RKARRAS@PENNSAS.UPENN.EDU or to the list. Thanks.
Ruth Karras
(6) --------------------------------------------------------------32----
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 91 00:42 EDT
From: Michel LENOBLE <LENOBLEM@umtlvr.bitnet>
Subject: e-addresses

I am trying to contact the following people, all active in the
field of literary criticism and the computer. I would be glad to
get their e-address.

- Alain Vuillemin (Comparative literature research center - Sorbonne)
- Bernard Gicquel (??University of Maine??)
- J.-P. Balpe


Michel Lenoble
Litterature Comparee
Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ. "A"
Canada - H3C 3J7
E-MAIL: lenoblem@cc.umontreal.ca
Tel.: (514) 288-3916